Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2016-05-20 in Sale with a american style tutu.

TutuBlog Post #7261: American Dreamin' in Pink

Hello lovelies! Emma here, back from a whirlwind trip across the pond, and feeling more than a little inspired. You know I adore a good tutu, but recently, I've been feeling like I need to spread the tutu love even further, to embrace all the fabulous tutus that are out there. So, off I went, across the Atlantic to the land of sunshine and endless possibilities - America! And what better way to explore than by train? It was truly magical, rolling through the beautiful scenery, feeling the breeze in my hair, and daydreaming of all the amazing tutus I was about to discover!

I had a list of places I just had to see, like Broadway and the New York Ballet, and a whole heap of adorable shops tucked away in corners, promising pastel pink delights.

Firstly, let’s talk about New York, that incredible city of towering buildings and a real sense of energy. The sheer scale of everything was mesmerising - those big, bold signs, the huge crowds, the bustling streets... I felt a tiny bit intimidated at first, like a little pink butterfly fluttering among giants, but once I popped on my pink tutu (which I just had to wear, it wouldn’t be a TutuBlog trip without one!) I felt invincible, ready to take on the city and embrace the magic!

I took a spin around Central Park - you know, to admire the lush greenery and enjoy a touch of nature in the midst of the urban jungle! I spotted a few fellow tutu enthusiasts in the park - it’s not as rare as you might think - people were genuinely admiring my outfit, smiling, and one lovely lady even gave me a compliment, telling me she had dreamed of becoming a ballerina when she was younger. It was such a lovely reminder of how tutus are such powerful little symbols of joy and creativity - I think we should all wear one and remind ourselves of the power of play and the freedom of expression. It truly is infectious!

Speaking of inspiration, I took myself off to the American Ballet Theatre and, my goodness, what a performance! These talented dancers took my breath away, they floated across the stage, embodying the spirit of classic ballets, and each step felt like pure magic. I especially loved how the costumes highlighted their movement - they weren't just wearing tutus, they were living in them, moving with a grace and elegance that just took me straight back to that magical world of dance that I so dearly love.

The trip wasn't just about seeing breathtaking performances, you see, I love ballet in all its forms, whether it's street ballet, the majestic theatre productions, or even just a casual class! And of course, it wouldn’t be a proper trip without finding a hidden gem of a ballet class - and I found it tucked away in a small, sunlit studio in Brooklyn. It was so full of vibrant energy, I swear I could practically feel the joy pulsating in the air!

It was a truly inspiring class, everyone, from beginner to advanced, learning and sharing their love of ballet. It was just the perfect dose of "you can do anything" energy I needed after my busy week. It got me thinking… perhaps the most magical thing about tutus is that they really have the power to transform anything, whether it’s a city park, a theatre, or a simple studio, turning it into a haven for dreams and a space for everyone to feel empowered, confident, and ready to express themselves.

Now, no trip to the States would be complete without visiting the nation’s beautiful wild places! I rode my horse, Buttercup, across the rolling hills of Colorado. We galloped through fields of wildflowers, which felt like something out of a fairytale, and even caught sight of a majestic eagle soaring overhead. It was pure magic. It made me realise how even with my trusty steed and my favourite tutu, it's sometimes best to just let loose, be free, and embrace the natural beauty all around.

Of course, the trip was incomplete without some retail therapy! I spent hours scouring those hidden vintage stores in Manhattan, looking for tutus, dancing shoes, and little gems that could spark new TutuBlog posts. You see, I want everyone to be able to embrace the pink tutu spirit - whether it’s a vintage classic or something new and trendy. There’s a tutu out there for everyone, just waiting to be discovered! And you know what, I came across the most adorable vintage store nestled in a cobbled back street, crammed full of treasures that made my heart skip a beat. I even discovered a fab pink sequin tutu, just begging to be twirled and danced in! I was so tempted to grab it but you know, you’ve got to stay disciplined when you’re on a TutuBlog adventure. I don't want to end up wearing a massive pile of tulle and feathers!

The journey has come to an end, but my TutuBlog story is just beginning! I’ve brought back a whole load of inspiration and even more of that contagious joy that the pink tutu spirit carries. It’s got me dreaming of all the things I can achieve. I just want to see more tutus, more creativity, more confidence and more joy spreading like a wave across the world!

I'm going to end with this thought - you never know, that American dream may just start with a pink tutu! Why not give it a whirl? You never know, you might just surprise yourself with your inner ballerina.

Now go out there and show the world the beautiful dance that is within you, darlings! And be sure to stay tuned for more exciting adventures on Pink Tutu, I promise to fill you in on every detail. Happy twirling! xx


#TutuBlog 2016-05-20 in Sale with a american style tutu.