Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2016-10-23 in West Bridgford with a black tutu.

West Bridgford Whirl: Post #7417

Hello darlings! It's Emma here, your favourite pink tutu-clad blogger, writing to you from the charming town of West Bridgford. Today I'm embracing the whimsy of a perfectly crisp autumn afternoon and indulging in the delicate sweetness of a ballet day out, all with a dash of the pinkest tutu you've ever seen, of course.

After a blissful morning spent sipping rose-tinted tea and reading through all your delightful comments on my last post about that dazzling performance at the Royal Opera House, (the peacock feathers on the principal dancer's costume, absolutely divine!) I boarded the train to Nottingham, head full of dreams of pirouettes and the graceful sweep of a black swan.

It's something special about travelling by train, don't you think? There's something so romantic about the clatter of the wheels, the glimpses of countryside rushing past, and the feeling of a journey starting. I always bring a well-thumbed book of ballet poetry, and some music by my favourite composer (the lovely Tchaikovsky of course!), and it feels like I'm being transported to a magical world before I've even arrived.

And arrive I did! I'd planned my day carefully (and I love making plans!) starting with a lovely lunchtime picnic under a gloriously colourful tree in the beautiful grounds of the National Justice Museum, before venturing into West Bridgford to a magical little boutique ballet studio I’d discovered.

As the studio’s name implies, “The Whimsical Ballerina”, it felt straight out of my ballet fantasies, full of charm and light and filled with lovely dancers who welcomed me like a fellow devotee to the dance. They have classes for every skill level – I decided to join a lovely beginner class called "From Beginner to Ballerina in One Session." I wasn't too sure about it at first, thinking "Oh my goodness! It’ll be full of little kids wearing their mums' slippers". But how wrong I was! It was a room full of ladies, some taking a step back to a younger self and some new to ballet - and every single one smiling, twirling, and absolutely thriving. And the instructor? Simply a lovely lady with pink-hued nails and a kind heart who even complimented me on my exquisite tutu!

Afterwards, I made the very best friend! You know the feeling you get when you meet someone and it feels like you’ve known them forever, as if you’ve already shared a lifetime of memories. Well, it’s a similar experience to finding that perfect pair of shoes – it just fits. And her name was Maisie, an incredible ballerina, who's also been struggling to break into professional ballet, she confided with sparkling eyes and a twinkle in her step, and even shared with me her favourite secret: the beautiful tea salon at the Nottingham Castle and all their adorable pastel pink cakes and petit fours.

So, Maisie and I skipped, rather than strolled, across to the Nottingham Castle and, in that quaint tea salon, we talked and talked and talked, sipping on our pastel-pink tea with dainty fingers, laughing till our bellies ached. We even found a common interest, the Derbyshire Dales. "Oh my," she said, "My father and I love going to the Peak District on the weekend to explore the wilds! And you?"
"The Peak District? It's my very favorite place in the whole world. It's where I used to spend every summer as a little girl, galloping through the heather-filled fields on my beautiful, brave, chocolate-brown mare - Daisy, you've heard her stories haven't you?" And the two of us spent another hour reminiscing and giggling, talking about my amazing time as a volunteer with the RSPB where I met some very interesting characters, all sorts of cute little birds - even the majestic red kite – and sharing a passion for the natural world, particularly the majestic red deer we have around my neck of the woods!

Later, after one last tea and a cheeky scone, and another chat with the ever-smiling, pink-hued, Maisie, we ventured back out into the gentle autumn evening, stopping off to admire the beautifully sculpted horse statue that dominates the Castle Square, as if we were being guided back into that wonderful journey by train that brought us together. It’s just wonderful how even a simple day out like this can feel so full - of delightful experiences, new friendships, and memories made. It just reinforces my belief that life, just like a tutu, is always better with a dash of colour, a touch of grace, and a generous sprinkling of magic!

It’s quite possible that I'm back on that train, tucked in amongst the comfy red velvet seats, but don't you worry. I'm already thinking about next week and all the pink tutus and adventures ahead! You never know what may be around the corner! Perhaps I'll be galloping across the countryside on Daisy, Or, if my love for the theatre gets the best of me I’ll be enjoying a grand performance at The Playhouse Nottingham!

I am going to try to include something on my upcoming schedule that involves an activity with a real horse and the peak district this time... if the Derbyshire weather will have me!

In the meantime, I wish you a wonderful week and encourage you all to “take a twirl”. It may even inspire you to join me on my next adventure!

Till next time darlings,

  Love always,



P.S. Don’t forget, follow me on Instagram and share your own tutu tales and experiences - I can't wait to see! I am always thrilled when you do.

#TutuBlog 2016-10-23 in West Bridgford with a black tutu.