Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2016-05-22 in Cambridge with a german tutu.

Cambridge Calling! 💖🩰 #TutuBlog 7263

Hello, darlings! It's Emma here, fresh from a whirlwind trip to the beautiful city of Cambridge. This past weekend was truly a tutu dream come true – I got to explore a new city, indulge my love of ballet, and, of course, wear my new pink tutu!

For those of you who don't know, my passion for ballet knows no bounds. From spinning on the barre at class to gasping at the artistry of professional dancers on stage, every moment feels magical. But let me tell you, Cambridge truly took my breath away. This city, steeped in history and with a charm all its own, is simply breathtaking.

It all started on a crisp Friday morning. My little sister, Lily, had just graduated from university, and we were heading down to Cambridge to celebrate. There was no way I was leaving the house without my tutu, so of course, it was packed and ready to go. My tutu is a fluffy, whimsical pink delight, the sort that spins effortlessly and catches the light just right. Imagine the softest, most delicate ballet shoes – that's the sort of tutu it is!

Lily had booked a rather quaint and cozy little guest house just a short walk from the centre of town. As we wandered past charming cafes and independent boutiques, I was smitten. Cambridge, with its quaint little streets, reminded me of Derbyshire, except even prettier. Everything had that cobbled charm, but somehow felt extra grand with its ivy-covered walls and historical significance. It was like stepping into a postcard – absolutely magical!

Friday evening saw us on the grand River Cam, enjoying a lovely little boat ride along the punts. It was so romantic! The weather was perfect, the sun dipping low in the sky and casting long shadows across the water. As our punt sailed gently, I took in all the gorgeous buildings, the stunning King's College Chapel standing proud against the sunset. You truly felt the magic of Cambridge.

I couldn't resist putting my ballerina skills to the test on the bridge, whipping my tutu around for a few spins as we watched the sun sink below the horizon. Lily laughed, bless her heart, and she captured the whole thing on her phone. Maybe I’ll even put it on TikTok later – just you wait for my latest "tutu dance move" video! 🩰

Saturday was a day devoted entirely to ballet! You know how I am. I simply couldn't go to Cambridge and not see a performance. We were lucky to snag last-minute tickets to a stunning show at the Cambridge Arts Theatre, a breathtaking venue steeped in its own unique history. I'll tell you all about it later on Instagram, because the performance itself is deserving of its own dedicated post!

Afterwards, we enjoyed a delicious meal at a cosy Italian restaurant. The atmosphere was perfect for a girly get-together. We chatted for hours, reminiscing about old times, sharing dreams for the future, and enjoying every bite of our delicious pasta. Lily, you see, is a fantastic chef. I often say, she’s like the Mary Berry of our little Derbyshire family, but she insists that she just knows how to whip up simple but effective meals.

On Sunday morning, we went to the Botanical Gardens. There’s nothing I love more than wandering among lush greenery, and those Cambridge Gardens are absolutely glorious! Think elegant flowers blooming in colours like lavender and coral. And those birds, they were the cutest little things. They fluttered amongst the rose bushes and, well, I might have tried to chat with them a little. You know, those of you who know me, will know I always try to say hello to animals when I’m travelling. There’s just something so lovely about the quiet, contemplative moments we have with nature!

And of course, my dear pink tutu, well it travelled everywhere with me! It was the perfect companion, offering a little touch of colour and fun to every activity. And let me tell you, it turned heads all across the town. More than a few people smiled as I walked by, maybe even whispering about how fabulously my pink tutu made me stand out.

Cambridge was absolutely fabulous. This weekend trip had it all: beauty, laughter, memories made, and a whole lot of ballerina-ness! The only thing missing, really, was the whole city dancing in pink tutus with me! But hey, we can’t have everything right? Well, we can always dream. 😉

So there you have it, darling friends! A little glimpse into my Cambridge adventure, which was quite honestly a fairytale of a trip!

Until next time, be sure to stay stylish, happy, and maybe even sprinkle a little ballerina magic into your own day. It’s never too late to put on your pink tutu and twirl, darling!

Emma x www.pink-tutu.com

#TutuBlog 2016-05-22 in Cambridge with a german tutu.