
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2015-07-06 in Wood Green with a green tutu.

Wood Green Whirl: A Green Tutu Adventure!

Post #6942

Hey darlings! Emma here, back from a delightful little jaunt to Wood Green! This weekend, I swapped my usual ballet pink for a vibrant emerald green tutu and a dash of city charm, and it was a whirl of a good time!

For those of you who don't know, Wood Green is a charming little corner of North London. It's got this lovely community feel, with cute little independent shops and buzzing markets. I felt like I'd stepped back in time, in a good way, you know? And speaking of stepping back in time... ballet!

Wood Green's Secret Ballet Gem

I discovered the most fabulous dance studio tucked away in a cobblestone street. "The Little Tutu," as it was called, had this vintage sign that just screamed "come on in!" My heart skipped a beat – you just never know where you'll stumble upon a hidden ballet haven, and that's what makes travelling so magical, darling!

It wasn't just the gorgeous setting. "The Little Tutu" had a lovely old-world feel to it. They still had proper wooden barres and a grand piano! (Can you even imagine, it was heaven!) I even got to meet their resident tabby cat, Princess Fluffyboots, who perched on the piano with her fluffy tail twitching with each note. The studio had a small troupe who invited me to join their ballet class. It was the most delightful experience! I felt like I was back in my early days at the Derbyshire Ballet School, all those years ago.

A Trip Down Memory Lane

It wasn't just the ballet that brought back those early memories, darling! After class, I decided to treat myself to a bite to eat. I popped into this quaint little tea room with a checkered tablecloth and a window overlooking the cobbled street. As I sat down with a cuppa and a scone, I felt transported back to my grandma's kitchen in Derbyshire. It felt like stepping back in time - the familiar scent of tea and baking, the soft hum of chatter from the other patrons. It was just the dose of comfort and nostalgia I needed after my little ballet adventure.

Bringing the Pink Back

Speaking of nostalgia, you know, darling, my life's dream is for every single one of you to try ballet. Don't worry about those first wobbly steps or feeling out of place! Remember, we all started somewhere. Ballet is more than just elegant leaps and graceful spins – it's a journey of self-discovery, a world of artistry and a community of incredible people. Just like my wonderful dancers at "The Little Tutu", I want to spread the joy of movement and create a world filled with graceful steps, delicate pirouettes and… naturally, lots and lots of pink tutus!

Green With Envy... At the Green Dragon!

Now, even though I adore my pink, sometimes it's nice to branch out and explore a different colour! Which is why I ended my day at the Green Dragon pub, a truly quirky little place tucked away behind a sprawling flower shop. It's the perfect example of how Wood Green perfectly blends the traditional with a touch of quirky – imagine cobbled streets and cobwebby lampposts mixed with independent cafes and quirky craft shops. The perfect mix of old-world charm and a modern, hipster vibe.

They have a menu filled with classic British pub fare. The highlight, of course, was their Green Dragon Salad – imagine lettuce, cucumbers, olives, and… wait for it… edible flower petals. Absolutely delicious! It tasted like sunshine in a bowl.

A Weekend Fit for a Ballerina!

Honestly, my trip to Wood Green was absolutely enchanting. A blend of ballet bliss, historical charm, and a touch of playful whimsy, it reminded me why I love exploring the world through the lens of my ballet slippers and… of course, my trusty pink tutu! And remember darlings, every city, every town, holds hidden gems just waiting to be discovered!

Until next time,

Your forever dancing friend,

P.S. Did I mention I met a beautiful white horse on my train journey? It's got to be a good omen, right? πŸ˜‰ Maybe a sign to go back for a gallop through the London streets!

#TutuBlog 2015-07-06 in Wood Green with a green tutu.