Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2016-08-11 in Streatham with a random tutu.

Streatham Sparkle: Tutu Adventures in South London!

Hello, darlings! It's Emma here, back with another post from my pink-tinted adventures! Today's blog takes us to Streatham, a charming little corner of South London, and believe me, it was sparkly. I'm clocking this as blog post number 7344, which means it's definitely time for a tutu twirl!

Now, I know what you're thinking – Streatham? Not exactly the heart of the London theatre scene, is it? Well, I'm here to tell you, it's got more than a few surprises in store. And I wouldn't be me if I wasn't there to discover them, pink tutu in tow, of course!

Tutu Tales: The Journey Begins

I always find myself a little bit nostalgic about the countryside, especially when travelling to London, but the excitement of a new adventure makes those Derbyshire hills fade away. So, after a morning of stretching in my favourite pink leotard (you know, the one with the adorable little tulle overlay?) I boarded the train from Chesterfield, all ready for my Streatham adventure. I must say, I adore travelling by train. You can be truly anywhere you want to be! It always feels so glamorous, sitting with my nose stuck in a good book and watching the countryside fly by.

I arrived in Streatham at the tail-end of a glorious summer day, and let me tell you, London was sizzling! Now, before I tell you all about Streatham's delights, let's talk about the tutu. I'm always a little apprehensive about my choices in the morning, wondering if it's the right shade of pink for the day ahead. Today's choice was a soft, almost baby pink, tutu with shimmering sequins. Perfect for catching the afternoon sunlight. Let’s just say I was absolutely smitten with it!

Pink Flamingoes and A Touch of Grace

First things first, I headed for the beautiful Streatham Common, with its sprawling green spaces and adorable little birdlife. You see, I'm a big animal lover, and you can't really beat the sight of a happy bird enjoying the sunshine. But, hold on to your bonnets, because I saw something even more spectacular! I came face-to-face with a family of flamingos. Honestly, you don't often see flamingos in South London! Now, I know what you're thinking - 'How did flamingos end up in Streatham Common?!' They looked right at home, basking in the sun, feathers the colour of a perfect pink sunset. Talk about colour inspiration!

The common itself was like a canvas of vibrant life. Families picnicking, kids chasing butterflies, and even a dog parade – yes, a dog parade! And you can't forget the beautiful wild flowers. If you're ever in Streatham, take a moment to admire them!

A Touch of Ballerina Charm

After the common, it was time to soak up the local scene. The bustling streets of Streatham were a feast for the senses – quirky little shops, cafes brimming with laughter, and vibrant street art splashed across the buildings. The vibe? It was eclectic and energetic, just like a tutu!

My ballerina instincts took over, and I couldn't resist taking a couple of twirls in the heart of Streatham High Road. Yes, even amidst the bustling shoppers and traffic! Don’t worry, the locals were absolutely lovely! It seemed as though they enjoyed the burst of pink energy!

Of course, it wouldn’t be a proper ballet trip without stopping in at a beautiful dance studio. I found this delightful little haven, tucked away down a quiet side street. Now, who could resist a quick drop-in class, especially when the room was already filled with so much energy? I did manage to snag a prime spot at the barre (with my lovely pink tutu), and even had time for a quick chat with some lovely locals. Turns out there’s a huge community of dancers in Streatham. They’ve got a local performance scheduled at the local theatre and even their own local charity for aspiring young ballet dancers – how sweet is that?!

The Stage is Set: A Theatrical Encore

Then, came the pièce de résistance - the Streatham theatre. And believe me, it did not disappoint. A beautiful art deco building, with a rich history that’s so evident in the intricate carvings and detailing of the front facade. Even the posters outside were bursting with vibrant colours. What's better than a theatre? A theatre brimming with creativity and history!

I treated myself to tickets for a show by a local ballet company, and let me tell you, they were fantastic. A little quirky, a little edgy, but so full of heart and passion. I always say, even the most humble of stages can become a magical world when filled with dedication and heart. Plus, there were more twirling opportunities, right?

Ending On A High Note: Spreading The Tutu Love

Streatham truly exceeded my expectations! It’s vibrant, it’s community-minded, and it’s full of life. There's just something special about the energy of this part of South London, like a beautiful blend of history and modern energy, just like a carefully-crafted ballet choreography.

And for a final touch of sparkle? Before catching my train home to Derbyshire, I made my way to Streatham’s lovely, colourful markets. I always love getting lost in markets - finding that unique vintage find, chatting to local traders, and yes, finding even more inspiring ways to incorporate a touch of pink into my world!

You know me, I’m a firm believer that every day is a good day to wear a pink tutu! Streatham certainly provided me with all the inspiration I needed to show the world how much I love it! Don’t just read about it! Try it yourself!

See you all tomorrow for another pink-tinted adventure!

Lots of love,



#TutuBlog 2016-08-11 in Streatham with a random tutu.