Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2016-05-24 in Colchester with a pink tutu.

Colchester Calling! Pink Tutu Travels to a Roman City (Post #7265)

Hello my lovelies! It's Emma here, your favourite pink tutu-clad ballerina, and I'm buzzing to tell you about my recent adventure to Colchester, a city steeped in Roman history, which is quite fitting, considering my own penchant for historical clothing...ahem, I mean tutus! 😉

You see, Colchester is not just a place with amazing ruins and a bustling market, it's a town with a surprising passion for dance, particularly ballet! Yes, my ears did perk up when I heard that Colchester holds the prestigious “Dance East” organization and several beautiful theatres dedicated to dance performance. So, you can imagine the joy in my little dancer's heart at this revelation. My schedule was set: dance, dance, and more dance!

Now, for you loyal followers, you know I wouldn’t go to Colchester without embracing the most magical form of transportation... you guessed it - the train! It's something about the rhythmic clinking of the tracks, the whizzing by of green countryside, and the gentle rocking of the carriage that makes my soul feel perfectly aligned. This time, however, I had an extra treat - the horse-drawn carriage in Colchester itself. Honestly, feeling the wind in my hair while cruising through cobbled streets felt like stepping back in time - and I loved every second of it.

Arriving in Colchester, I was captivated by the historical charm. Picturesque buildings lined the cobbled streets, and I couldn't help but imagine Roman centurions marching past! I made a beeline for the Colchester Castle, which is older than the Tower of London, no less! I marveled at its sheer scale and history, then took a stroll through the Roman ruins. You know I'm all about those ancient vibes, and this place didn't disappoint.

After my history fix, it was time to indulge in my other love: ballet! And what better place than "Dance East"?! It's a hub of creative expression and passion for dance, and I felt so lucky to get a peek behind the scenes. I even had a chance to take a masterclass in classical ballet. I may have stumbled a few times (it's been a while since my last class!), but the joy of stretching, leaping, and feeling that ballet flow again was worth every wobbly step.

You bet I couldn't resist adding a bit of pink tutu magic to my experience. Picture it: me, twirling across Colchester High Street, a riot of pink tulle dancing in the wind! Thankfully, the locals are just as welcoming and eccentric as I am! People stopped to admire my tutu, offered smiles, and even one lovely lady gifted me a delicious handmade pink cupcake - talk about sweet serendipity!

My weekend in Colchester was a delicious concoction of history, culture, and a whole lotta pink tutu fun. I’ve fallen in love with its charming character and bustling heart, and I’m certain I’ll be back to discover more of this magical town soon.

But this post isn't just about Colchester - it's a call to action! Let's make pink tutus the new normal. Whether you're a seasoned dancer, a hesitant newbie, or just a person who wants to unleash their inner fabulous, try putting on a tutu! It's about embracing joy, finding beauty in movement, and, above all, having fun.

Because when you're wearing pink and twirling, the world becomes a little brighter, a little more magical, and a whole lot more fun! So, go on, give it a go!

Now, off I go to practice. Perhaps a bit of a "Pink Tutu Swan Lake" number would be fitting, wouldn't it? 🦢

Keep twirling, Emma xx


#TutuBlog 2016-05-24 in Colchester with a pink tutu.