
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2016-05-16 in Gloucester with a nature themed tutu.

Gloucester: A Pink Tutu Adventure with a Wildlife Twist!

Hello my lovely Tutuettes!

It's Emma here, your friendly neighbourhood Tutuista, and today's post is extra special! I'm delighted to be writing this from the lovely city of Gloucester. This is my seventh thousand, two hundred and fifty-seventh post and let me tell you, I'm feeling like a tutu-wearing tornado of excitement! You see, this trip has a wonderful "wildlife meets whimsy" vibe, and I'm positively buzzing about it!

For those of you who are new to the Tutu-verse, I'm a firm believer that a pink tutu can elevate any adventure to extraordinary heights. And let's be honest, my fellow ballet enthusiasts, who wouldn't be thrilled by a dash of pink tulle sprinkled onto a day of exploring beautiful Gloucester Cathedral, with a charming twist of "wild" thrown in for good measure?!

This morning, I bid farewell to the rolling hills of Derbyshire, boarding the steam train to Gloucester, a city bursting with historical charm, that just happened to be having a lovely 'Wild About Gloucester' festival going on. Oh, my Tutuettes, the possibilities for delightful adventures were simply boundless!

My trip kicked off in a fairytale-like setting โ€“ a picturesque little station reminiscent of something from a Victorian novel. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and even the air smelled of adventure. I knew in that instant that Gloucester was going to be an unforgettable experience, and this is just my first blog post from here!

Dressed in my trusty pink tutu, I boarded the train, already feeling the creative juices flow. Yes, even travel requires a splash of ballet!

A Dash of Wildlife Inspiration

Once in Gloucester, my pink tulle had a very specific task โ€“ to spark conversations, spread joy, and encourage the locals to "go wild!"

I ventured straight to Gloucester Cathedral. The sight was stunning, with its magnificent architecture and intricate carvings. I could practically feel the centuries whispering tales from the stained glass windows. A perfect setting for my pink tutu to really shine, you know? The very thought made me giggle with delight, like a ballerina with a secret โ€“ one only shared by pink tulle and those who dare to embrace their inner child!

For me, the heart of the city is undoubtedly the glorious cathedral, a place where history and art truly dance hand-in-hand. While wandering its corridors, I was pleasantly surprised to come across the 'Wild About Gloucester' festival exhibits, highlighting the natural beauty of the Cotswolds, which, of course, brought back my deep-rooted love of all things animal! I know you love nature too, my lovely Tutuettes, even though you probably wear your pink tutus mostly in the theatre, dance studios and street dance shows... well that is for me too but... my tutu and I are pretty wild and always ready to roam the country side and go wild, and sometimes even wear animal print tutus, depending on my mood, which I must explain. The print must be on the right tutus and you have to make sure the prints blend seamlessly into the wild..

The beautiful wild flowers displayed and all the details about the regionโ€™s incredible wildlife gave me an extra dose of creativity. For those who know me, you know my love for wild animals. For those who are new here, I spend a lot of time on horse back and exploring, often meeting deer and all kinds of birds on my countryside journeys! But, my real love, has to be, butterflies and dragonflies.. and you will soon find out why!

As a girl from Derbyshire who loves all things natural, I had to explore the beautiful landscape and I made my way to the enchanting Leckhampton Hill and its spectacular view! Now this hill is known for something rather special, and you won't believe this, dear Tutuettes: butterflies, lots and lots of butterflies! I felt like I'd been whisked away into a vibrant canvas painted with nature's own brushstrokes, the wind dancing through my pink tulle as I walked. And when I caught sight of the shimmering wings of a Swallowtail Butterfly, it was a magical moment. The beauty of nature in motion simply captivated me, making me wish I could paint every flitting wing stroke on a ballet dancer. Perhaps one day... but back to this story! The view of the Gloucestershire countryside was a stunning picture and I couldn't help but feel inspired. So inspired, in fact, that I found myself creating an impromptu dance in the meadow!

Yes, you guessed it, my darling Tutuettes! My pink tutu turned into the most beautiful prop - a ballerina surrounded by flowers and fluttering butterflies! My love for wildlife really has a unique way of showing itself and my dear Tutu, is a faithful accomplice in this.. The best part? My performance caught the attention of some lovely, curious folk and some sweet local children. There was a kind older gentleman, who, after watching me dance with joy in his eyes, remarked that my pink tulle brought a dash of cheer to a rather dreary, overcast day.

A Tutu-ful Fusion of Dance and Nature

Now, after this fabulous adventure in the countryside, I was feeling quite ready for a glass of bubbly (pink, of course!) so I took a lovely afternoon stroll down the delightful Gloucester Docks. The sight of the Gloucester Docks is like walking into a colourful page straight out of an artistic magazine, and the historical boats added a whimsical, slightly nautical element that was rather appealing. As a child who dreams of wandering and finding adventures with every turn of a corner, I love this kind of ambiance, which for me conjures a beautiful sense of freedom!

This afternoon brought out the 'street ballerina' in me, so I indulged in some spontaneous improvisation by the river bank, the gentle river current serenading me with a soothing sound! I even used some abandoned benches as a makeshift stage โ€“ for those of you who have followed my blog, you will know how much I love street dance. The combination of urban spaces and creative dance is absolutely irresistible for a tutu-clad dancer, it's an incredible form of creative expression! My Tutu danced along with me, making the world a more colourful, fun, and utterly charming place! But, back to my 'Wild About Gloucester' experiences - It was so much fun seeing people stopping to watch and clap along, even taking videos. They laughed with me, took photos with me and were happy to just have me be myself, even though the only thing more colourful than my pink tutu was the amazing colourful array of boats!

The day ended with me strolling through the beautiful park of Eastgate Street in my tutu! My Tutu is a real icebreaker! As I skipped, pirouetted and took a few graceful leaps here and there, the children laughed and cheered for me, the local women took out their cameras to capture me in my element, the gentleman took off his hat in admiration and everyone felt inspired, that is the magic of a pink Tutu - the moment you start to appreciate how beautiful it is and start to love it, you instantly realise its magic..

After an action packed day full of vibrant colours and laughter, the Pink Tutu Queen bid Gloucester farewell... But let's not forget, my lovely Tutuettes! The 'Wild About Gloucester' festival is on till next week so for anyone who would like to take a road trip, I suggest you pack your own pink tutu, a good camera and an adventurous heart! Remember - wherever you go, donโ€™t forget to dance and explore. Embrace the beauty of your surroundings and let the colours of nature inspire you, like they have me!

**As always, my dearest Tutuettes! I promise to bring you more wonderful adventures from across the world soon, I'll keep you updated with more pink-tutu-fied travel tales!

And never forget! Lifeโ€™s too short to take it all too seriously. Grab your pink tulle, find your adventure and let your inner ballerina shine, you go, girl!**

Tutu much, Emma!

*See you next time at www.pink-tutu.com ! *

#TutuBlog 2016-05-16 in Gloucester with a nature themed tutu.