Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2016-08-27 in Cumbernauld with a pink tutu.

Cumbernauld Calling: A Pink Tutu Adventure (Blog Post #7360)

Hello lovelies! It's your favourite Derbyshire tutu-wearer, Emma, back with another fabulously pink blog post! Today's journey took me all the way to Cumbernauld, a little town just north of Glasgow, and let me tell you, it was a truly delightful day.

My trusty steed, the train (who doesn't love a good old fashioned journey by rail?), carried me up to this bustling Scottish town. I can't resist a good train journey. The gentle click-clack of the wheels, the panoramic views whizzing by, and of course, the endless opportunities for people-watching. But, back to Cumbernauld...

I had heard whispers of a delightful little ballet studio tucked away in this charming town. You know me, a ballerina can never resist the allure of a new dance floor! So, with my pink tutu fluttering like a fairy in a summer breeze, I made my way towards the studio. It was an absolute treasure, with airy studios, sunlight streaming through the windows, and a vibrant energy buzzing throughout.

As soon as I stepped through the door, the resident dance teacher greeted me with a wide smile and an even wider, perfectly pink tutu of her own! We hit it off straight away – I can’t help it, pink tutus seem to attract like-minded souls! She was an absolute delight, full of enthusiasm and stories about ballet in Cumbernauld. It felt like I’d known her forever! We chatted about everything from her favourite ballet choreographers to the joys of performing in a packed theatre.

I have to tell you, this studio really did embody the spirit of "everyone can dance" - little ballerinas pirouetting with joy, teenage boys tentatively testing the waters of pointe shoes, and adults swaying with newfound grace. It was a beautiful sight!

After my lovely chat, I took the opportunity to join in a couple of classes myself. It was invigorating to be in a new studio, surrounded by different faces and styles of dancing. There's just something so magical about the shared passion for ballet, no matter where you are in the world.

In the afternoon, Cumbernauld embraced its artistic side with a delightful street performance – think dazzling dancers, heart-pumping music, and a sea of colourful tutus, including my own, of course! The energy was infectious! The little ones in the crowd were mesmerized, and even the shy ones couldn't help but tap their toes and smile.

Later that evening, I headed to a grand ballet performance at a charming local theatre. As always, a touch of pink was definitely present in my attire (pink velvet shoes, pink sparkly clutch - you get the idea!), and I felt positively radiant! The show itself was magnificent, a swirling spectacle of artistry and grace that had the audience mesmerised. I particularly loved the story behind the piece – it revolved around a spirited female ballerina fighting to achieve her dreams, just like us all, eh?

As my train journey back home commenced, I was brimming with a feeling of warmth and inspiration. Cumbernauld had opened its heart to me and showed me just how powerful the spirit of ballet can be. Whether you’re a seasoned professional, a curious newcomer, or just someone who appreciates a touch of sparkle, there’s a place for you in the magical world of dance.

Don’t let anyone tell you that ballet is just for a select few! We are all ballerinas at heart, and with a little courage, we can all wear that pink tutu, dance like nobody’s watching, and maybe even become a little bit fabulous in the process. So, embrace the sparkle, darling! And never, ever be afraid to dance your heart out.


Emma xoxo

Pink tutu tips for your next dance adventure:

  • Dare to be bold! If you've always wanted to try ballet, just do it! A pink tutu and a little bit of bravery are all you need!
  • Don’t be afraid to express yourself! Whether it’s a flash of pink in your outfit, a daring pirouette in the street, or simply a little extra confidence in your step, let your true self shine through!
  • Find your community. The dance world is full of beautiful people and a wide array of studios just waiting to be discovered. Find one that resonates with you and get ready to twirl!

Next stop… the world!

You know I love my adventures and sharing them with you. My next destination is Edinburgh - a city renowned for its artistic vibrancy. Stay tuned for tales of tartan, historical haunts and the best places to find a spot of pink inspiration. I’m even planning on meeting with a few wildlife conservationists while I’m there, you see, I’m all about supporting nature and our planet too!

And don’t forget to check back here every day for another inspiring blog post – I post new adventures every single day on www.pink-tutu.com.

Until next time… Happy dancing! 💖

#TutuBlog 2016-08-27 in Cumbernauld with a pink tutu.