Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2016-08-14 in Macclesfield with a european style tutu.

Macclesfield Magic: Tutu Adventures in Cheshire

Post Number: 7347


Hello my lovely tutu-twirling darlings! It's Emma here, ready to whisk you away to a fairytale-esque weekend in the enchanting town of Macclesfield!

You know me, always up for an adventure, especially if it involves twirling in a fabulously pink tutu. This time, I packed my latest European-inspired confection - a blush-pink, multi-layered creation with delicate embroidery, fit for a Parisian princess. I just had to share this little bit of magic with the world, and where better to debut it than amongst the cobbled streets and historic architecture of Macclesfield?

The journey there was a pure delight, as always. I adore train journeys, the rhythmic clickety-clack of the wheels, the soft hum of the engine, the fleeting glimpses of the countryside whizzing by. I even managed to snag a window seat with the most stunning views of rolling hills and grazing sheep - all perfectly framed by a sea of lush green. I almost felt like I was in a classic ballet scene!

Once I arrived, Macclesfield was a visual feast for my eyes. Quaint boutiques bursting with floral displays, a beautiful medieval market square teeming with people, and, of course, the magnificent Macclesfield Town Hall, a proud symbol of the town’s history. I couldn't resist snapping a few shots with my tutu cascading like a ballerina's skirt against the backdrop of those stunning old stones.

My first stop had to be the charming Macclesfield Silk Museum, which tells the fascinating story of the town’s textile heritage. Did you know that Macclesfield was once the centre of silk production in Britain? They still produce some incredible silks here, and I was utterly mesmerised by the delicate fabrics and intricate patterns on display. They even had a stunning, almost ghostly-looking loom, a relic of the industry’s golden age, which made me think about the stories those old threads might whisper, stories of hard work, creative spirit and the magic of a time when silk truly reigned supreme.

That evening, my adventures led me to The West End, Macclesfield's lively arts and entertainment hub. A quick browse in their quirky bookshop (with a stunningly unique collection of poetry) and then a cup of steaming chai, and I was ready for a truly special experience. This little theatre town held a unique surprise for me – a contemporary dance performance inspired by a story from one of the most treasured pieces of poetry I ever read: ‘The Wild Swans at Coole’ by William Butler Yeats. Watching the dancers bring that poetry to life with such grace and precision was magical. Every movement, every gesture was poetry in motion!

Of course, a trip to Macclesfield wouldn't be complete without experiencing its famous Peak District surroundings. Early the next morning, I made my way to the delightful Tegg’s Nose Country Park, a picturesque landscape of steep, craggy hills, dramatic views, and verdant valleys, a perfect location to stretch my legs and let the breeze tousle my pink tutu. It felt a little bit like twirling in a Constable painting – peaceful, inspiring and refreshingly authentic.

I was delighted to see the diverse wildlife inhabiting Tegg's Nose Country Park, a playful family of deer, a family of curious squirrels, and the most impressive sight, a rare bird of prey, a Peregrine Falcon, soaring gracefully high above the rugged rocks. Nature has such a captivating way of capturing our hearts and leaving us awestruck with its beauty and magnificence.

My weekend in Macclesfield was a delightful mix of historical charm, vibrant art, and the breathtaking beauty of the English countryside. And it's a reminder, yet again, that every town has its own hidden treasures, its own little secrets waiting to be discovered. Just be open to adventures, a little pink tutu and an adventurous spirit are all it takes to explore the magic that waits just beyond our everyday routines.

Until my next post!

xoxo Emma

P.S: I promise I’m going to find ways to make your life more pink and tutuesque! Let me know in the comments below - where is your favourite place to go to seek adventures and inspire a love for dance and the colour pink?

#TutuBlog 2016-08-14 in Macclesfield with a european style tutu.