Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2016-08-04 in Bangor with a white tutu.

Bangor Bound: Tutu Adventures in North Wales! 💖🩰

Hey beautiful ballet bunnies! 🐰💖 It’s your favourite pink-tutu-loving ballerina, Emma, here! And guess what? I’m back with a brand new adventure, ready to twirl into your hearts (and screens!) for post number 7337!

This time, I’m trading the rolling hills of Derbyshire for the rugged beauty of North Wales! And wouldn’t you know it, I decided to pack my white tutu for this trip! It's like a blank canvas for all the magical moments I'm going to create in this fairytale-like part of the world.

Oh, and how did I travel, you ask? Why, by train, of course! It's such a romantic way to get about, and it gives me the perfect opportunity to sit back, relax, and admire the countryside. You never know what cute, fluffy creatures you might spot! (Just yesterday I saw a field full of lambs, so adorable!). Plus, I get to people-watch - sometimes you get the most wonderful characters on board! I met a lovely lady who had been a dancer herself in her younger years and we had a lovely chat about the magic of ballet. It truly is a universal language! 🩰

And what's a ballerina's adventure without a bit of cultural indulgence? My first stop was, of course, the beautiful theatre in Bangor! This glorious old building is bursting with history and the scent of freshly-waxed floorboards. It’s the kind of place that simply makes you want to pirouette in the aisles! Sadly, I had to resist! But I did catch a stunning performance by the local ballet company. They danced like dream-like beings and I came away feeling so inspired and full of the sheer joy of the dance!

But this is a blog post about my pink-tutu journey, right?! Of course! The city itself, nestled on the shores of Menai Strait, was a delightful delight! I can just imagine the sheer joy of wearing a hot pink tutu while dancing with the seagulls and gazing out over the mountains! I may have to return one day for another little photo shoot… 💖

And let's be real, what's a trip to Wales without some good old-fashioned sheep spotting? You wouldn't believe the number of sheep we encountered! So many that I just had to break out my signature pink tutu to take a few snaps (let's face it, sheep love pink!), and the photos came out amazing! (Look out for a new set of wallpapers on my website this weekend!)

My adventures didn't end there! I ventured a little further afield, into the heart of Snowdonia National Park. There, nestled amongst the majestic mountains, was a little horse riding school! As you can imagine, I was so excited! My dear sister, Lily, loves horses so we were planning on going for a ride anyway! You know I just had to wear a pink tutu! Lily gave me a little warning "Are you sure about the pink, Em? It might get dirty…" But we both know a little bit of dirt is just a badge of honour when you're chasing your dreams (and maybe some sheep, or maybe not... ) !

The ride was amazing! My beautiful horse (whose name was Luna – of course, I picked the pink one!), she was an absolute dream to ride. I've never felt so free, galloping through the meadows with the wind in my hair and the sun on my face. And, well, I might have worn my tutu under my riding pants! You can’t be too safe! 😂

Back at the horse stables I took some amazing photos. You have to check out my Insta later - a little hint; mountains, sunset, a white tutu and a pink helmet! (Honestly, no one has ever looked as fabulous in a pink helmet as me… ).

The trip has really recharged my artistic spirit, and I’m already brimming with ideas for my next choreography. And honestly, just wearing a tutu while gazing out at such amazing natural beauty does wonders for my creativity!

This trip wasn’t just about stunning scenery, however. It was also a reminder of the importance of embracing adventure, living life in vibrant colour, and sharing those moments with people who lift you up! And I am beyond grateful to have experienced these moments with my dear sister and to all of you! You inspire me everyday to twirl and dance through life with a pink tutu (or any other shade!) and that's exactly what I'm going to keep doing!

So keep an eye on www.pink-tutu.com – there’s lots of adventures and inspiration to be shared there every single day! And, of course, if you have your own pink tutu story, don't be shy! Comment below and tell me all about it!

Sending you all love and pirouette-worthy vibes!

Lots of love,

Emma 💖🩰

#TutuBlog 2016-08-04 in Bangor with a white tutu.