Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2016-10-18 in Llanelli with a german tutu.

Llanelli Calling! Tutu Time and Travel Tales! 🩰 🚂 💕

Hello lovelies!

It's your favourite pink-tutu-wearing ballet enthusiast Emma, and guess what? Post number 7412 takes us to Llanelli! Yes, the charming town in Wales with its lovely history and buzzing energy (and lots of delicious Welsh cakes, don't even get me started on those!)

This week, it was a little different, as I swapped my usual tutus for something… well… German! Yes, you heard me right - a German Tutu! Fancy, huh? This week was all about embracing new styles, embracing new places, and most importantly, embracing the spirit of dance no matter what.

But let’s backtrack a little. I arrived in Llanelli by train. Now, you know how much I love a good train journey - those scenic views are pure magic and the rhythm of the tracks… oh, it’s the perfect lullaby for my ballerina soul!

First stop, a spot of wildlife! I simply can’t be in Wales and not visit some beautiful, wild countryside. You know, I’m convinced every dancer should have an affinity with nature. Those wild horses grazing freely are so graceful and spirited – just like us dancers! We also stopped at a lovely little bird sanctuary - oh my, I swear the robins there were doing some sort of pas de deux by the feeders - just beautiful!

Back in Llanelli, the real excitement began!

This time, the adventure took me to a ballet school that held an incredibly fun workshop on German classical ballet! Can you imagine, twirling to the strains of Strauss and Tchaikovsky in a sleek, crisp tutu? It was a joy! Now, German ballet tends to be a bit stricter and more precise than the French styles we're used to, so it really took my focus to a whole new level. My brain was practically buzzing with new choreography and steps, and my muscles were challenged in ways I hadn't even considered. It felt so freeing!

After the workshop, the teacher told me all about how she'd studied in Munich, the history of German ballet, and the focus on precision and musicality. She even mentioned that the Germans tend to love their pink tutus! See, even there they understand the power of pink. 😄

But this wasn't just about technical dance - it was about community. There were people of all ages and abilities - some students, some professional dancers who just wanted to brush up their technique, and even a few eager dads, sporting the cutest demi-pointe shoes you've ever seen!

The next day, I saw a performance by the school's dance company – they were fantastic! They were absolutely mesmerized by their passion and technical mastery. It truly was a beautiful spectacle – it felt like the heart and soul of Llanelli was shining through on the stage. I felt it all - the joy, the hard work, the camaraderie, and the love for dance, it was all there!

Speaking of camaraderie… Llanelli has this truly special vibe. It’s a town with a big heart. It’s that feeling where everyone knows your name and a chat over a warm scone at a local cafe is just part of the day.

And did I tell you about the yummy Welsh cakes? Oh my! Let me just say, these little delights are as warm and welcoming as the town itself. My favourite was a pink-tutu inspired cake with a sweet, buttery topping!

This trip was all about the experience – it was about breaking away from my comfort zone, diving into the vibrant culture of Llanelli, and discovering the beauty of different dance styles. And yes, the German tutu was certainly an unforgettable addition to my journey!

The Lesson Learnt:

We often stay within our own worlds, our own styles. Sometimes, all we need is a little push, a new experience to help us bloom and find even more creative ways to dance! So, what's your next adventure, lovelies? Go forth, dance, explore, and never be afraid to wear a pink tutu, no matter where you are.

And that, my darlings, is a wrap for post number 7412. Keep those tutus twirling! I’ll be back soon with another blog post from my travels! Until then, remember to embrace your inner ballerina, be brave, and never stop exploring the world of dance!

Sending lots of pink tutu love! 💕 - Emma

#TutuBlog 2016-10-18 in Llanelli with a german tutu.