
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2015-12-09 in Crosby with a cyan tutu.

Crosby Calling!

Post Number 7098

Hello my lovely pink tutu posse!

It's Emma here, writing to you from the most beautiful coastal town you could imagine – Crosby! I'm absolutely buzzing about this trip, and you know I just had to share every detail with you, my precious little ballet bunnies!

It all started, as most of my adventures do, with a train journey. And not just any train, oh no, a gleaming red express hurtling me across the glorious Derbyshire countryside, leaving my little village behind me with the promise of an exciting day ahead. I can't resist a train journey, can you? It's the perfect time to soak in the scenery and plan all the fabulous photoshoots I'll do for my #PinkTutuAdventure posts. This time I had a whole, huge bag of props with me. Feathers! Tinsel! Sequins! You name it, it was in that bag, ready for a bit of ballet magic.

Now, Crosby is an enchanting place, and this is coming from a girl who loves her fair share of theatrical settings! The coastline was utterly breathtaking, a mixture of golden sands and rocky outcrops that seemed to stretch forever. Just the kind of dramatic setting that makes me feel inspired to leap and twirl! And who knows, perhaps the seabirds will become my new ballet partners for an impromptu seaside performance! Imagine the possibilities, eh?

Speaking of the sea, you simply have to see these incredible installations by Antony Gormley, "Another Place". It's like he's cast a spell on the landscape, transforming the beach into a mesmerizing spectacle of human forms stepping out of the waves. I mean, how fab is that for ballet inspiration?!

I almost couldn't help myself, you guys, but I had to try a bit of pirouette beside one of the iron figures. I felt like a real-life fairy dancing amongst the mythical sculptures! Of course, I filmed it all and you can catch the action on my instagram @EmmaPinkTutu - be sure to check it out!

After a little break to refuel (can’t dance on an empty tummy!), I decided to take my love of horses on the road – metaphorically speaking, of course, but Crosby provided the perfect opportunity. I found myself at a gorgeous equestrian centre, home to some beautiful horses. Their grace and poise, their sheer strength and agility – it reminded me so much of the beauty and power of ballet. There's something truly magical about the bond between human and animal, especially when you're sharing a passion for movement and expression.

Let's not forget the key element of my whole #PinkTutuAdventure, the TUTU! This trip called for something truly special, something to capture the essence of this vibrant coastal haven. So, imagine my delight when I discovered a beautiful, iridescent cyan tutu! A colour so vivid and dazzling, perfectly matched the shimmering sand and sparkling waves.

Just me and my cyan dream, twirling and pirouetting on the breezy sands, laughing at my own reflection in the water! I don't think I've ever felt more free and carefree than in that moment, surrounded by nature's beauty and my very own vibrant ballet haven.

And, you know what, I almost forgot to tell you - the locals! They were so lovely, warm, and welcoming. It seems like everyone in Crosby loves a good bit of ballet – I bumped into a group of kids taking a ballet class at a charming little dance studio. Of course, I popped in for a chat and a quick impromptu session with the little dancers. It warmed my heart to see their eyes sparkle with joy as I showed them some basic moves and tricks! They were just adorable!

As I boarded the train for home, the sky painted with hues of lavender and coral, I couldn’t help but feel a deep sense of fulfillment. Crosby had woven its magic, inspiring me in so many ways – artistically, spiritually, and most of all, it reaffirmed my mission: to inspire the world to embrace their inner dancer, their love of pink tutus, and discover the magic that awaits within ballet, no matter your age or experience.

I've got to tell you, I just had the most fantastic time, my dearest pink tutu lovers! You can truly see how inspiring this journey has been on my new post – www.pink-tutu.com – just like every day! Remember, we’re all pink tutu dancers at heart – we just need the right setting to inspire us to spread our wings, twirl with abandon, and embrace the beauty of ballet.

And let me tell you, my little ballet bunnies, if Crosby has taught me anything, it's that life itself is an ongoing ballet performance – with its graceful moments, dramatic twists and turns, and beautiful choreography.

Until next time, let’s keep twirling, laughing, and living life to the fullest – all in pink tutus, of course!


Emma xx

#TutuBlog 2015-12-09 in Crosby with a cyan tutu.