Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2015-09-07 in Cambridge with a pink tutu.

Cambridge Calling: Tutu Tales and Pink Perfection (Post #7005)

Hello my darlings! It's your favourite Derbyshire girl Emma, back with a brand new blog post straight from the heart of Cambridge!

This week, my love of pink and tutus took me on a whirlwind adventure, by train, of course, because you all know I adore a good steamy journey. Cambridge, with its historic streets, quaint bridges and glorious architecture, was the perfect backdrop for my pink-tinted escapade.

From the moment I stepped onto platform one, my senses were alive with excitement. I even spotted a handsome chap wearing a pink shirt! You know how much I love a man who appreciates a dash of pink - just like my favourite ballerina shoes, which were sparkling even more than usual today, I'd had a bit of a special pink polish applied this morning!

Once I'd settled into my cosy train carriage (complete with an excellent selection of delicious, mini, strawberry tarts - a treat for my sweet tooth!), I put on my headphones and played my favourite ballet soundtrack, allowing the rhythmic tunes to carry me away on a dreamy journey to Cambridge.

As the train pulled into Cambridge station, the smell of fresh air and the chatter of local accents welcomed me with open arms. The historic cobbled streets called to me like a sweet melody. I couldn't wait to explore every nook and cranny, searching for inspiration for my pink tutu wardrobe and, of course, to find the perfect ballet studio for a private lesson!

My first stop was a quaint tea shop where I had a delicious, very pink, afternoon tea. You'd be surprised how many places use pink in their interiors these days - my fellow tutu lovers, you have much to celebrate! I was even presented with a charming porcelain ballerina figurine to grace my home.

Feeling refreshed, I wandered through the vibrant market, soaking up the local colours and sounds. The energy was electrifying, with so many people going about their daily lives, bustling and happy.

After my wander, my eyes were drawn to the University Library, its imposing presence a stark contrast to the dainty little tea room I had enjoyed. You see, in life, my darling girls, just as there are two sides to every story, there are two sides to fashion, to beauty and to life. I believe we need to embrace them both, just like we need to wear black alongside pink, tutus alongside jeans! And in Cambridge, I was lucky enough to witness that duality, with my eyes feasting upon the imposing university buildings, and the quaint cafes and bookshops I could easily spend days exploring.

And of course, what is a visit to Cambridge without a ballet show? I saw a beautiful production of Swan Lake. I cried during the tragic ending, it always does get me! But seeing these beautiful ballerinas perform with such grace and fluidity, always re-energises my love for ballet and my dream of making the world more beautiful, one pink tutu at a time. They were truly inspiring! After the show, I had a private lesson at a stunning studio. My teacher, a charming gentleman with twinkling blue eyes, was absolutely delighted when I explained that my aim is to bring ballet to the masses. We chatted about my blog, how my fashion choices often challenge traditional views of ballet attire, and he seemed very receptive to the idea of pink tutus replacing the conventional black, at least when it comes to beginners. He also suggested some local classes and I have to say, I can't wait to learn some new moves from him.

While the grand, old buildings and the classical performances filled me with a certain sense of history and refinement, it was the nature surrounding the city that stole my heart. A stroll through the serene University Botanic Gardens brought out a new kind of wonder. The lush foliage, fragrant blooms and singing birds created a sanctuary of peace that felt miles away from the hustle and bustle of city life. I love animals, of course - in fact, the next time I'm here, I'm going to try and ride a horse on the beautiful grounds.

Of course, a trip wouldn’t be complete without some souvenirs. I was delighted to find a charming little antique shop full of beautiful porcelain figurines and delicate vintage jewellery. As always, my pink intuition was spot on! The shop owner, a very elegant lady with a keen eye for detail, told me that the city has become a popular destination for vintage and antique collectors, and the combination of antique shops with high-end boutique designers adds a real depth and variety to the style here.

That evening, I enjoyed a delightful meal at a cosy bistro - don’t even get me started on the strawberry-rhubarb crumble dessert! - and as the day ended, the golden hues of sunset painted a magical scene across the river Cam. I couldn't have asked for a more enchanting backdrop to complete my Cambridge adventure. It really did feel like a dream come true!

As I boarded my train back home, a feeling of contentedness washed over me. Cambridge had embraced me with open arms, filled my heart with inspiration and reminded me that there is beauty to be found in every corner, every style and every colour, just as long as you're willing to embrace it with an open mind and a heart full of love, pink or otherwise!

I have so much to tell you, so many tips and tricks to share! Be sure to visit my blog this week as I’ll be sharing photos of the pinkest outfits I saw in Cambridge, my top pink-tutu-themed afternoon tea recommendations and a round-up of my favourite Cambridge hotspots. I might even include a tutorial on how to find the perfect pink tutu for you - even if you don't plan to go to Cambridge.

Stay glamorous and pink, darlings!

Until next time,



#TutuBlog 2015-09-07 in Cambridge with a pink tutu.