
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2016-11-21 in Bicester with a random tutu.

Bicester Ballet Bonanza! ๐Ÿฉฐ๐ŸŒธ

Hello my darling dance devotees! It's your girl, Emma, here, back with another post from my whirlwind world of pink tutus and twirling adventures! Today's post is number 7446 (can you believe it?!), and I'm whisking you away to the charming town of Bicester in Oxfordshire.

Now, if you know me, you know I'm a huge fan of taking the scenic route โ€“ be it a countryside train journey or a galloping adventure on horseback (yes, I'm an avid horsewoman, too!), so naturally, I opted for the train today. It was absolutely delightful to watch the English countryside fly past, the crisp autumn air sending a shiver of excitement through me.

Arriving in Bicester, the first thing that struck me was the vibrancy! This town definitely has a unique character โ€“ you can feel the rich history in the air, mixed with a modern, trendy energy.

Speaking of trendy, the purpose of my visit today was a little ballet exploration! It's no secret that I'm a sucker for anything that involves dancing, but my little ballet-obsessed heart is especially drawn to new places and finding those hidden gems. And let me tell you, Bicester did not disappoint.

After a spot of lunch (where, naturally, I had a delicious pink strawberry milkshake, pink is, after all, my colour!) at a cute little cafรฉ with wicker chairs and fairy lights, I popped into the "Bicester Ballet School". It's a beautiful, old-fashioned studio with an amazing, warm, and welcoming atmosphere.

I had the pleasure of meeting their charming principal, Mrs. Hampton. She's a true ballet aficionado, with a passion that shines brighter than a thousand spotlight beams! She showed me around, sharing her story of building the school and her vision for it. She has a special place for me in her heart already โ€“ I just love it when I find people who understand my passion.

They offered a free "Drop-in Class" this afternoon, so, naturally, I just HAD to give it a try. Let me tell you, it was a blast! It was a mixed level adult class, with everyone from beginners to seasoned professionals, which I found to be lovely โ€“ there's something very inspiring about seeing people of all levels, united in their love for ballet.

My fellow dancers were fantastic - so friendly and supportive, there were so many beautiful smiles in the room! They had a diverse mix of students - from retired nurses and businesswomen to young mums and students, each one dancing with grace and confidence. It truly warmed my soul.

The instructor was just brilliant โ€“ her technique was beautiful, and her enthusiasm was contagious. We covered some really fun moves - graceful pirouettes, leaps and bounds, and elegant extensions, culminating in a light, joyous adagio to a beautiful, ethereal piece of music. It was truly a beautiful experience, and I left feeling invigorated and completely rejuvenated.

Afterward, I took a stroll through the town center, my tutu flowing behind me like a pink butterfly (because, who doesn't love a little Tutu-walking?!). I just adore the way my tutu seems to transform my mood, turning me into a happy ballerina instantly. I have to confess, I made quite a few heads turn (and some little kids even gave me high fives โ€“ they know their tutu stuff!)

The whole day felt like something straight out of a ballet scene โ€“ it was all very "en pointe," if you get my drift! I even stopped to admire a little group of deer browsing peacefully in a clearing โ€“ now, if that doesn't feel fairytale-like, I don't know what does.

In fact, if you haven't yet had the pleasure of visiting Bicester, I urge you to! The town has a captivating charm, from its historic buildings and charming streets to its lovely cafes and, of course, the amazing Bicester Ballet School. It really is the perfect place to immerse yourself in a world of dance, creativity, and joy.

This little escapade to Bicester has certainly filled my pink-tutu-powered heart with even more passion for ballet. As you know, I want everyone to embrace their inner ballerina and dance their hearts out! It's about expressing yourself, feeling joy, and celebrating your own unique movement.

So, darlings, I urge you, get out there, grab a tutu (any colour!), find your nearest dance studio and unleash your inner graceful goddess!

Stay fabulous, my lovely dancers, and I'll be back tomorrow with more pink-tutu filled adventures. Until then, keep dancing, keep smiling, and always keep the faith!

P.S. If you want to see pictures from my ballet escapades and more snippets from my daily life, pop over to my Instagram @Emma_PinkTutu โ€“ you can find links to it on my website, www.pink-tutu.com.

Sending you lots of twirls and pink vibes! ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿฉฐ

#TutuBlog 2016-11-21 in Bicester with a random tutu.