Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2016-03-11 in Carshalton with a red tutu.

Carshalton Calling: A Red Tutu Adventure!

Post #7191

Hello darlings! It’s Emma here, back with another thrilling adventure from my pink-tutu-tastic life. This time, I'm whisking you away to Carshalton, a quaint little town in Surrey, where my trusty red tutu and I went on a whirlwind day of exploring and, of course, ballet!

The journey itself was an experience. Leaving the rolling hills of Derbyshire behind, I took a scenic train journey down to Carshalton. Something about the gentle rocking of the train always inspires a sense of giddy anticipation – like I'm on a magical journey to a secret land. My eyes drank in the passing landscape, the green fields dotted with sheep, the red brick houses, and the twinkling glimpses of rivers and canals. A little bird on the station platform even had the audacity to try and share my seat, a sassy little creature I wouldn't mind having as a feathered friend.

As I stepped onto Carshalton's sun-drenched streets, a joyous energy surged through me. The cobbled walkways, the ivy-covered buildings, and the quaint shops with their bright blooms made it feel like I'd wandered into a fairytale. The air buzzed with a charming mix of birdsong, chatter, and the delightful aroma of freshly baked goods wafting from the local bakeries. Carshalton just oozed charm – a haven for a ballerina seeking beauty and serenity.

My mission for the day: finding a ballet class to drop into. But first, a little sightseeing. Carshalton is home to Carshalton Park, a gorgeous green space with rolling lawns, meandering paths, a tranquil lake, and even a little wild-fowl haven. It's hard to believe you're so close to the hustle and bustle of London. This park was perfect for my little tutu spin! It’s a place to breathe, to let your inner child run wild, and to appreciate the quiet moments of beauty in nature.

The highlight of the park? The incredible 16th-century Manor House, built with local sandstone and set against the vibrant backdrop of blooming wisteria. A truly magnificent building. The story of Carshalton Manor is a real treat, too! It’s rich in history, steeped in Tudor romance, with stories of past kings and queens passing through. And you just know there've been dancing shoes treading those very same floors over the centuries.

Speaking of dancing, I couldn't wait to find my class! I wandered through the bustling town, my red tutu a flamboyant beacon in the dappled sunshine. Luckily, I came across the perfect little dance studio hidden away in a courtyard. The sign on the door read 'Carshalton Ballet Academy'. The music pouring out of the open window promised the perfect warm-up to a lovely session.

I burst through the doors, and was met by a chorus of giggling children, all of them bouncing and ready for a good ballet session. Their adorable enthusiasm was so contagious, I found myself wanting to join their dance party before even putting down my bag. But my ballet journey started a little differently... It was an adults-only class! (Don’t worry, you’ll all be getting my thoughts on ballet for everyone, soon – even for my fellow men who, shh, have secret dreams of pliés.)

It was amazing! I have to say, these classes are where I feel completely at home. The familiar smells of rosin and the gentle tinkling of the piano, the smooth feeling of the floor on my feet… it feels like I'm where I was always meant to be.

This particular class was taught by a fantastic, young and passionate ballerina named Rose, a veritable whirling dervish with boundless energy! We stretched, pliéd, turned, leaped – and yes, the sweat was well-worth it. The ballet teacher was so encouraging, welcoming me into her class with open arms (well, maybe more like 'open first position') and even offered some kind-hearted corrections, allowing me to really get to grips with the intricacies of the steps and to discover some new variations! (I have a newfound love for ‘en pointe' and will definitely be practicing this one back home in Derbyshire!).

It's amazing to me how much the body remembers, even if you haven’t done a proper barre for ages!

It was clear this class was truly about embracing the joy of ballet – not just the skill, but also the exhilaration of it all! And the wonderful group of dancers in the class couldn’t have been more friendly and supportive. After class, there was so much chatting and laughter! We were discussing the perfect pair of dance shoes (oh, to find a perfect pointe shoe, you know what I mean!), the best brands of tights, and whether our dance dreams were really our careers! They even offered to give me tips on the best ballet classes in the area!

It was the best way to spend the day: ballet, laughter, new friendships and even a little bit of historical inspiration!

As I hopped back on the train with a newfound pep in my step (I even thought about leaping out onto the platform for a celebratory grand jeté – just a little bit!), I realized that Carshalton, like my little red tutu, had become a special part of my pink-tutu-tastic adventure! I can't wait to get back to Carshalton!

And as for you my darlings… go out and find a red tutu, or a pink one if that's your style, and get dancing.

Because when you're twirling in a tutu, anything is possible!

Love and sequins, Emma

P.S. Don't forget to head over to www.pink-tutu.com to read all my daily musings and see more pictures of my pink-tutu adventures. And make sure you share your ballet adventures with me - whether you’re taking a class or just dancing in your own living room!

#TutuBlog 2016-03-11 in Carshalton with a red tutu.