Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2017-02-19 in Worcester with a german tutu.

Worcester Whirl: Post #7536

Hello darlings! Emma here, back from another fabulous trip! I know, I know - you're probably sick of hearing me rave about all my amazing ballet adventures, but seriously, how can you resist a story involving a German tutu?

This weekend, I took a train to Worcester - such a pretty city! It's all charming cobbled streets, adorable little cafes and those stunning buildings you only find in old English towns. There's a wonderful mix of modern and traditional, just like a well-made tutu! Speaking of tutus...

... my weekend wasn't just about admiring the architecture. No, I went to see "Swan Lake" at the gorgeous Worcester Cathedral. I've seen the Swan Lake ballet countless times before, but something about watching it in this majestic, ancient space made it truly magical. It almost felt like you could sense the centuries of history swirling around the stage.

The show itself was brilliant, of course. The dancers were divine. I especially loved the role of the white swan. She moved so effortlessly, with such grace and elegance - truly a ballerina extraordinaire! I can’t even express how jealous I am of their skill, but I'll keep trying and, perhaps, one day I’ll be dancing onstage too! You know what they say - dream big, darling, dream big.

And speaking of big dreams... guess who went to a vintage clothes shop?! I can't resist a good vintage hunt - especially for tutus! I was expecting to just look and dream but, oh my, did I hit the jackpot! There, amongst a pile of 1950s petticoats and feather boas, I found the most exquisite tutu. Imagine - pale pink with delicate layers of netting, so perfect, it just seemed to shimmer in the shop lights! This is no ordinary tutu

It had this enchanting, ethereal feel, like a ballerina had just twirled away and left it behind, still faintly buzzing with energy. There were no price tags on any of the garments and when I asked, the kindly shop assistant just winked and said "It's yours. You just need to find a reason for wearing it!"

Clearly she'd felt the magic of the tutu! What reason do I need? That tutu is for living, for waltzing around town with my head held high. For feeling confident and radiant, no matter the weather! And I will find reasons to wear it, darling. That tutu will not be left languishing in my wardrobe!

The next day, feeling inspired and positively bursting with tutu power, I did the most fabulous thing. I went for a stroll in the beautiful West Midlands countryside, complete with the vintage German tutu fluttering gently behind me, adding a dash of vibrant colour and pure, uninhibited joy to a simple walk.

As I ambled along the leafy paths, I thought about all the people I see staring down at their phones all day, walking in that grim, monotone style, with the weight of the world on their shoulders. What a great injustice to our lovely Earth! What a sad world where colour and frivolity are shunned!

This is why my dream is to turn the world pink and get everyone, absolutely everyone to wear a pink tutu. To feel the joy of that twirl! The beauty of uninhibited self-expression, the gloriousness of it all! The power of taking the stage and declaring - yes, this is who I am! You know, the tutufying of humanity.

Yes! Maybe not everyone needs to be a ballerina. Perhaps just a sprinkle of that ballerina magic will do. But the world needs more pink tutus and a whole lot more twirling. Don't you agree?

But of course, my journey doesn’t stop there! After my countryside frolic, I made a bee-line for the gorgeous cathedral again, this time, not for a show, but for a spot of bird watching! It’s just magical what you can find right under your nose. The cathedral courtyard was full of buzzing life.

Now, I’m not strictly talking about a ballet here but a flurry of little birds chirping, flitting and fluttering about - like a miniature dance troop! From tiny sparrows hopping along, their tiny feathered bodies so cute! To bigger, bolder magpies perched proudly, admiring their own reflection in the stone, it felt like nature's little ballet right there in the middle of a historic cathedral!

I really felt I had truly captured the essence of this amazing city, a beautiful balance between traditional and modern, culture and wildlife.

Now, my dears, I’m heading off to my next adventure. Until then, don't forget to get twirling!



#TutuBlog 2017-02-19 in Worcester with a german tutu.