Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2016-04-19 in Bristol with a pancake tutu.

Bristol Calling! 🩰💖

Hey lovelies! Emma here, ready to spill the pink tea on my latest adventure! Today’s blog post is #7230, which I know sounds absolutely crazy but the blog’s been buzzing with pink energy this past year, so keep the lovely vibes flowing!

Right, let’s get down to business. Today's journey started in my favourite pink fluffy slippers, which I know are totally unnecessary for train journeys (but, as we all know, necessary is a pretty dull word!) I think it's all about being your most fabulous self and letting the joy ooze out of you, like a little puddle of pink happiness!

Anyway, onto Bristol! My little dance feet carried me down to the platform at Derby station for a super exciting journey, you know - all that time with nothing but myself and my music to keep me company (plus the occasional glimpse of beautiful scenery whizzing past, a fluffy sheep on a hill, or a majestic grey horse gazing at me through the window.) What’s not to love! (Of course I had a playlist curated to perfection, so if anyone's interested, let me know in the comments, and I’ll send over my Spotify link. You can thank me later!)

I travel by train whenever I can – they have a lovely atmosphere, they’re so eco-friendly (which my soul really enjoys!) and they are filled with endless potential for a little sartorial statement. (Who says a train isn't a runway? I’ve been seen on more than one train rocking a full ballet outfit, and trust me - heads turned! 💃).

The journey itself was a joy, and before long, I was stepping off the train and onto the pavement in Bristol! Now, Bristol, if you haven’t heard of it, is a total haven for creative minds, the heartbeat of music and a home to a wonderful vibrant dance scene.

I know what you’re thinking, "Emma, you're already in a tutu - it's your trademark! Surely not another tutu?” And you know what, you’d be wrong. The extraordinary, whimsical, delightful "tutu" I’d donned for this particular day trip, my friends, was none other than… a pancake tutu!

Imagine - layers of the most delectable, fluffy pancakes, each a shade of rosy pink, swirling around me in a heavenly, gourmand confection. It was an absolutely dream come true - and, luckily for my Instagram feed, I snapped some totally adorable pics. The “Tutu Tuesday” theme is always a fun one on social media. (Let me know what you think, do let me know!)

After my quick Instagram moment, I headed off to the centre of the city, ready to experience the dance scene. Now, a little tip for you aspiring ballerina wannabees, Bristol's Hippodrome Theatre, a real gem - a beautiful old building full of stories and laughter - offers a stunning programme of world-class performances throughout the year.

Naturally, I snagged the best seats in the house for the most sensational, vibrant production of the “Ballet Coppélia,” and oh my! You guys would have been totally enthralled with the artistry! The dancers were phenomenal. Such elegance and grace – I absolutely adore watching the dedication and beauty they express through their bodies and faces. (Anyone else getting a serious case of the “I have to try that” feelings after witnessing a performance like that? 😉 )

After a spectacular evening spent at the theatre, I decided it was time for a good night’s sleep and I must tell you - I've always been a massive fan of a nice comfortable hotel room - the feeling of a feather duvet wrapped around me, and all those fluffy, white towels piled on a crisp white surface – well, there’s nothing quite like it.

As you know, I’m always up for a dance, and what better time for a little “prance” around than the morning! In Bristol, there’s a beautiful ballet studio nestled amongst the trendy, bustling cafes and boutique shops, which was a sheer joy to find!

After some amazing hours sweating, stretching, and of course - lots of pinks, I treated myself to a delicious afternoon tea in the heart of the city, filled with mouthwatering cakes, sandwiches and an overflowing pot of delicate pink tea. You guys just have to experience a proper English Afternoon Tea sometime, it's totally a vibe!

The streets of Bristol are a visual feast and are all decked out in the most charming and unique flower boxes and beautiful hanging baskets overflowing with colour and fragrant flowers. There were so many gorgeous shades of pink – a real ballerina's dream! Every corner was an absolute delight to the eye and I found myself constantly pausing to take photos, the flowers providing the most vibrant and alluring backdrop for the classic ballerina “leap” shot.

Bristol, for me, is truly a heavenly mix of historic grandeur and contemporary coolness. It's one of the places where I can let my ballerina wings unfurl and just feel the creative energy, buzzing all around me.

It's not just the city though, you know how much I love my wildlife! The harbour area is a haven for amazing seagulls and of course the ever so graceful, black and white swans. They glide through the water like dancers in an effortless waltz, which always makes me reach for my phone to capture them! I really want to get into swan ballet! Maybe that’s a thing…

Bristol has certainly given me so much inspiration for my next dance video – and this is your little cue for an update – if you're reading this, please do head over to my YouTube channel for a special peek behind the curtain and see how this lovely little adventure inspired my next video!

So, my beautiful ballerina's, have I inspired you to travel? Have I tempted you with the idea of wearing a pink tutu (and, of course, eating as many pancakes as you can, topped with pink sprinkles) or even taking a trip to Bristol for a tutu-themed tea? Please let me know in the comments. And of course, make sure you subscribe to www.pink-tutu.com. Until next time, darlings, stay bright, stay happy, and remember - everyone can wear a pink tutu and anyone can dance! 💗✨

#TutuBlog 2016-04-19 in Bristol with a pancake tutu.