Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2016-12-15 in Consett with a fluffy tutu.

Consett Calling: Tutu Time in the North East! 🩰

Hey darlings! It's Emma, and I'm so thrilled to be bringing you a brand new blog post from the most fabulous place in the world right now - Consett! Yes, you heard me right! This little gem in County Durham has been a dream come true, and I'm not just talking about the quaint cobbled streets and gorgeous Victorian architecture. This post marks #7470 on my pink-tutu.com adventure, and it's bursting with all things fabulous - tutu, travel, and a touch of pink! 😉

As you know, I'm all about getting out and about, experiencing new things, and of course, spreading the love for ballet. My travels this time took me on a delightful train journey through the English countryside. I just adore the rhythmic clinking of the train tracks and the gentle swaying of the carriages. Plus, it's a chance to indulge in a spot of people-watching and admiring all the unique outfits people choose to wear. 😉

This time, my travelling ensemble was a vibrant pink midi-skirt, paired with a fitted black top, a chic straw hat (it was quite nippy!), and of course, a dazzlingly pink fluffy tutu! It's perfect for any occasion, really! It just adds a touch of magic, and let's be honest, everyone needs a bit more magic in their lives, don't you agree? 💖

Speaking of magic, Consett itself was an absolute enchantment. I immediately felt transported to a different era, where cobbled streets led to bustling markets, and charming cafes lined the streets, all overflowing with delectable pastries. I knew instantly this was a place where creativity would blossom, and I was dying to explore the dance scene!

And explore I did! My first stop was a charming dance studio nestled amongst the quaint shops. They had the most wonderful little foyer adorned with elegant portraits of famous dancers, their tutus perfectly poised in mid-air, reminding me why I love ballet so much. I signed up for a beginner's ballet class – they said they couldn’t tell I was a seasoned ballerina! And it was a delight, reminding me that the joy of movement transcends all skill levels. I absolutely fell in love with the atmosphere, the warm camaraderie between the dancers, and the sweet melody of the piano accompanying our graceful steps.

Feeling energised and invigorated after the class, I set off to explore Consett further. I discovered a charming little park with a stunning Victorian bandstand - picture-perfect! I imagined it on a summer afternoon, filled with the music of a lively orchestra. But even in the slightly chilly air, the park was a treat. A beautiful little sanctuary away from the bustling streets. And let's be honest, a park is a perfect place for twirling! (I had to, my fluffy tutu demanded it!)

And twirling I did! But not just on the park's grounds! I decided to explore a little further afield, into the countryside beyond Consett. A beautiful, ancient oak woodland nearby called Derwentcote Woods. Imagine ancient oaks draped in emerald leaves, sunlight dappling the mossy floor - so picture perfect. I got to admire the natural beauty, breathe in the fresh air, and, of course, twirl to my heart's content, with my pink tutu swirling around me like a whimsical ballet performance. 🩰

It was at this point that I noticed something else completely magical about Consett. I mean, we’ve already had the charm, the Victorian elegance, and the peaceful woods – but then I spotted them. Wild horses. They were galloping through the fields, their powerful legs effortlessly carrying them across the landscape. The moment I saw them, I was struck by their elegance, their freedom. I had always thought horses and ballerinas had something in common – a graceful elegance, a fluidity of movement that just seems magical. This only added to the charm of my visit. It was almost as if this small, picturesque town was destined to inspire.

But Consett was so much more than charming beauty and beautiful wildlife! It was a town with a vibrant spirit and a warm community. As I explored the shops and cafes, I couldn't help but notice the welcoming smiles and friendly chatter. It's just one of those places where you feel an instant sense of belonging, like you've come home.

I rounded off my Consett escapade with a delightful evening at the Consett Empire Theatre. I have a bit of a thing for theatres! The stage, the curtain call, the feeling of magic that fills the air – just something utterly magical about the whole experience. It felt fitting to end this fantastic trip with a local performance. I decided to watch "The Nutcracker" ballet performance by the local community ballet school – it was incredible! You’ve seen it a million times, right? I always have. But the excitement and passion that the children brought to their performance, coupled with the warmth of the audience, made me forget I had seen it dozens of times before. I truly felt like a part of this special community. It made me realise how important it is to share this joy, this love of dance, with others. That’s why I aim to continue spreading the love of pink tutus and the joy of ballet far and wide!

It's the same magic that I felt back in my hometown of Derbyshire. We might be surrounded by quaint villages and rolling hills, but there’s a beauty and joy in those simpler things. I'll never forget the day I found a whole field of pink wildflowers, just outside the village! I danced amongst them, feeling like the centre of my own private ballet, the sunshine cascading through the blossoms. The same way I felt on those winding roads in Consett, surrounded by natural beauty.

The point of all of this? My little adventure to Consett is a reminder that beauty, inspiration, and joy are waiting to be found in every corner of the world, no matter where we go. You never know what amazing people and places you will find when you embrace the world with an open heart. So, dear friends, I encourage you to step outside your comfort zone and venture into the unknown. Who knows what delightful adventures and beautiful memories await!

Remember, as always, don’t forget to twirl, wear your pink tutu with pride, and most importantly, keep spreading the love for dance. 💖

Until next time,

Emma xx


#TutuBlog 2016-12-15 in Consett with a fluffy tutu.