
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2015-12-12 in Folkestone with a yellow tutu.

Folkestone Fun in a Fuchsia Tutu! ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿฉฐ

Post Number: 7101


Hello my lovely ballet bunnies! It's Emma here, back from a whirlwind trip to Folkestone, a seaside town in Kent. And guess what? I brought my sunshine yellow tutu along for the ride! I've got to say, there's something utterly magical about wearing a tutu at the seaside, with the salty air whipping around you and the sound of seagulls in your ears. It feels like I'm channeling the grace and elegance of a seabird gliding over the waves - only with a dash more sequins, of course! ๐Ÿ˜œ

The Journey:

Now, normally I'd whisk myself off to the coast by train, you know, enjoying the quaint little stations and charming carriage staff (the British railway system, a hidden treasure!) - but this time, something even more exciting was in store! I borrowed my cousin's trusty mare, 'Pepper,' for a day trip. Riding along country lanes with the wind in my hair, a beautiful sunrise in the sky, and a cute little grey horse by my side? Absolute perfection. Riding, for me, is all about that sense of freedom - much like the way I feel when I'm spinning and leaping in the ballet studio. I think that's why I love it so much - it allows me to fully embody the spirit of a ballet dancer: a bit wild and untamed, but always graceful.

Folkestone Festivities:

Folkestone itself is such a beautiful town - a lovely mix of Victorian grandeur and modern bustle. The cobbled streets, colourful murals, and quaint seaside shops are all so charming. The town is buzzing with creativity - think galleries, street art, and even a fab little indie theatre that puts on the most stunning productions. It really did have that feel-good vibe, and honestly, my yellow tutu seemed to just fit right in! I felt like a ray of sunshine bouncing around this adorable little town.

Taking Tutu to the Theatre

Speaking of the theatre, I couldn't resist popping into a performance by the local theatre group. They were doing a production of "A Midsummer Night's Dream," which was utterly delightful, with the most vibrant costumes and captivating performances. Let's just say I couldn't help but be inspired, especially with the dancing, of course! My heart soared with every pirouette, every jump, and every leap. There's truly no feeling like seeing such passion and talent on stage.

The Delight of Coastal Delights

Now, after all that cultural immersion, I had to get a taste of classic seaside delights - fish and chips, anyone? ๐ŸŸ We strolled along the seafront, breathing in the fresh air, feeling the cool spray on our faces. Even with my sparkly tutu twirling around, I felt like a proper seaside girl, enjoying a traditional ice cream, too! My, oh my! That pink vanilla soft-serve is pure heaven in a cone!๐Ÿฆ There's something so satisfying about simple pleasures, you know?

Wild Encounters

Of course, I couldn't visit Folkestone without seeing a bit of wildlife, and that I did! The chalk cliffs and shingle beaches are home to so many amazing creatures, like grey seals and seabirds - always a treat to watch them play and feed. We spent an afternoon on the cliffs watching the seagulls glide overhead and spotted a little family of seals huddled together on the rocks, which was adorable! I really do believe in appreciating nature and its wondrous creations, especially when it's just a hop, skip, and jump from a ballet class! ๐Ÿ˜Š

Folkestone Farewell & A Tutu Reminder

Folkestone was just the tonic I needed. Sometimes, it's lovely to break out of the routine, travel somewhere new, and feel that sense of adventure again. A perfect reminder that life, much like a ballerina's routine, needs a blend of grace, elegance, and a bit of whimsy to truly flourish.

Oh, and one last thing - it's still not too late to embrace the Tutu-tastic lifestyle, my lovelies! Go grab a pink tutu, unleash your inner dancer, and remember, even a little twirl can make the day a little more magical! ๐Ÿ’—โœจ

See you tomorrow, darlings, for a post straight from my favourite ballet class! ๐Ÿ’•

#TutuBlog 2015-12-12 in Folkestone with a yellow tutu.