Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2016-12-11 in Cheadle Hulme with a pink tutu.

Cheadle Hulme: A Pink Tutu Adventure! (Blog Post #7466)

Hello darlings!

It’s Emma here, and today I’m absolutely buzzing to tell you all about my little pink-tutu escapade to Cheadle Hulme. It was a simply divine day, filled with everything a ballerina could possibly dream of – stunning scenery, a charming little town, and a magical ballet performance that made my heart soar.

I’ve always loved hopping on a train and taking a scenic journey. There’s something about the gentle rhythm of the tracks and the whizzing by of landscapes that just feels so freeing. I'm a Derbyshire girl at heart, but my train journey to Cheadle Hulme felt like an exciting mini adventure! It was so idyllic. Lush green fields stretched out like a giant emerald canvas, with little sheep grazing peacefully.

And you wouldn't believe the wildlife! A beautiful deer was staring at me from a nearby forest – the most graceful creature you’ve ever seen. I felt like I’d walked into a fairytale!

Once I arrived in Cheadle Hulme, I was charmed by the quaint, cobbled streets and the beautifully preserved Victorian architecture. The shops were overflowing with delightful things - little teacups, delicate porcelain dolls, and an array of vintage dresses that would make any ballet-loving fashionista’s heart skip a beat. I felt like I’d stepped into a classic ballet set!

I made a beeline for the beautiful village hall, which was hosting a special ballet performance. Oh, it was truly magnificent! The dancers were exquisite, twirling with effortless grace and flowing movements. I couldn't help but feel inspired by their sheer passion and skill.

It reminded me so much of my own ballet journey. I’ve always loved dancing since I was a little girl, my favourite colour was always pink, and when I was five, I got my very first tutu – it was pink, of course! Since then, it’s been my ultimate dream to make the world a pink-tutu haven. Imagine – a world filled with ballerinas, every single one wearing a pink tutu and spreading joy wherever they go! Wouldn't that be absolutely divine?

After the performance, I went to a delightful little café called "The Twirling Teapot," where they had the most scrumptious raspberry scones and clotted cream. I couldn't resist having a slice of their famous Victoria sponge too - I am a big girl and my diet doesn't kick in until Tuesday! The café itself was like something out of a ballet production – adorned with floral patterns and pretty china, the atmosphere was utterly delightful!

I'm so grateful for the opportunity to share my love of dance and travel with all of you! If you ever find yourself in the Cheadle Hulme area, do pop by the beautiful village hall – you never know, you might even be able to catch a captivating ballet performance!

Remember, every day can be a pink-tutu adventure if you just embrace the spirit of dance and sprinkle in some pixie dust!

Much love,



#TutuBlog 2016-12-11 in Cheadle Hulme with a pink tutu.