Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2016-12-03 in Wood Green with a green tutu.

Wood Green Wanderings: Post 7458 - A Green Tutu Adventure

Hello my lovelies! Emma here, your resident pink-tutu enthusiast, and today, I’m taking you on a whirl through Wood Green! Yes, you heard me right – this Derbyshire girl ventured outside of the Peak District and headed towards the city, not in a car or a bus, but on the back of a beautiful chestnut mare called Willow. Now, I know what you’re thinking – Emma on horseback? Surely you’re joking! Well, let’s just say Willow is very patient, and I’ve got a knack for taming the most majestic beasts.

This was my third time in Wood Green. It’s a curious mix of old and new, grand Victorian architecture standing tall beside modern glass skyscrapers, and the green spaces, oh the green spaces! It's a world away from the rolling hills of Derbyshire. I could have happily wandered for hours, letting Willow pick her own path through the parks and meadows. It felt like stepping into a Jane Austen novel, complete with giggling schoolgirls and gentlemen in tweed hats (although I swear one of the gentlemen had a bright pink backpack - just saying!).

This trip was about more than just a beautiful day out. I was there for a very special performance: a new production of ‘Giselle’ by the London Ballet Theatre. As soon as I stepped into the theater, I knew I was in for a treat. The stage, set against the backdrop of a moonlit forest, was a picture of magical realism. And the dancers? Well, they were breathtaking. Every movement flowed with grace and elegance, their tutus shimmering like starlight against the velvet backdrop. I swear I heard the audience holding their breath during the tragic love story of Giselle and Albrecht.

The experience was magical. The dancing, the music, the atmosphere – it left me buzzing with joy and inspired to dance myself. I must confess, it wasn't all perfectly perfect. During the second act, some random bird got itself stuck behind the proscenium arch and flew about wildly for a good five minutes. Let’s just say it took away from the atmosphere slightly, but we all had a good giggle.

And what would a trip to Wood Green be without some serious shopping? The shopping centre had so much to offer, I felt like a kid in a candy shop! There were independent boutiques overflowing with pretty vintage dresses, and little cafes serving divine lattes (with a pink sugar heart on top, of course). I even found a vintage tutu shop - they had an absolutely gorgeous green tutu! Of course, I just had to try it on! The shopkeeper even let me borrow a pair of pointe shoes – she knew I was a ballet fan through and through. We even chatted about how the colour green was having a moment – you’ll be seeing a lot more of this shade on tutus, trust me.

And so, my dear readers, this was my Wood Green escapade! I'm off back to Derbyshire now, ready to swap my green tutu for my favourite pink one, and dream of graceful pirouettes and the beauty of nature.

Remember, darling, life is a dance, and it’s a much brighter, more beautiful one when you’re wearing pink.

Love, Emma

Don’t forget to visit my website, www.pink-tutu.com for more travel tips and ballet inspiration!

#TutuBlog 2016-12-03 in Wood Green with a green tutu.