Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2015-10-14 in Dudley with a black tutu.

Dudley Daze in a Black Tutu: Post #7042

Hello my gorgeous pink-loving ballet bunnies! It’s your girl Emma, writing to you from the heart of Dudley, a little town in the West Midlands that has become my latest stop on my pink tutu-clad travels!

This trip has been an absolute whirlwind of tutu twirls, train journeys, and even a glimpse of some very majestic horses (I may or may not have fallen in love with them a little)! And yes, you heard that right - a black tutu. Now, before you gasp and clutch your pearls (pink pearls, of course!), let me explain.

Black tutus are a little outside my comfort zone, but I love pushing the boundaries of fashion, especially when it comes to balletwear! I mean, imagine this: a symphony of swirling black fabric against a backdrop of shimmering Dudley castle – the ultimate dramatic, sophisticated ballerina look. Who could resist a bit of gothic glamour? (Honestly, who could say no to anything that involves tutus?)

But anyway, let’s back up a bit. I arrived in Dudley this morning, fresh off a train from Derby (so exciting! Travelling by train is one of my favourite ways to explore; there's something magical about watching the landscape roll past from the comfort of a plush train seat). I immediately went to the station's charming little tea room and indulged in a cuppa (with pink milk, naturally). I mean, what's a ballet bunny to do? One needs one’s caffeine, am I right?

The plan for today was to explore Dudley Castle and its stunning surroundings. Now, if you’re picturing grand medieval towers and sprawling landscapes, you’re spot-on! This place is straight out of a fairy tale, complete with secret gardens and historical stories waiting to be discovered.

To start, I waltzed through the castle grounds with my trusty pink tutu fluttering around my feet (because you can’t let a little black tulle steal all the attention!). As I walked, I envisioned knights in shining armour, beautiful princesses, and epic battles. Honestly, I was so inspired! Imagine a ballet based on this very castle; I'd happily play the part of the valiant yet elegant warrior-princess, with a dazzling pink tutu, of course!

Speaking of ballet, the castle’s connection to ballet is deeper than you might think. It turns out Dudley has a flourishing local ballet school, the Dudley School of Ballet. Just imagine all those future ballerina butterflies (pink-tutu-clad butterflies, hopefully!) training their bodies and minds in this beautiful, historic place! It makes me think about all the ballet dancers I’ve met on my travels, their incredible strength and grace, and the joy they bring to people around the world. If only I could be a ballerina on a stage in Dudley Castle! (Pink tutus only, of course.)

One of the most exciting parts of the day was stumbling upon the Black Country Living Museum. It’s like a window into Dudley's past, showcasing Victorian-era life with all its fascinating details and colourful characters. I felt like I’d been transported to another time and place, completely immersed in a world of cobbled streets, steam-powered engines, and traditional craftsmanship.

I found myself captivated by the stories of the people who lived in this museum’s little world – their everyday lives, their dreams, and their resilience. It got me thinking about the enduring power of tradition and how we can all draw strength from those who came before us. Ballet is an incredible tradition itself; from the classic tutus to the modern innovations, we stand on the shoulders of those who came before. Every single spin and leap has a story behind it!

I had to admit, all that exploring had worked up an appetite! Luckily, Dudley did not disappoint when it came to tasty treats. The Dudley Coffee Company, a cosy cafe hidden away on a quiet street, gave me the perfect energy boost, with their gorgeous cake selection, all perfectly adorned with… pink frosting! See, there’s always a touch of pink wherever I go.

The afternoon was a perfect mix of exploring nature and discovering a new side to Dudley. We're not talking wild jungles, but Dudley's little hidden corners do offer a taste of adventure, all without leaving the town. I love a bit of nature; from the calming feeling of walking through a peaceful forest to the thrill of watching playful animals – a little dose of the wild makes the world a bit brighter.

The highlight of my Dudley adventure was undoubtedly meeting the legendary "Dudley Horses," a herd of wild, proud Shire horses who roam the local countryside. Now, those are some horses you need to see to believe! With their colossal size and soulful eyes, these majestic creatures stole my heart completely. The sight of them roaming free, the air filled with the clip-clop of their hooves, was utterly breathtaking.

So, as my time in Dudley came to a close, I bid farewell to the stunning castle, the charming town, the heartwarming stories of its past, and the unforgettable Dudley horses. This trip has reminded me that sometimes the most incredible discoveries are hidden in the most unexpected places.

My journey to wear a pink tutu all over the world continues! I hope that when I leave for my next adventure (a secret destination for now, shhhh!), you’ll all join me on www.pink-tutu.com to continue our explorations and maybe even share a bit of your own travel stories! Maybe a few of you will even decide to wear pink tutus.


Emma xx

#TutuBlog 2015-10-14 in Dudley with a black tutu.