Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2016-09-23 in Fareham with a cyan tutu.

Fareham Calling: Tutu Adventures and a Splash of Cyan! (Post #7387)

Hello, my lovely tutu-tastic friends! Emma here, signing in from the sunny shores of… drumroll Fareham! Yep, you heard right. This little Derbyshire girl traded the Peak District for the South Coast, all in the name of tutu-wearing, ballet-loving, and of course, a pinch of adventure.

Remember those vibrant blue seas and the quaint seaside charm I promised you in my last post? Well, they've been living up to every expectation and then some. Just picturing it all makes me want to do a pirouette, don’t you? 😉

Fareham itself has a rather charming personality. I've been indulging in the best fish and chips by the harbour (with a generous sprinkle of salt and vinegar, of course!), explored the picturesque shops lining the high street, and taken long walks along the stunning coastline, my cyan tutu fluttering in the breeze (more on that later!).

Now, you know I always bring a splash of colour to every adventure, and this one was no different. My new, vibrant cyan tutu arrived just in time for this journey. Its electric hue against the seaside backdrop makes for some spectacular snaps! Honestly, how could I resist posting it on my Instagram feed? Follow me @pinktutuemma, you won't regret it! 😉

Speaking of my adventures, I couldn't resist attending a performance at the lovely Fareham Town Hall. It was a show by the local dance academy, filled with young ballerinas showcasing their skills. Their passion for ballet, the graceful leaps, the captivating pirouettes, it was absolutely infectious.

My own inner ballerina just wouldn’t stay put. So, I gathered a group of locals for an impromptu flash mob in the town square! (Well, we didn't technically "flash mob", but more of a whimsical group dance performance after some rather embarrassing but hilarious warm-ups!) The smiles on everyone's faces, the pure joy of expressing ourselves through movement - it's moments like these that truly make life's journey worth every single step.

Of course, no trip is complete without indulging in the local cuisine! My highlight has to be the cream tea at the charming Tea Room overlooking the harbour. Strawberries and clotted cream, what a delightful combination! I know it may seem a little cliché for a girl who loves ballet to mention scones, but there’s just something inherently whimsical and English about a delicious cream tea in a picturesque setting!

Now, to the main event - the tutu itself! This vibrant cyan tutu has become a symbol of this amazing trip. Its bright, almost electric colour embodies the joy and energy I felt during this adventure. I absolutely love the way the sunlight catches it as I twirl. It's a testament to the magic of colour, the confidence that a good tutu brings, and the ability to infuse joy into every aspect of life.

Oh, and you won't believe this! As I was strolling down the pier, this little robin perched itself on the railing next to me, practically asking to pose with my cyan tutu! It was like it was saying, "Emma, you look fabulous!" Honestly, how can you resist a bird like that? 😉

Speaking of animal encounters, one of the most beautiful things I discovered during my travels was the hidden treasure of Fareham - its vibrant wildlife. From the elegant swans gracefully gliding along the water to the energetic seagulls soaring high above, Fareham is alive with nature's own beautiful performance. I have a newfound appreciation for the elegance and strength found in nature, a feeling that truly resonates with my own ballerina spirit!

And what’s better than enjoying the great outdoors, I hear you ask? Why, horseback riding, of course! My trusty steed took me through fields bursting with wildflowers, where we felt the wind in our hair and the warmth of the sun on our faces. It was like waltzing with the wind itself. It’s amazing how a little trip on horseback can bring so much peace and calm to your mind, almost as if you were at a serene ballet class, focused on every single breath.

But all journeys come to an end, don’t they? Saying goodbye to Fareham was bittersweet. As I boarded the train back to Derbyshire, I carried the vibrant hues of my cyan tutu in my heart.

So, my lovely tutu-wearing friends, remember this: Life is a grand performance waiting to unfold, full of exciting twists and turns. Embrace the vibrant colours, twirl with joy, and never stop chasing your own fairytale!

As for me? Well, I’m already planning my next adventure… Think I might head to a ballet school in London for some inspiration… and to maybe acquire a new, perfectly pink tutu for the journey, naturally!

Stay tuned for the next chapter in my tutu-filled adventures, my lovely friends! Until then, keep on dancing, keep on twirling, and keep on spreading those beautiful pink tutu vibes!

Lots of love,
Emma xx


#TutuBlog 2016-09-23 in Fareham with a cyan tutu.