Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2016-06-06 in Worcester with a pink tutu.

Worcester Wonderland: A Pink Tutu Adventure! 🩰💖

Hello my darlings!

It's your favourite pink tutu-clad ballerina, Emma, back with another fab-tastic blog post! This is post number 7278 (woohoo!), and today I'm bursting with excitement because I've just had the most incredible weekend trip to Worcester.

Remember I told you about my love of train journeys? Well, this weekend was a real treat. I boarded a gleaming scarlet train in Derbyshire, surrounded by fields bursting with buttercups and the scent of hay in the air. It was like a scene from a Jane Austen novel, only I wasn't sporting a demure muslin dress. Nope, I had my signature pink tutu on, and I felt a bit like a rebellious fairy princess escaping the clutches of boring etiquette!

The journey to Worcester was pure magic. The landscape whirled past in a colourful blur. Lush green fields, quaint little villages, and the glint of the River Severn all swirled around me like a ballet dancer pirouetting on a stage. I felt so incredibly alive, the train ride a prelude to a delightful ballet of exploration in Worcester itself!

Upon arriving, the city welcomed me with open arms. It had a charming, historical feel with cobbled streets lined with independent shops, cafes bursting with delicious smells, and buildings that seemed to whisper tales from a bygone era.

The Ballet Buzz

Worcester, it turns out, is a veritable haven for ballet lovers like me. I took a class at the Worcester Ballet School, tucked away in a delightful building that exuded a calming and creative energy. The studio had big windows flooding it with sunshine, the worn wooden floor creaked underfoot with the sound of every plié and relevé. It was an absolutely delightful haven for graceful pirouettes and perfectly executed grand jetés!

Speaking of ballet, I also got to see a show at the wonderful Worcester City Art Gallery and Museum. They had an exhibition dedicated to the work of one of my all-time favourite dancers, Margot Fonteyn. It was captivating. She was such a stunning ballerina, her graceful movements truly embodying the essence of a ballerina. I even got to see some original photographs from her famous performance at Sadler's Wells. I think my heart almost stopped - I felt a real connection with her, like she was whispering her stories directly into my soul!

A Pinch of Pink in Worcester

But, you know me, my travels aren't complete without a dash of pink! And Worcester delivered.

I wandered through a charming pink-hued flower market, filled with vibrant blooms, where I found the perfect pink bouquet of lilies and peonies. A lovely old woman with a twinkle in her eye gifted me a sweet pink posy of rosebuds. It was just like something from a storybook.

In the afternoon, I enjoyed a delicious lunch at a lovely little café. Now, you wouldn't believe this, but their entire menu was pink themed! From "Pink Lemonade" to "Rosewater Panna Cotta" to even a "Pink Flamingo Cocktail", it was a complete celebration of everything pink and pretty!

Of course, no Worcester visit is complete without exploring its famous cathedral. It was majestic, imposing, and awe-inspiring - just like a giant ballerina in the grandest of theatres! I made sure to leave a little bit of pink magic there. I left a single pink feather on the steps - a little symbol of elegance and beauty. I imagined it being picked up by a passer-by, their eyes lighting up as they discovered this little pink gem in their midst.

A Wildlife Surprise!

But, as it happens, my Worcester adventures weren't just about ballet and pink! There's a hidden oasis of green in the heart of the city, known as the Worcester Woods. I ventured in, following the sound of chirping birds and buzzing bees. To my surprise, the woods were home to a lively colony of red squirrels.

They scampered playfully through the trees, their fluffy tails bobbing behind them, as if participating in a graceful dance through the foliage. It felt like a scene from a woodland ballet - a charming counterpoint to my pink tutu escapades!

The Pink Tutu Legacy

My trip to Worcester reminded me how truly beautiful and magical the world can be, with its diverse cultural expressions, charming architecture, vibrant green spaces and most importantly - its ability to embrace the joy of ballet.

And just in case you're wondering, yes, I wore my pink tutu in Worcester! I think I might have even inspired a couple of ladies to consider taking up ballet. The more the merrier, right? After all, my dream is to get everyone to wear a pink tutu and experience the joy of movement!

Until next time, my dearest readers! Keep twirling and shining like the magnificent beings you are!

Love always,


P.S. Don't forget to head over to my website, www.pink-tutu.com, to check out my latest photos from my Worcester adventures. Let me know your thoughts - I love hearing from you!

#TutuBlog 2016-06-06 in Worcester with a pink tutu.