Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2015-07-27 in Droitwich with a american style tutu.

Droitwich Delight: Tutu-ing Around with a Pink Dream

#TutuBlog - Post #6963

Hello darlings! It’s Emma here, and you’ve caught me in a pink whirlwind of excitement as I get ready to share another fabulous adventure! This time, I've traded the rolling Derbyshire hills for the charming town of Droitwich Spa – a little gem in Worcestershire known for its salt, its beauty, and most importantly, its tutu-ready atmosphere!

As you know, I'm always on the lookout for a place to spin and twirl, and Droitwich certainly fit the bill. I mean, let’s face it, what's more enchanting than a town nestled amidst the gentle greenery, with a historic salt museum just waiting to be explored, and a little theatre tucked away for those moments when the desire for dramatic performance takes over?

But this wasn't just any ordinary jaunt; I was on a mission! My love for all things ballet (and you know I have a deep love for ballet, my darlings!) inspired me to visit Droitwich in search of inspiration – ballet-themed inspiration. And let me tell you, the hunt was a delight!

My journey started at the Droitwich Spa railway station – you simply cannot beat a train journey! As the steam engine chugged and puffed, it filled the carriage with a wonderful scent of steam and the promise of an incredible day. There was something romantic about seeing the countryside fly by through the window while feeling the rhythmic rattle of the train carriage; a perfect start to any tutu-clad adventure!

Of course, I couldn’t go on a pilgrimage without my pink tulle companion. This time, it was a magnificent American-style tutu, which was extra fluffy, making each turn a mini-explosion of pink joy! It’s always been my philosophy – more is more! The wider the tulle, the better, and the pinker, the brighter! And let's be honest, there’s never a wrong time for a bit of pink, is there?

After the invigorating journey, my pink ballet dreams led me to the Salt Museum, a treasure trove of historical magic. I just knew the Victorian architecture and the tales of Droitwich's salty past would set my imagination aflame. As I strolled through the exhibits, learning about the town’s long and fascinating association with salt, I imagined delicate tutus and elegant ballerinas swaying with the gentle currents of a salty sea. I felt the connection between the salt crystals and the beautiful grace of ballet - a symphony of strength, fluidity, and delicate movement!

Of course, I couldn't leave without getting a little bit of salt magic for myself. I even found myself getting tempted to sample a salty bath for an extra pinch of Droitwich magic. Imagine, a relaxing salt bath while contemplating a new choreography – utter perfection!

From the historical depths of the salt mines, I journeyed to the heart of Droitwich – its theatre, the "Droitwich Spa Lido Theatre" (quite a mouthful, I know, but definitely worth a try to pronounce!). This adorable little venue has a big personality; it’s full of vibrant stories just waiting to be shared! I was captivated by the building’s character and the whispers of all the actors and performers who graced its stage over the years.

And that’s not even mentioning the theatre's unique history, my darlings! This tiny beauty has hosted incredible talents, including ballet and opera. Just imagine those fabulous, talented, dancers gracefully moving through their routines on those very boards. Every step, every turn, each arabesque filled with stories and dreams… How can a tutu girl resist?

But here’s the best part - I had the absolute privilege of stepping onto the stage myself, twirling in my beautiful American-style pink tutu, just for the pure joy of it! As the spotlight bathed me in warm light, I let out my inner prima ballerina, swaying and leaping in a joyous dance, filled with all the wonderful things about Droitwich and the power of pink.

From the captivating stories at the museum, the thrill of a dramatic stage, and the whimsical charm of the town, I have to admit – Droitwich gave me that perfect dose of ballet inspiration. This town is an absolute treasure trove for tutu girls, and if you ever find yourself with a need for a little ballet-infused adventure, don’t forget to stop by!

And who knows, perhaps my American-style pink tutu inspired a few of the locals to give ballet a try! Just maybe, with a little sprinkle of pink magic and a lot of passion, the whole of Droitwich will become a haven for ballet lovers. That would truly be a dream come true – and I would certainly wear my favourite pink tutu every day!

Remember darlings, stay pink, stay sassy, and don’t ever stop dancing! And while you're at it, don't forget to visit www.pink-tutu.com to join me on more of these amazing journeys, one tutu, one town, and one adventure at a time. Until next time! xx

#TutuBlog 2015-07-27 in Droitwich with a american style tutu.