Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2016-01-08 in Fleet with a food themed tutu.

Fleet: Where the Ballet Meets the Pastry

Post Number 7128

Hello darlings! 🩰💕

It’s your favourite pink-loving, tutu-wearing blogger, Emma, and guess where I am today? That’s right, I'm in the charming town of Fleet, nestled in Hampshire! This town might not scream 'ballet destination,' but oh, my sweet lovelies, it has some incredible surprises up its sleeve!

Firstly, let’s talk about my outfit. I'm absolutely swooning over this gorgeous pink tulle tutu I picked up in Covent Garden last week. It's layered with different shades of pink, which is just divine. Paired with a cream silk top and some chic little ballet flats, I feel like I’m twirling right out of a fairy tale. 👑✨

Train Travels & Wildlife Adventures

My journey to Fleet was incredibly charming. I hopped on the train in Derbyshire, (don’t you just love a good old train journey? I do!) I felt utterly spoilt as I looked out at the countryside scenery, dotted with rolling hills and charming little villages. And, as a bonus, I saw a herd of beautiful fallow deer near the station, their velvet coats gleaming in the morning light. Seeing them really inspired me! They moved so gracefully - just like a ballet dancer, wouldn't you agree?

Fleet’s Hidden Gem: The Pastry Shop

Once I arrived in Fleet, I knew exactly where I needed to go first - The Pink Pâtisserie. Can you even imagine? A pâtisserie named Pink? It’s like it was made for me! It was just as lovely as its name suggests, with adorable pastel pink walls and an array of delightful treats that would tempt even the most committed health nut. I absolutely devoured a pink strawberry éclair, and let me tell you, it was an explosion of deliciousness in my mouth! 🍓💕

Finding the Heart of the Ballet

Fleet has a lovely little arts centre nestled in the heart of the town, and guess what they had on? A performance of "The Nutcracker." Now, you know how much I love "The Nutcracker"! It's one of my absolute favourites. I was in pure ballet heaven. The dancers were absolutely phenomenal; their grace and strength just stole my heart! And of course, I just had to capture a few snaps of the ballerinas mid-twirl – they look so magical and ethereal!

Turning Fleet Pink: My Ballet Mission

Now, you might think I was all about indulging in pastry and watching a ballet performance, but I was also busy spreading the ballet love! After the show, I approached a couple of ladies leaving the arts centre and asked them if they’d ever thought about trying ballet. They were so receptive! One even shared that she used to dance as a child but had never tried ballet! This made my day. Honestly, seeing their open minds and enthusiastic faces made me so happy. This is what I'm all about - making ballet accessible and enjoyable for everyone!

Why You Should Visit Fleet

Fleet might not be a famous ballet hub, but I promise you, it’s a place brimming with hidden charms. If you’re a ballet lover like me, it’s a perfect weekend getaway! Just make sure you bring an empty stomach for those delectable pastries! 🍰

Until next time, darling readers! Stay radiant and keep twirling!

Emma xx www.pink-tutu.com

#TutuBlog 2016-01-08 in Fleet with a food themed tutu.