Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2016-11-13 in Ecclesfield with a heavy tutu.

Ecclesfield, My Darlings! (Blog Post #7438)

Oh, hello there, you fabulous lot! It’s your girl Emma, back with another post, straight from the heart of the vibrant Ecclesfield, and oh, how divine it is.

I must admit, the train journey was quite the experience! I always enjoy a good railway adventure. Something about the rhythm of the tracks and the clattering of the carriages really sets my soul alight. And besides, isn't there something utterly romantic about travelling by rail? Imagine those grand, steamy engines hauling you through the countryside… pure magic, my dears! But, we digress!

As usual, I was perfectly decked out for this ballet-themed outing. Let's be honest, you can never be too glam, especially when you're rocking a tutu! This one was a particular favourite, a fluffy, gorgeous confection in the most delightful shade of fuchsia. You can imagine the stares I received from fellow travellers, all in awe of the exquisite vision before them. My darlings, I couldn't help but bask in it!

Upon arriving in Ecclesfield, I was greeted by the most breathtaking view. Rolling green hills bathed in the warm autumnal light, just the type of picturesque setting that makes a girl's heart skip a beat! The air was crisp, clean and full of the scent of fallen leaves. Perfect for a day of ballet-ing, I thought.

My first stop, of course, was the Ecclesfield Ballet Academy. What a jewel, tucked away in a quiet corner of the village! They have the most beautiful studio – all wood and mirrors, the perfect environment for graceful movement and elegant stretches.

Before I even set foot inside the studio, I could already feel the vibrant energy swirling around. It was as if every fibre of the building was infused with the joy of dance! I knew this was a special place before even entering. The instructors are incredibly lovely too. They actually remembered my name from when I dropped by a few weeks ago. It's those little personal touches, my lovelies, that make all the difference!

The class was amazing! It was all about strengthening core muscles, refining those arabesques, and feeling the magic of every leap and turn. We were practicing a routine for their annual ballet show – and it’s gonna be a knockout, my darlings! Think dazzling costumes, dramatic sets, and a passionate storyline that will leave you absolutely enthralled. They're calling it “Enchanted Garden” and the theme is inspired by all the local flora and fauna. I, of course, will be at the front row, eyes wide and eager to soak up every delicate movement, every whispered whisper of tulle.

Later, in the afternoon, I decided to explore the heart of the village. Ecclesfield is one of those villages that just takes your breath away with its charm. Quaint little shops, with their antique signs and beautiful displays of local produce; pubs brimming with warmth and hearty laughter, and friendly locals who seem genuinely pleased to welcome a fellow dance enthusiast.

As a self-proclaimed wildlife fanatic, I had to visit Ecclesfield Park. The vast green expanse of parkland, with its cascading willow trees and bubbling stream, is truly a haven for the wild creatures of Yorkshire. I saw the most beautiful heron perched gracefully on a branch, patiently surveying the clear water for its next fishy feast. It’s just these kind of moments, seeing nature at its most peaceful and unhurried, that make me feel so grateful to be alive.

And, because nothing says "fashionable traveller" like a touch of pink, I had to pop into the little local craft shop, "The Sewing Bird", that is, I couldn't resist adding some pink embroidery floss to my collection. The shop was adorable with its shelves stacked with pretty buttons and delicate ribbons. The lovely shopkeeper was kind enough to give me some helpful tips on my own little embroidery project - a miniature pink tutu for my lucky bunny rabbit! (Yep, he's got style too.)

After an evening of delightful wandering, a quick dinner in a lovely local pub and a spot of people-watching, it was time to catch the train back. But before boarding, I popped into the quaint local book shop and purchased a beautifully illustrated guide to British wildlife. Who can resist a good book on birds, squirrels and all the wonders of the countryside? I sure can't!

Honestly, darlings, my little adventure in Ecclesfield was just what I needed. It reminded me how much joy simple things can bring, how important it is to cherish those special connections with nature and the communities around us, and how crucial it is to always embrace the power of creativity, just like our wonderful dancers.

I encourage you all to follow my lead, and embark on your own adventures, be it exploring the nearby village or indulging in a ballet class. You might just surprise yourself with what you find!

Until next time, my lovely lovelies, don’t forget, there’s a pink tutu waiting for you out there, so wear it with pride! Remember, “Life is a beautiful dance, so embrace every step, and be a radiant masterpiece.”

With love and sparkly tutus,



#TutuBlog 2016-11-13 in Ecclesfield with a heavy tutu.