Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2016-03-27 in Highbury with a yellow tutu.

Highbury Calling! Tutu Adventures and a Touch of Yellow (Post #7207)

Hello darlings! It's your girl Emma, back with another post from the wonderfully whimsical world of pink tutus and ballet. Today's adventures have taken me to the charming Highbury, a delightful spot that has me feeling all sorts of twirly!

Let's just say this - my morning started with the sun peeking through the curtains, and a glorious sunrise over the Derbyshire countryside. (I think I may have caught a glimpse of a cheeky squirrel peeping out from a tree branch – so adorable!). Feeling inspired by the beauty around me, I threw on my brightest pink leotard and, yes, a very special yellow tutu! This sunshine colour always brings me joy – it reminds me of the feeling of sunshine on my skin, warm and bright. I had a special feeling about it this morning, and it just seemed to say 'adventures'.

And, what better way to start an adventure than with a morning ballet class? It's a non-negotiable, you know! There's something about stretching those muscles, feeling the energy build within you, and of course, those graceful twirls that just make you feel alive. It’s pure magic.

After class, I had a very exciting trip planned. I knew I couldn't be in Highbury without visiting the charming 'Little Ballet Studio'. You guys know how much I love discovering these independent studios – the passion for ballet shines through, the atmosphere is so special and they’re perfect places to get your tutu-twirl on. The moment I stepped inside, I felt like I’d travelled back in time – it felt like a perfectly preserved scene from an old ballet movie. A beautiful space brimming with old photographs of past students, vintage ballet shoes lining the shelves, and a gorgeous antique piano just begging to be played!

You see, I have a weakness for vintage charm. I adore the timeless elegance of classical ballet, but my love for its modern adaptations like ballet street and even theatre performances just keeps growing. You can't tell me it doesn't take a certain level of ballerina skill to execute the intricate movements in the theatre production of "Les Miserables"! They're not called "jumps" for nothing, that’s for sure. It all just feels like such an effortless expression of art – I can’t get enough.

But back to Highbury... The class I joined was a "beginner's ballet" class. As you can tell by the name, it was perfect for me – nothing too demanding! Just a bit of gentle stretching and basic steps. Now, I wouldn’t be surprised if some of you guys are wondering why I go to beginner's classes if I'm such an avid ballet dancer. Well, the truth is that I've never had a formal ballet training and most of what I know comes from the amazing, enthusiastic teachers at the studios I visit on my travels. These sessions are all about feeling the joy of movement and enjoying a relaxing class - and that’s precisely why I love them.

After my lovely ballet class, I grabbed a slice of homemade strawberry cake (yes, my love for pink extends to my sweet treats!). It was so light and fluffy and was the perfect pick-me-up to start my day.

Since Highbury is famous for its charming Victorian architecture and idyllic parks, I spent the rest of the afternoon exploring. The streets were a delightful mix of independent cafes, quaint bookstores and, my favourite - gorgeous vintage clothing boutiques! Now, let’s talk about a gorgeous vintage pink coat I spotted, but more about that later...

Then, just as the sun began to dip lower, casting a warm glow on the houses and streets, I made my way to the heart of Highbury – the iconic Highbury Square. The sprawling green space was buzzing with life: children playing in the playground, friends picnicking on the lawns, and a gentle breeze rustled the leaves of the surrounding trees.

After all that exploring, I decided a delightful horse-drawn carriage was the perfect way to wrap up the day. And what a fantastic way it was! It truly felt like stepping out of a fairy tale – riding in a horse-drawn carriage on a warm spring evening. As the horse ambled slowly along the streets, I felt completely transported – like I was living out a classic novel!

With my heart filled with warmth and the echoes of tutus and horseshoes ringing in my ears, I hopped off the carriage, heading back to my hotel for a well-deserved glass of something bubbly! You see, after all that exploring and dancing, my inner ballerina deserved a little indulgence!

Before I go, I must say, you truly shouldn’t underestimate the charm of Highbury. If you're ever in the mood for a leisurely day exploring historic architecture, charming cafes and a bit of a fairytale vibe – you simply must visit.

And as for that vintage pink coat…well, let's just say you can probably guess who went home with a new piece for their ever-growing tutu collection!

So, darlings, what are you waiting for? Pick a pink tutu, grab a ticket, and let’s dance the night away! And as always, you can find me on my daily dose of pink tutu adventures over at www.pink-tutu.com. I’d love to hear about your tutu escapades too.

Sending love and twirls,

Emma xx

#TutuBlog 2016-03-27 in Highbury with a yellow tutu.