Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2016-08-23 in Crosby with a feather tutu.

Crosby Calling: Tutu Travels, Number 7356!

Hello lovelies! It's Emma here, back from another fabulous adventure. And guess what? It all started with a feather tutu, of course! 😉

My journey to the enchanting seaside town of Crosby took a delightfully unexpected twist this time, thanks to my latest feather-embellished tutu creation. Honestly, this tutu was a little bit magic! Imagine, a swirl of softest pink tulle, flowing out like a cloud, but with these incredible, delicate feathers swirling around the bottom. It looked straight out of a fairytale, and I simply had to wear it to Crosby.

This seaside town, known for its Antony Gormley statues (a bunch of rather impressive men stood up to their necks in the sea, as you do), always calls to my artistic soul. The air is so fresh, and the crashing waves just make me want to twirl and leap. Of course, a pink tutu just amplifies the drama!

Now, getting to Crosby is always half the fun, you see. You can't travel by horse to Crosby (unless you're a bit of a daredevil!), but the train journey was an experience in itself. With my feather tutu nestled in its delicate case, I was surrounded by fascinating people, each one with a story to tell. An old gentleman, reminiscing about his youth, a young couple, excitedly planning a romantic getaway, and a family with their fluffy dog - it's the kind of journey that sparks inspiration for my own tales.

I have to admit, even with the gentle rocking of the train, my mind was already dancing! The anticipation was so thick, I could almost taste the salty air of Crosby and feel the wind playing in my tulle. The prospect of exploring the town, the art, the wildlife... oh, it was absolutely intoxicating!

As I stepped onto the station platform, I was welcomed by the fresh breeze and the sweet scent of sea air. This place, it always draws me in with its vibrant spirit, a stark contrast to the rolling hills and green fields of my Derbyshire home.

I decided to stroll along the seafront, letting the feather tutu billow in the wind, and let me tell you, this tutu was made for seaside walks! It twirled beautifully as I ambled along the promenade, catching the attention of children and tourists alike. You can imagine my glee at making their day with a little bit of pink fluff and my own enthusiastic, ballet-inspired moves!

And speaking of dancing, of course I made a beeline for a ballet class. It was held in a lovely studio, with windows looking out onto the ocean. I loved that - imagine, your daily practice, but with the ocean breeze as your soundtrack and the sunlight reflecting on the water. What a blissful, magical setting! The other dancers were incredibly welcoming, a mix of beginners and seasoned pros. And, just as I thought it couldn't get better, one of the girls brought a tiny dog into class, wearing a teeny tiny, pink tutu! I almost swooned, I swear. I had to ask, of course, “Does this happen often?" and she just smiled, “Oh, you’re in Crosby now. This is our usual!”. Honestly, my heart skipped a beat, my soul sang, and I just knew I'd found my kind of place.

After my ballet class, I couldn’t resist a walk on the beach, letting the salty sea spray kiss my cheeks, with the sun warming my skin. A walk on the beach, particularly with a pink feather tutu, is an absolute mood-booster. And when I happened to spot a group of graceful gulls gliding over the water, their feathers sparkling in the sunlight, well, it was a moment straight out of one of my favourite ballet scenes. It made me realize again why I love this beautiful world so much, the amazing animals, the breathtaking landscapes, and the incredible people who make every moment special.

I can honestly say that Crosby has a special place in my heart, filled with beauty, kindness, and just a hint of magic. It's the perfect blend of nature and creativity, with enough inspiration to fill a hundred dance routines. And, for a pink-loving, tutu-wearing ballet enthusiast, it doesn't get much better than that!

Before I close, darling, promise me this: Put on your fanciest outfit, twirl with reckless abandon, and maybe, just maybe, take a spin in a tutu! Let’s make this world a little brighter, one pirouette at a time!

And don’t forget to follow my journey on www.pink-tutu.com for more pink-filled, feather-tutu adventures! Until next time, lovelies!

#TutuBlog 2016-08-23 in Crosby with a feather tutu.