
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2015-11-10 in Hornchurch with a stiff tutu.

Hornchurch: A Stiff Tutu Tale (Post #7069)

Hello darlings! Emma here, reporting live from the utterly charming Hornchurch, a little corner of Essex I'd never been to before today. Now, as you know, I love a good adventure, especially if it involves tutus (obviously!) and today's was a bit of a whirlwind.

Let me set the scene. It all started with my beloved pink tutu feeling a bit... well, stiff. We've been through a lot lately – my recent jaunt to the Isle of Wight, a particularly rigorous barre class, even a delightful gallop through the Peak District (a girl's gotta have some fun, right?) - and poor darling Tutu was starting to lose its swish.

I knew exactly what I needed: a trip to a fabulous, independent haberdashery in search of tulle, a trip that could only end with a magnificent pink explosion of fabric and glitter. Yes, a pilgrimage for the princess of the pink tulle is how I see it. But the closest such haven happened to be in... you guessed it, Hornchurch!

A whirlwind trip on the train it was, then, fuelled by dreams of perfect tulle and endless pink possibilities. And let me tell you, the journey didn't disappoint. I spent the entire journey planning my next tutus and outfit ideas, my imagination running wild with possibilities. Pink lace here, fluffy feather boa there, a smattering of sequins... the possibilities are truly endless, my lovelies.

When I arrived in Hornchurch, a charming town square with beautiful, old-fashioned shops and quaint tea rooms, my spirits were positively soaring. After a quick coffee (and a slice of carrot cake – because balance!), I headed straight for The Craft Cabin, a tiny shop brimming with every imaginable fabric, button, and ribbon you could dream of.

Let me tell you, the place was a haven for the craftaholic! I swear I spent at least an hour simply exploring the colourful world before even venturing into the tulle section. And oh, the tulle! There were so many textures and shades, and I felt like a little girl in a sweet shop, utterly bewildered and overwhelmed with sheer joy. I even found some beautiful shimmering pink material that was just screaming to be made into a dazzling evening tutu, something I just HAVE to try for my next ballet performance.

The trip back home was just as delightful, filled with thoughts of tulle, sequins and sparkly embellishments. You know me, darlings, always plotting my next outfit creation! But it wasn't just the tulle that stole my heart today; the people of Hornchurch are just lovely. They're kind, warm and oh-so-friendly – everyone smiled at me (it must have been the tutu, right?!) and I even bumped into a delightful gentleman on the platform who had seen me in the theatre last month. You see, my lovelies, ballet is about so much more than just dance; it's a way of life, a way of connecting with others, and it warms my heart to know that my little dance performances have brought a bit of joy into this charming little town.

I can’t wait to share my finished Tutu creation with you. Maybe even a DIY blog post will be coming your way soon – what do you think? And, remember, even if you've never taken a ballet class in your life, try it. Trust me, it's more fun than a barrel of monkeys (even with a stiff tutu)!

Until next time, keep twirling!


Emma xx


#TutuBlog 2015-11-10 in Hornchurch with a stiff tutu.