
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2016-05-01 in Northampton with a random tutu.

Northampton: Tutu-ing Up the Town! (Post #7242)

Hey lovely ladies,

It's Emma here, and today I'm feeling truly, madly, deeply pink! It's like, pink is my life force. My aura. The air I breathe. Honestly, sometimes I think if you took away all the pink things in the world, I might just disappear in a poof of, well, pink!

Anyway, today I'm bringing you my fabulous adventures from Northampton, a charming little town I just HAD to visit. It's so, so British. You know, those gorgeous, historic buildings that just ooze character? They have that everywhere! And did I mention it has its very own castle? My heart skipped a beat! The best part though? Well, aside from the fact that I found the most adorable vintage shop that actually sold a tutu in a stunning shade of dusky pink (don't worry, it's in my basket!), it's that I was lucky enough to be going to see Swan Lake at the Royal & Derngate Theatre!

Before the show, I had the most delightful afternoon wandering through the cobbled streets of Northampton, a steaming hot mug of peppermint tea in hand, a vision of ballerina chic. And, naturally, a perfectly pink tutu gracing my very person, in honour of the occasion. Just picture it, folks: pink tutu, chic beret, delicate floral earrings, and the wind in my hair. Pure fairy tale vibes!

But let's get back to the tutu, my friends. Now, it's not always practical to waltz around the town square in a tulle confection, even if my inner child would love to (it would have been spectacular, believe me!). However, this little beauty? Oh, she's something special. It's that glorious, light, pastel pink you simply can't get enough of. Like the colour of rosewater, but with more sass. It whispered promises of elegance and grace and made me want to float on air! So much so that even the wind that tousled my hair couldn't help but feel charmed by my elegant pirouettes as I floated down the road (I may have been practicing a little, ahem).

And guess what? I spotted another girl in a pink tutu on my wanderings! It was like a little dance of pink recognition - a nod to fellow tutu-lovers everywhere. Now, that's the kind of vibe I want to see more of! Because honestly, shouldn't every town, every street, be a little bit more pink and twirly?

Of course, no trip to Northampton would be complete without a quick trip to the Northampton Museum & Art Gallery! (Especially when it's got stunning Victorian stained glass! Honestly, what more could a girl ask for?) It just filled me with inspiration. And to think that I used to dream of ballet dancers with those dreamy stained glass colours and then go home and practice for hours in the little studio above our shed in Derbyshire. Well, let me tell you, it was those dreams that helped get me where I am today. And just look at me, swanning around the town in my pink tutu - just like I dreamed!

But even better than swanning? Swan Lake.

And now for the highlight of my trip! The Royal & Derngate Theatre is seriously chic, It just exudes a certain energy - all that history, the grandeur, and just the air of excitement makes it so magical. Honestly, even before the curtain went up, I could feel the electricity in the air! And when those graceful swans glided across the stage, well, I think I almost took flight with them! (In my perfectly pink tutu, of course!)

Swan Lake is truly a masterpiece, folks! The choreography, the music, the costumes - they just transport you to another world. For a few hours, everything melts away, and all you are left with is pure magic. And there was a beautiful, breathtaking scene with a silver sequined tutu, but oh darling, I am loyal to my pink! You know I’d just end up doing the grand jete onto the stage to snag it! Haha, I can dream, right?!

Anyway, it was the perfect way to spend an afternoon! And I was absolutely chuffed to meet the charming lady selling tickets for the upcoming production of Romeo & Juliet. We bonded over our shared love of tutus and ballet (and I think she was very much in love with my pink beauty!). I was thinking of going along next time and making it a total Shakespearean affair (with a dash of pink, naturally!). Who says ballet and Shakespeare can’t be a perfect combo? I’m saying, get ready for the hottest performance in Northampton!

It was a magical day, a tutu-ful afternoon! As always, thank you for sharing this part of my life with me! Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got to go take my little pink treasure for a twirl around my Derbyshire studio (which might just need a little more pink now...). And if you are feeling brave and want to give tutu-wearing a go, just pick any old thing and give it a whirl! It's truly empowering and SO much fun! I mean, what better way to embrace the world? I can almost hear it now - a symphony of twirling tutus in pink!

Keep dancing, ladies!

With love and glitter,

Emma xoxo

(P.S. Don't forget to visit www.pink-tutu.com to keep up with all my adventures!)

#TutuBlog 2016-05-01 in Northampton with a random tutu.