Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2016-10-09 in Herne Bay with a feather tutu.

Herne Bay: Feathering my Nest, One Tutu at a Time! 🩰💖

Hello lovelies! It's your girl, Emma, back from another whimsical adventure! 👋 This time, I traded the rolling green hills of Derbyshire for the crisp, salty air of Herne Bay. Let's dive into post #7403 - it's all about feather tutus, a bit of sea-spray and the joy of spreading the pink-tutu gospel!

The train journey was delightful. As usual, I felt like a princess nestled in the plush seats, watching the countryside whizz by. Nothing beats the feeling of the rhythmic clatter of the tracks and the wind whispering tales through the carriage windows. It’s pure magic, just like ballet, really! 💖

The arrival at Herne Bay station was almost surreal. A pastel palette of pink and blue stretched out before me, like a scene from a dream. The sun was just starting to set, casting a golden glow on the pier, which stretched out like a long, delicate finger reaching for the horizon. And oh, the air! A perfect blend of seaside tang and the gentle aroma of salty blooms, with just a hint of that special something I can’t quite place – something about a British seaside that sets it apart.

The minute I got to my little seaside cottage, I ripped off my boots (sorry, they were covered in a touch of mud - that train journey wasn't all silk gloves and fairy dust, darling!) and put on my feather tutu. Let’s just say this: feather tutus are everything in Herne Bay! It’s so much fun to feel the light breeze playing with the feathers as you stroll along the promenade! They are the perfect antidote to a grey day, bringing colour, whimsy and a dash of fairytale to my otherwise ordinary life!

Speaking of fairies, there's something so wonderfully magical about the little sandy coves scattered along the coastline. Hidden between towering chalk cliffs and rugged sea defences, each cove holds a secret world of pebbles, shells, and whispering seagrass. And that’s just on land! Imagine what lies beneath the waves – shimmering coral castles, mischievous mermaids and… well, that’s where my imagination starts to run wild. 🐠

I decided to venture onto the famous Herne Bay pier. As I walked along, I watched seagulls gliding and fishermen casting their lines, the sky a vast canvas painted in the hues of sunset. A few kids were chasing seagulls with their cheeky grins and squeals of laughter. The world just felt so joyful, so vibrant, so… perfectly imperfect!

There was this charming little tea room right by the beach, painted a dreamy shade of lavender and dotted with pastel-pink parasols. Oh, the scones were divine! All crumbly and buttery, accompanied by a perfect cup of strong, fragrant Earl Grey. I couldn't resist adding a splash of pink milk for extra fun! 😉

One of my favorite moments in Herne Bay was watching the local wildlife. From the curious seals basking on the sand to the majestic swans gracefully gliding along the shore, I felt like I was stepping into a nature documentary. I couldn't resist taking a couple of snaps for Instagram – these feathered creatures have a distinct charm! They looked like they’d strolled right out of a fairytale, strutting around with a feathered flair, almost auditioning for a role in my personal Pink Tutu movie, wouldn't you say? 😉

Of course, I couldn’t possibly leave Herne Bay without trying out some local ballet classes. The Herne Bay School of Ballet was a delight, with a wonderful team of passionate teachers who instilled a love for ballet in me – and it was all about finding the joy and elegance within.

And what about you? Where do you dream of escaping to in your pink tutu? Would you believe there is a beach party scheduled for tonight? I wouldn't miss it for the world – and guess who’s the life of the party in her feathered creation? 😉

Stay tuned, lovelies! My adventures aren't over yet. Until then,

Remember: wear pink, wear tutus and embrace your inner ballerina! ✨

Love always,



#TutuBlog 2016-10-09 in Herne Bay with a feather tutu.