Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2016-12-19 in Bishop Auckland with a fairy themed tutu.

Bishop Auckland: Where the Magic Began! 💖✨🩰

Post #7474

Hello darlings!

It's Emma here, your resident pink tutu enthusiast, back with another magical adventure! This time, I've traded my Derbyshire dales for the cobbled streets of Bishop Auckland, a charming town nestled in the heart of County Durham. I'm here for a whirlwind weekend of ballet, history, and a sprinkle of fairytale magic!

My journey began with the classic train adventure. I love nothing more than watching the world fly by, sketching in my notebook and sipping on a cuppa – especially when adorned in a stunning fairy-themed tutu! This one was a custom design – layers of pale pink tulle, adorned with tiny sparkling stars and shimmering silver dragonfly wings. Perfect for a weekend of whimsy!

The highlight of my trip, naturally, was the ballet. Bishop Auckland has this lovely little theatre tucked away in a gorgeous old building. I had tickets for a performance of "Sleeping Beauty" by a local dance company. Oh, the sheer elegance and artistry! The dancers were phenomenal – they transported me to a world of enchantment. I could have watched for hours!

After the show, I discovered a hidden gem - an artisan bakery filled with delicate cakes and pastries that looked like they’d been created by fairies themselves. There was a delicious raspberry éclair that tasted like pure, pink heaven. You know I had to document it for you all!

Speaking of fairies, you simply cannot go to Bishop Auckland without a visit to the Bowes Museum! It's this majestic building with the most intricate architecture – you feel like you've stepped straight into a fairy tale. The museum's art collection is divine – so many beautiful paintings, sculptures, and a whole section devoted to the "Fairy Tale World" exhibition. It was everything I dreamed of!

But it wasn't just the museum that stole my heart. Bishop Auckland itself is charming. Its cobbled streets are filled with little independent shops, tea rooms, and cozy pubs. I indulged in a delicious cream tea at a cafe adorned with pretty floral patterns and antique teacups. And who doesn’t love a bit of antiquing?! I even found a delightful vintage book of ballet costumes from the 1920s, and I had to snag that little treasure.

Of course, no trip would be complete without some wildlife encounters. I spent an afternoon at the beautiful Auckland Castle grounds, where I encountered some truly majestic fallow deer. They were absolutely breathtaking! Such graceful creatures, reminding me of the beauty of nature.

As the sun dipped low in the sky, painting the clouds with hues of pink and gold, I sat on a bench overlooking the Bishop Auckland parkland. My heart overflowed with a mix of pure happiness, the joy of discovery, and the sheer beauty of ballet, magic, and …well, everything! It's days like this that remind me why I'm so passionate about encouraging everyone to wear pink, dance with joy, and embrace the wonder of the world.

Until next time, lovelies! Remember to spread the love of ballet and, of course, wear your pink tutu!


Emma 💖✨🩰

#TutuBlog 2016-12-19 in Bishop Auckland with a fairy themed tutu.