Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2016-06-10 in Bath with a pink tutu.

Bath in a Pink Tutu - Blog Post #7282

Hello my lovely tutu-loving friends!

It's Emma here, back with another dose of pink, twirling, and all things ballet! Today, I'm writing to you from the beautiful city of Bath, and yes, I'm sporting my favourite pink tutu - it seemed only right for a city so steeped in history and romance!

I’ve got to admit, the journey here was already an adventure. After a little mix-up with my train (and a surprisingly delightful chat with a very well-dressed pigeon - it was a surprisingly engaging chap!), I found myself at a gorgeous little horse and cart station tucked away from the hustle and bustle. What a beautiful way to start my day! I just love travelling by train, it's so wonderfully relaxing and it allows me to really soak up the countryside. It's the perfect time for catching up on my favourite ballet book (I'm currently rereading "The Nutcracker" - such a classic!), sipping on a little lavender tea, and fantasising about all the twirling I'm going to do.

Arriving in Bath felt like stepping into a fairytale. It's a charming, historical city full of beautiful buildings, quaint cobbled streets, and the most amazing hot springs I've ever seen! It's also been delightful to spot a plethora of wildlife. I'm not talking pigeons, but friendly squirrels who were happy to pose for photos with me while I snacked on some little raspberry scones – the local delicacy it seems. You’d never catch a squirrel posing for a photo in my Derbyshire hometown. They’re much too busy scrambling around!

Bath really has been a ballet lover's dream. First off, the Roman Baths. I was truly mesmerised by the intricate Roman architecture and the way the light played across the pools. It almost felt like I was transported back to ancient Rome, only to be swept back to the present when I saw the majestic view of the surrounding countryside. There’s a reason Bath has attracted artists and romantics for centuries. And of course, I had to take a few twirls in my tutu beside the thermal waters.

The next stop on my journey of twirling joy was the beautiful Theatre Royal Bath. Just seeing it made me giddy. It's a proper old-time theatre with a fabulous, classic charm. I love how the traditional theatres make me feel a little bit more elegant and grand just by walking in the door, even though it’s no real reason to feel so grand at all. In fact, I’m the furthest thing from it! It’s simply that my imagination likes to paint that impression. Maybe one day they’ll let me dance on that beautiful stage…a girl can dream, can’t she?

After my theatre fix, I felt compelled to get my own dancing shoes on. A bit of research showed that there were several dance schools in Bath, so of course, I had to find one to explore! It felt so magical stepping into that studio – there was just such a welcoming, friendly atmosphere, full of dancers young and old. And yes, there were lots of tutus! It’s as if I’d been in some sort of dance paradise – what better way to end the day, after all, than a ballet class, in the heart of this beautiful city, right? And then there was the icing on the cake; I met the most lovely young ballerina called Emily. We bonded over a shared love for pink tutus, our passion for ballet, and of course, the joy of a great plié! She even taught me a few steps and tips from her favourite contemporary routine - so much fun! I hope we can stay in touch.

The last little gem on my itinerary was a delicious dinner in one of the many local cafes, surrounded by gorgeous Georgian architecture. I have to admit, the dinner was more about enjoying the setting, rather than the food itself! To be honest, my stomach was already full from all those lovely raspberry scones. That and a cheeky, extra-large, bubble tea that was hidden in my tote bag. There’s something about the extra sugar rush and caffeine that really allows me to unleash those final energetic twirls after a day like today.

One thing's for sure - Bath will forever have a special place in my heart, a beautiful memory filled with dance, delight, and of course, a sprinkle of pink tutu magic. As I head back to Derbyshire tomorrow, I can't help but feel inspired. I've truly been swept away by this place and feel more than ever like I need to inspire others to discover the beauty of dance and a bit of pink tutu joy.

Remember, you don't need to be a professional ballerina to twirl with passion. Embrace the pink tutu life and dance with confidence! What's stopping you? Let's spread some tutu love and make the world a happier, more twirly place.

Until next time,

Your favourite tutu-loving ballerina, Emma


#TutuBlog 2016-06-10 in Bath with a pink tutu.