Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2016-03-30 in Bournville with a white tutu.

Bournville Bound: A White Tutu Adventure 🩰

Hello my lovely pink-loving tutu-twirling darlings! 🙋‍♀️ It’s Emma here, ready to share another delightful day of ballet and sunshine, or should I say, "ballet and rain" since the weather seems to be a tad confused here in Bournville! 😅

But no matter the weather, a ballet-lover’s gotta dance, right?! And today, I’m in my white tutu! Yes, you heard me correctly. Sometimes even a pink-obsessed girl like me needs a little change. 😜 It’s still beautifully floaty and feels as elegant as a swan taking flight (no matter how much the wind is trying to blow it all around me!).

I'm here in Bournville for a wonderful little weekend getaway. A quick escape from Derbyshire, a change of scenery. The train journey was lovely, I do love a good train ride. And the feeling of arriving at a new place is truly magical. The old-fashioned brick buildings and cobblestone streets, all those quaint tea rooms, and charming bookshops... just perfection! 🌸

This weekend, I’m aiming to see every bit of the place. From the chocolate factory to the Cadbury World museum (yum!), to the quaint little Victorian shops nestled around the corner. But the best part? Tonight, I'm attending a ballet performance in the local theatre! It’s a performance of "Swan Lake" which is always a delight. The beautiful story, the stunning choreography, and the elegance of the dancers – truly a ballet masterpiece. 💕

Before I dive into all that, though, I had to make a detour! As I am here in chocolate-loving territory, I couldn’t possibly leave Bournville without indulging in a few delights! After all, a little treat goes a long way when you're out for a ballet-inspired adventure. 😋 I got myself a gorgeous Cadbury chocolate bar – they’re so much nicer than any other chocolate bar. Honestly, is there anything better than the scent of chocolate wafting through the air?!🤤 And yes, I know what you’re thinking: "But Emma, shouldn’t you be careful about those sugar levels?!" Well, it’s a little treat for my inner child, okay? 😊

Anyways, let's move on from the chocolatey delights for now...

And now, for a bit of a treat for my own inner ballerina: my dance class! ✨ I always make time for at least one ballet class during any getaway, regardless of location. Because you know what? There’s no place I’d rather be than with fellow ballet-lovers, learning some new moves and stretching those muscles. 💖 It's not all pirouettes and grand jetés, of course. It's also about feeling strong, elegant, and flexible. Feeling the freedom and joy that comes with movement, the joy of getting to share it with other women who understand the magic of ballet! 💃

Speaking of which, I'm meeting with a friend from university, Laura, this afternoon. We used to dance together at our university's ballet club, but it’s been ages since we saw each other, and I am absolutely thrilled to catch up. It's wonderful to find other people who share your passion, you know? Sharing our dance stories and experiences, exchanging tips and advice on classes, and simply reminiscing about those amazing university days.

The best part is, Laura will be joining me at the ballet tonight! You just know it’s going to be a lovely evening full of giggles, laughter, and lots of twirling in our chairs – which might get some curious glances from the audience, but that's fine. We'll have a laugh about it afterwards! 😉

I love to spread the joy of ballet to everyone I can! That's why I think the idea of everyone wearing pink tutus – for a day, at least! – is just divine. It’d be like a collective burst of colour and elegance in the world, like a dance performance in slow motion. Can you imagine the looks on people's faces when they see you waltzing around in a pink tutu?! They’d think it’s eccentric at first, but you know what, why not embrace the fun?! 💖 It’s all about the joy of dancing, about getting outside your comfort zone, about embracing your inner ballerina. And I’m just getting started, because ballet should be for everyone! ✨

To make this dream a reality, we need to embrace ballet, and it can start in the smallest of ways. Maybe someone sees a photo of a little girl with a tutu and gets a warm feeling in their heart, or maybe someone sees a group of adults trying out ballet for the first time and finds themselves inspired. These are the little moments that add up. These are the moments that turn dreams into realities.

Before I get carried away with my daydreams of pink tutus everywhere, I must get back to the excitement of Bournville. I can already picture those beautiful cobblestone streets lit up by the twilight glow, the magical sounds of the ballet performance wafting from the theatre, the excited chat with my friend Laura before we take our seats… oh, what an evening this is going to be!

Be sure to check back tomorrow, darlings, for all the details about the ballet and a glimpse of my dance moves! 🩰

Until then, embrace your inner ballerina! And remember, the only thing better than one pink tutu is everyone wearing one! 💗

Emma xx

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#TutuBlog 2016-03-30 in Bournville with a white tutu.