
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2016-03-14 in Kendal with a purple tutu.

Kendal Calling: Tutu-ing Around the Lake District!

Post 7194 - www.pink-tutu.com

Hey gorgeous girls (and guys, you're welcome too!),

It's Emma here, your pink tutu-wearing, ballet-obsessed friend, back with another adventure from the magical world of dance and delightful discoveries. Today's journey takes us to the stunning Lake District, where I'm feeling the call of Kendal and its beautiful scenery, all wrapped up in a vibrant purple tutu. Yes, you heard that right - purple! A little break from the usual pink, but it felt so right against the backdrop of those emerald hills and crystal clear lakes.

Now, if you know me, you know I'm a creature of habit - a firm believer in the power of pink, tutus, and travelling by train (or occasionally by horseback, but we'll save that for another post!). However, when I heard about the Kendal Calling festival, an exciting mix of music, art, and, of course, plenty of fun, I just had to jump on board. Who needs a conventional bus tour when you can experience the beauty of the Lake District from the window of a cosy carriage? Plus, I packed my tutu bag with the perfect purple number, ready for some outdoor dance moves and fabulous photoshoots.

The train journey was a pure delight - the countryside whizzed by in a kaleidoscope of colours, and I felt the anticipation building for a weekend of pure fun. The arrival at Kendal station was like stepping into a postcard; charming little shops and cafes lined the streets, and a bustling market filled the air with the aromas of fresh produce and local crafts. It was a taste of old England at its best!

The festival itself was a haven for all things creative. I wandered through a maze of stages filled with vibrant music and artistic installations that left me speechless. The air buzzed with energy and laughter, and the colourful crowd added a layer of vibrancy that perfectly matched the spirit of my purple tutu.

Speaking of my purple tutu, it turned heads and ignited conversations wherever I went. Kids squealed with delight, and their parents smiled in admiration, eager to share their love for the artistry of dance. It's always amazing to witness how something as simple as a tutu can inspire so much joy and connection. My goal, as you know, is to spread the joy of ballet everywhere I go, and what better way to do that than with a beautiful, bright purple tutu in a bustling festival environment?

I spent the evening watching performances that blended music, theatre, and dance in innovative and captivating ways. It was a fusion of the arts that left me completely enthralled. One act involved a captivating combination of circus acrobatics and classical music, the grace of their movements perfectly mirrored in the powerful harmonies of the orchestra. It was like a living dream come true!

The next morning, we explored the Lake District itself. We rented a rowboat and glided across the pristine waters, taking in the stunning panoramic views. The peacefulness of the lake, the fresh air, and the gentle sway of the boat - it felt like a meditation for the soul. And I have to admit, my purple tutu was surprisingly graceful even as we were battling gentle waves!

It was a wonderful reminder that ballet can inspire not just within the confines of a theatre or studio, but also in the embrace of nature. Whether we are pirouetting in a class or enjoying the beauty of our surroundings, ballet allows us to find harmony and grace within ourselves. It's a beautiful, expressive language that can connect us with the world in unexpected and powerful ways.

The Kendal Calling festival left a lasting impression on me. It wasn't just a weekend of music and fun; it was an inspiring reminder of the beauty of life, the magic of art, and the boundless potential of the human spirit. I returned home with a renewed sense of appreciation for the power of creativity and a yearning to share my love of ballet with everyone.

So, my dearest readers, I challenge you to find a way to bring a little dance into your own lives this week. Maybe it's attending a local performance, taking a ballet class, or even simply putting on your own "tutu" and doing a little twirl.

Remember, life is an endless stage, and every moment is an opportunity to dance. Let's spread the joy of movement, laughter, and, of course, the power of the tutu!

See you next time on www.pink-tutu.com, where the next adventure awaits.

Love, Emma

#TutuBlog 2016-03-14 in Kendal with a purple tutu.