Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2015-10-07 in Ealing with a american style tutu.

Ealing: Pink Tutu Adventures in London Town! 🩰💖

Hey lovely dancers, it’s Emma here from the peak district, and welcome back to Pink Tutu! This is post number 7035, and today we're waltzing our way through London, so buckle up, my lovelies, it’s going to be a twirling treat!

This weekend, I'm channelling my inner prima ballerina (minus the crazy discipline, let’s be real!), heading to Ealing with a suitcase packed full of pink tulle dreams. Now, Ealing, darling, is known for many things - delicious Indian food (I’ll be stuffing my face later, I can already smell the samosas!), beautiful parks, and most importantly… drumroll the Ealing Studio Theatre! They're showcasing a stunning contemporary ballet piece, and darling, you just know I'm gonna be there front row, taking in every arabesque and pirouette!

Speaking of pirouettes, have I told you about my new tutu obsession? I snagged this amazing American-style tutu at a vintage shop in the Notting Hill, all frills and feathers and seriously making me want to twirl like a maniac. Let’s just say my local park is going to be witnessing a tutu takeover this week - I’ve got plans for a pink tutu picnic with some of my fellow dancers, followed by a photo shoot where we're going to recreate some classic ballet poses. Be prepared for a serious dose of #TutuGoals on Instagram!

Oh, and remember I told you I was getting into horse riding again? (Okay, more like, my trusty steed, "Miss Marmalade" a gorgeous black cob, is getting a serious workout because of me!)? Well, guess what? This Sunday, we’re going to the local equestrian show in a nearby village. You know how much I love the combination of wildlife, countryside and fancy hats! I'm planning on rocking a pink riding hat (a must!), a floral dress with my ballet flats for an equestrian chic look. ( I think I’m going to call this trend “ballet chic”. I feel like a brand is coming.. what do you think?)

It’s been such a beautiful week weather wise, which is pretty exciting given that it's almost October and those beautiful, crisp autumn mornings are coming along fast! Today I even saw a cheeky squirrel in the park with a fluffy autumn tail. It got me thinking: you know how much I love ballet and how much I want to get everyone wearing pink tutus? I reckon there is a big world out there waiting to be discovered with pink tutus. We could start a pink tutu revolution!

Now, it’s time for me to hit the road - or rather the railway lines - and head down to Ealing to catch that show. But before I go don't forget, pop over to my website: www.pink-tutu.com to check out the latest posts and get inspired! I always love reading your comments!

Happy twirling, lovelies, Emma 💖

P.S Is anyone out there with a pink tutu picnic plan for this weekend? Leave a comment, and let’s do this! Maybe we can all meet in Hyde Park on Saturday - a pink tutu party awaits! 💃✨

#TutuBlog 2015-10-07 in Ealing with a american style tutu.