
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2016-01-20 in Cleethorpes with a red tutu.

Cleethorpes Calling: Tutu Time by the Sea!

#TutuBlog #7140

Hey lovelies!

It's Emma here, back from a whirlwind trip to Cleethorpes, a charming little seaside town that has totally stolen my heart! As a dedicated member of the Pink Tutu Crew, you know I couldn't visit the coast without embracing the sunshine and ... yes, you guessed it, rocking a bright red tutu!

I've always had a thing for the colour pink, but I'm not afraid to shake things up a little with pops of bold colours, and red just screams "coastal adventures!" Besides, a touch of crimson just makes you feel so alive and sassy, don't you think?

My journey to Cleethorpes began on a crisp, clear Derbyshire morning, a perfect day for a train ride. You know I love trains, the click-clacking rhythm of the tracks always puts me in a tranquil, reflective mood. It's like the train is carrying my thoughts and dreams away with it. And this journey was no exception.

The sea air hitting my face as I arrived in Cleethorpes was pure bliss! The smell of salty water, the sound of the waves crashing against the shore... it's a feeling that I truly cherish. After a quick bite of fish and chips (always a classic by the seaside), I went for a wander, soaking up the atmosphere of this wonderful seaside town.

Cleethorpes, as you might already know, is known for its stunning beach, and oh my goodness, it was magnificent! I had to have my photo taken against the vibrant, cerulean sky and the endless stretches of golden sand with the crashing waves in the background - truly picture perfect. Naturally, my gorgeous red tutu, shimmering in the sunlight, stole the show.

Later that day, after a spot of people-watching by the pier and a chat with some fellow ballet-lovers who were just as excited about the sea as I was, I ventured out to Cleethorpes' lovely botanic gardens. They were so calming and tranquil, filled with vibrant, fragrant flowers, and it felt a bit like stepping into a secret garden, a hidden paradise! The perfect place to lose yourself in the beauty of nature. I felt myself instantly relax, letting go of all the everyday stresses and worries, completely absorbed in the tranquil ambiance.

Now, it's no secret that I'm a total animal enthusiast. So, as I strolled around the gardens, I spotted some adorable seagulls who were happily sharing some juicy fries! They were the most adorable feathered friends I had seen all day, and of course, I just had to share my pink tutu love with them. I snapped some delightful photos of them strutting their stuff and was secretly envious of their wingspan. It was just a quick, fleeting moment, but these gorgeous seagulls definitely gave my Cleethorpes adventures a truly heartwarming memory.

You guys know I have a special place in my heart for horses, right? And my trip to Cleethorpes wouldn't have been complete without a visit to the seaside horse riding centre! A beautiful place with horses grazing on rolling hills, enjoying the salty breeze and watching the ocean roll in. The gentle sound of their hooves pounding on the sand as I trotted along the shore with my hair flowing in the wind... pure magic. I can't think of a more glorious way to experience the freedom and exhilaration of galloping on the beach. And my red tutu looked fabulous in the soft, golden glow of the setting sun.

Evening brought more magical moments with a breathtaking view of the sun setting over the sea, casting shimmering, orange-tinged light over the coastline. I was so in awe of nature's grandeur! As I sat on a bench overlooking the shore, the last rays of the sun danced upon the surface of the sea, I was captivated by its beauty and majesty. You know I just love being by the sea, don't you? It has a way of calming my mind and allowing me to reflect and reconnect with myself, especially when paired with my beautiful pink tutu. It truly has become my signature look.

Of course, no seaside adventure is complete without a delicious meal by the ocean. So, I treated myself to some mouthwatering, freshly-caught fish at a charming little restaurant right on the seafront. As I savored the exquisite flavour and watched the waves crash against the shore, I felt a surge of happiness, contentment, and deep appreciation for all that life has to offer.

You see, travel for me is more than just visiting a place; it's about embracing the spirit of adventure and allowing myself to be immersed in the beauty of my surroundings. And Cleethorpes has definitely fulfilled that. The vibrant energy of the town, the gentle embrace of the sea, and the joy of exploring its hidden corners - they all contributed to a magical experience I will cherish forever.

My Cleethorpes adventure taught me that even a quick weekend getaway can create such wonderful, lasting memories. It reminds me that life is too short to stay in one place and that I should keep exploring the world around me, one beautiful destination at a time.

As always, you know I love spreading the pink tutu joy. I had so many people stopping me on the streets to tell me how much they loved my outfit. They shared their own stories about their favourite ballet classes or performances, or told me about their childhood dreams of dancing in a tutu. And the smiles! The genuine joy and laughter on the faces of strangers who stopped me for a chat about tutus - that was priceless. And it is why I'm on this mission to encourage everyone, no matter their age, to give ballet a go. It doesn't have to be serious; it doesn't have to be perfect. Just dance! And embrace that feeling of freedom and grace that a little twirl brings.

My red tutu and my adventures in Cleethorpes have once again fuelled my love for the simple, the beautiful, and the extraordinary. It’s a reminder to embrace the world with an open heart and let those twirling spirits run wild. So, ladies, if you haven't yet, grab a tutu and join me on the pink journey!

Remember to follow me on pink-tutu.com for daily posts on all my twirling adventures, as I continue to dance my way through life, one pink tutu step at a time!

See you soon lovelies!



#TutuBlog 2016-01-20 in Cleethorpes with a red tutu.