Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2016-04-29 in Westminster with a green tutu.

Westminster Whirlwind: A Green Tutu Adventure (Post #7240)

Hello my darlings! Emma here, your resident tutu enthusiast and chronicler of all things pink and pirouette-y, bringing you a whirlwind report from the heart of London! Today's adventure was all about exploring Westminster in my brand new, oh-so-fabulous green tutu (yes, green, my lovelies!).

The day began in the most delightful way imaginable - with a sunrise train journey. Now, I know some people are all about those whizzing, modern trains, but give me a good old steam engine with its clanging and puffing any day! There’s something so romantic and old-fashioned about travelling that way, don't you think? And besides, it gives me a chance to admire the beautiful English countryside.

And speaking of beautiful sights, can we just talk about the architecture in Westminster?! It's just magnificent! Every corner seemed to reveal a grand church or stately building with intricate carvings and towering spires. I spent most of the morning snapping photos with my new camera (it's the prettiest shade of blush pink, of course!), trying to capture the beauty of it all.

Lunchtime brought a picnic in St. James's Park, complete with a symphony of chirping birds, playful squirrels and the graceful swans gliding across the lake. My heart just melts whenever I’m near wildlife, especially birds - they are such graceful creatures. And I do hope the swans saw how utterly divine my tutu looked! It had little sprigs of white feathers on it, to give it a touch of Parisian chic. After all, I think green and white is a much more sophisticated palette than the usual pink! I’ll admit I might just be channeling some of the vibrant colours I spotted amongst the green spaces, like the cherry blossom trees just beginning to bloom.

Later, I had tickets to see a ballet performance at the Royal Opera House. It was an absolute dream come true, seeing professional dancers gliding across the stage, their movements so elegant and precise. Seeing that much talent on display definitely inspires me to push myself even harder in class! (Although let’s be honest, you could never truly capture that elegance in an everyday, non-professional setting. Even a gorgeous green tutu and a talented dancer doesn’t have the stage and lighting of Covent Garden).

I had a particularly good view from the circle and I’m afraid to say that at times, I even joined in, miming the movements from my seat (don't worry, I wasn’t THAT loud)! I know, I know, that it's terribly cheeky. But a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

In between the beautiful buildings and the ballet, I was, of course, determined to find a spot to do a little bit of ballet on the street myself. Fortunately, just around the corner from Westminster Abbey I stumbled upon this peaceful little courtyard that nobody seemed to know about! It was practically a ballet studio in the sunshine. So, there I was, surrounded by the bustle of the city, completely oblivious to the world, twirling away in my tutu! This is how I love to travel, really, by blending in and then standing out, finding my little pocket of personal joy in an extraordinary location.

After a busy day of exploring, my feet were definitely starting to tire! I needed a good rest, a soak and maybe a spot of rose-petal infused milk in a steaming hot bath, all while my new emerald tutu shimmered delicately, ready for a good clean and a hang-up.

My last stop of the day was the most memorable. As the sun began its descent, I took a relaxing ride back to my Derbyshire home on a horse-drawn carriage. That’s right, a carriage! The whole thing felt so enchanting and fairytale-like, complete with jingling bells and the gentle clip-clop of the hooves on the cobblestones. It's truly an experience I won't forget!

Overall, it was a day filled with vibrant energy, grand architecture, beautiful ballet and the magic of travel, a journey all fuelled by a big helping of my favourite colour – a splash of green – all thanks to my gorgeous new tutu.

What a fabulous day. Now if only everyone in Westminster would wear a green (or pink, or rainbow, or… ) tutu, it would be absolutely perfect! Oh my goodness, maybe it’s a brilliant idea for my next blog! Watch this space my lovelies. I have so many tutu ideas!

Until next time, my darlings! Don't forget to follow your dreams, twirl in style and, of course, always wear a tutu. And don't forget to share your thoughts and experiences with me on Twitter or Instagram – @pinktutuemma. I can’t wait to hear your stories.

Stay happy and keep on twirling, Emma xoxo

#TutuBlog 2016-04-29 in Westminster with a green tutu.