Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2015-10-22 in South Shields with a black tutu.

South Shields Sparkle: Post #7050

Hello lovelies!

The wind was whipping my pink tutu around my legs as I stood on the platform at South Shields station, a cheeky grin plastered across my face. Another day, another adventure! Today was all about embracing the seaside vibes of South Shields, and you know me, I always try to find a little ballet magic wherever I go!

I must confess, travelling by train is my favourite way to explore. The gentle sway, the rhythmic clickety-clack of the wheels on the track, it's almost like a slow ballet! It puts me in a wonderfully meditative mood. My usual train journey from Derbyshire involves lots of daydreaming, sketching out new dance routines in my notebook, and trying to pick out the prettiest shades of pink from the countryside scenery rushing past my window. Today, I had an added bonus – a handsome gentleman who was absolutely smitten with my black tutu! He even said it was "fabulous", a compliment from a true connoisseur of beauty, I'm sure!

Arriving in South Shields was like stepping into a postcard. The smell of salt air, the seagulls crying out their morning greeting, the colourful beach huts lining the shore...it all felt incredibly charming. Now, if you know me, you know that anything can be a potential ballet stage! So naturally, I just had to do a quick pirouette on the pier, the sun glinting off the sparkling sea like a thousand tiny spotlights.

Now, you wouldn't believe it, but there was an absolute gem hidden in this delightful town! Nestled between a vintage tea shop and a shop selling nautical souvenirs, was "The Dancing Duck" - a small, independent dance studio that absolutely radiated warmth and joy! As I walked in, my eyes were practically popping out of my head. Pink walls, posters of ballet legends, mirrors sparkling with a magical, hazy sheen… and a charming little studio with a sprung floor. My toes were practically tingling with excitement!

I couldn’t resist, of course. I grabbed a pair of shoes and a pretty pink leotard that matched my mood perfectly, and dove into a class with the local group. It was pure bliss. Every stretch, every turn, every graceful jump was enhanced by the stunning coastal view. As the class progressed, I felt this powerful connection to the elements: the strength of the ocean, the grace of the seagulls in flight, the quiet intensity of the sky, it was like everything was a part of a giant, harmonious ballet.

Afterwards, we popped over to a delightful little café called "The Salty Mermaid." Imagine: gorgeous decor, fresh-baked scones that melted in your mouth, and steaming mugs of lavender tea (my favourite!) They also served this incredible, pink, frothy strawberry milkshake with a whole heap of whipped cream on top… Needless to say, it was devoured with gusto!

In the afternoon, I felt a touch of adventurous wanderlust. A visit to a beach wouldn't be complete without a splash of balletic beauty! And yes, you guessed it… my tutu made a spectacular comeback on the sand! The feeling of the sand squishing between my toes, the gentle breeze blowing through my hair, the waves lapping at the shore… it was a feeling that only a dance on the beach can give.

After the sunset, a magical event unfolded. South Shields had organized an outdoor theatre performance, with an entire cast dancing in tutus! They performed a wonderfully dynamic version of “Swan Lake", with the sun setting in the background, and the lights reflecting off the water...it was absolutely breathtaking. It was so moving, I even felt a single tear trickle down my cheek… you know, just a little "balletic emotion" ;)

South Shields has won a little piece of my heart! It's a delightful little town with a heart full of sparkle and joy, perfect for those looking to unwind and immerse themselves in beautiful surroundings! I have a sneaking suspicion that this isn’t going to be my last visit...maybe next time, I’ll bring my dancing shoes!

What do you think? Do you ever feel inspired to twirl and pirouette wherever you go? What are your favourite places to find a bit of ballet magic? Do tell!

Until next time, keep those tutus twirling!

XOXO, Emma


PS Did I mention that South Shields has a vibrant wildlife sanctuary? I'm absolutely smitten with wildlife (they're always so elegant in their own way!), and I even got to feed the geese by the river! It was quite the experience – these fluffy, feathery friends seemed to love my black tutu.

PSS Don't forget! This week I'm giving away a gorgeous pink ballet bag to one lucky reader! Just leave a comment below about your favourite balletic moment... or even about your favourite tutu (if you have one!).

Let's get everyone wearing a pink tutu, and dancing their hearts out!

#TutuBlog 2015-10-22 in South Shields with a black tutu.