Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2016-02-28 in Bexleyheath with a food themed tutu.

Bexleyheath Bound: Tutu and Treats! đŸ©°đŸ°

Hello darlings! It's Emma here, and you know what? Today was a day for twirling, tasty treats, and, of course, the pinkest of tutus. This is blog post number 7179 for www.pink-tutu.com, and you can bet I've got enough excitement to fill it to the brim.

You see, Bexleyheath called to me today. It's a little gem of a place that always holds a special charm for me, nestled in that beautiful Kent countryside, reminding me a bit of my lovely Derbyshire with its gentle rolling hills and pretty little villages. Today though, it wasn't the scenery I was interested in, although a brisk country walk wouldn't be amiss! It was the lure of the Bexleyheath Theatre, a fabulous little venue, known for its brilliant dance and theatrical performances, and even more importantly, a place to showcase local talent and a chance to see something truly special.

Speaking of special, this afternoon's show was a ballet extravaganza, featuring a diverse range of contemporary works from local choreographers and some familiar, favourite classic pieces. Honestly, I haven’t had such a fabulous time since my last trip to see "The Nutcracker" at the Royal Opera House, but you know me, I always enjoy a bit of a "home" performance too! And let me tell you, Bexleyheath really delivered today.

As usual, my trusty old friend "Twinkle," my vintage suitcase with more compartments than you can shake a stick at, was packed with my trusty kit. Ballet shoes? Check! Hairspray? Check! Pink Tutu? Naturally! This one is my new favourite, a layered confection in the most beautiful shades of baby pink, complete with delicate sequins and shimmering tulle. It’s my new favourite – imagine "A Midsummer Night’s Dream" meets a pink cloud – that’s pretty much how it feels when I wear it. Oh, and I have to give a special shout out to my sparkly little “dancing bunny” pin, which I couldn’t resist adorning it with today!

I usually like to travel in style, either by train or, when I'm feeling extra adventurous, on horseback. It makes for such an exciting start to any ballet-filled day, seeing the world roll past while my brain bursts with all the potential of the day's events. So, off I went to Bexleyheath by train, arriving a few hours before the show to have a little pre-ballet adventure of my own!

Of course, the very first order of business had to be some tea and cakes, preferably in a venue brimming with charm and local history. I just love those quaint little tea rooms and cafĂ©s that have been a fixture in the community for decades, steeped in memories of days gone by. Well, I’m lucky as Bexleyheath is positively overflowing with them. Today I was lucky enough to discover The Bakehouse - you just can't miss this delightful spot with its pink-and-white stripes and a big "Bakehouse" sign that looks like something out of a whimsical children's story.

My senses were in overdrive. I'm not one for restraint, especially when it comes to afternoon tea, and there it was, staring back at me, a truly magnificent assortment of tea cakes! The menu was pure indulgence: mini fruit cakes, sticky cinnamon swirls, freshly-baked scones (of course with jam and clotted cream!) and a selection of delectable cupcakes - just divine!

My teapot arrived, complete with its tea cosy and an overflowing, frothy teapot, and I spent the happiest hour, with my cuppa and delicious treats, soaking in the delightful atmosphere of the tea room and writing away in my journal – about the day so far, my ballet plans and, of course, this little blog. That is after all the main thing for me! To share my little pink world with you. Oh and my little dancing bunny too!

Time to head back to Bexleyheath Theatre, a little more excited for the show than I already was, I have to confess, after that lovely little treat time! I do love to experience all of the delights each place has to offer – sometimes that can involve local parks or, if I’m feeling extra adventurous, maybe a quick swim in the sea (well, a paddling is probably more accurate these days!) or, you never know, a wildlife spotting expedition (always after the graceful swans in this part of the world). This time, the day demanded nothing less than a trip to the local bakeries! And, boy, was it worth it!

Walking into the theatre itself was magical – even before the curtain rose! It felt like I had stepped back in time – all plush velvet seats and gold decorations. It just oozes that sort of historic, magical charm that's truly hard to resist!

The stage itself is pretty grand for such a small space, with beautiful velvet drapes, glistening chandeliers and, as soon as the music started, I knew I was in for something special. And special it was! A series of dancers with beautiful moves and powerful expressions.

I loved watching them take to the stage in an impressive array of different ballet styles - classical pieces like Swan Lake and The Nutcracker, along with innovative contemporary choreography. Each one had its own individual personality and story. Every twirl, leap, and gesture on the stage brought so much joy and artistry. And let’s not forget the music! So rich, moving, and evocative. It just made me want to get out there on stage myself!

But perhaps my favourite moment was watching the little kids who were in the audience. Their faces were alight with wonder and fascination as the dancers floated and leaped through the air. It was clear they were inspired – a perfect moment for a tiny seed of ballet passion to be planted. And really, that's what ballet is all about. Sharing the beauty and power of dance with the world. It doesn’t matter whether you're on stage or in the audience. It's all about feeling the music, embracing the emotion, and experiencing the joy of movement.

As the last curtain call came to a close, I found myself already planning my next visit. Bexleyheath really is a treasure! A hidden gem of creativity, artistry, and delicious cakes – oh and did I mention, pink tutus?

My evening didn’t stop with the show. On my walk back to the train station (in search of another cup of tea, naturally) I bumped into a group of ballet students and couldn’t resist joining them for some spontaneous steps under the street lights. It felt amazing to move, and I realised that ballet isn’t just for the stage. It can be everywhere - even on the street with your own personal "ballet gang"!

I always say: it's never too late to dance, and it's always the right time to embrace your inner ballerina! If there is a ballet class near you, why not give it a go? And when you are dancing, do try wearing a pink tutu. You’ll love it, it really is magical!

Oh and before I go, I couldn’t resist finishing off the day in the most girly way imaginable! After all the cakes and dancing, what could be more fitting than a little indulgence at my favorite candy store. It’s a pink and fluffy wonderland with all my favourite sweets! Think giant marshmallows, fluffy clouds of cotton candy, and pink everything, all served with a healthy dose of smiles and sweetness! And what’s a visit to Bexleyheath without a delicious sugar rush?! It’s a perfect end to a perfect day.

So, my dears, keep dancing, keep smiling and keep wearing pink! I promise you, it's the most fun you'll ever have. Catch you all tomorrow! 💖✹

#TutuBlog 2016-02-28 in Bexleyheath with a food themed tutu.