
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2017-03-06 in Ealing with a american style tutu.

Ealing, Darling! ๐Ÿฉฐ๐Ÿ’–

Post #7551 - www.pink-tutu.com

Hello darlings!

It's your favourite tutu-clad travel blogger, Emma, back with another adventure! This time, I've swapped the rolling Derbyshire hills for the vibrant streets of Ealing, a charming little corner of West London. I just adore this part of the city - it's so full of life and colour, just like my wardrobe!

This journey began in true Emma-style: a trip on the train! I'm a firm believer that the train is the perfect way to travel - you get to watch the world whizz past, read a good book (mine was a historical romance about a daring ballerina who escaped to Paris - you just know I fell head over heels!), and indulge in a little afternoon tea. I must confess, the tea was a tad too strong for my delicate palate, but I persevered, fuelled by the excitement of reaching my destination.

Speaking of destination, Ealing is a real gem. I've already been smitten with the Ealing Broadway shopping centre. So much sparkle and a true paradise for finding a little something pink (just my style!), but my true love has been the Ealing Studios, a historic place where dreams are brought to life! Imagine my delight when I found a beautiful, vibrant, American-style tutu at the studio shop! Oh, you just have to see it - it's absolutely glorious. It reminded me of all the vibrant, magical ballet performances I've enjoyed, with all the swirling and twirling, and the costumes that sparkled like a million stars.

The studio itself is just as magical. You can almost feel the history pulsating from the walls, a silent reminder of all the legendary performers who graced its stages. Imagine, darling, Audrey Hepburn, Cary Grant, Elizabeth Taylor! The energy there is just incredible.

While Ealing Studios is a treasure, let's not forget the enchanting open space of the Ealing Common. I just love strolling through the trees, listening to the birds singing, and feeling the breeze whisper through the branches. I almost felt as though I was stepping into a Jane Austen novel - though, of course, I was in a far more vibrant and colorful ensemble, with a dash of pink for good measure!

The best part? My journey to Ealing wasn't just about the shops, the studios, or the park - it was about rediscovering the magic of ballet. You see, darlings, a lovely lady at the studio told me about a beginner's ballet class held every Wednesday at a local dance academy. Now, you know me and my penchant for twirling, so I just had to check it out! It was an absolute joy to be surrounded by other lovely souls who shared my love for graceful movements, leaps, and a little bit of twirling.

Oh, I also discovered a hidden gem - a tiny cafe called The Little Pink Tea Room (don't tell my bank manager - but I just couldn't resist its pink charm, and their cakes were delightful)! While sipping on a delicious strawberry tea (just the colour for a tutu-loving ballerina like me!), I scribbled a new post for my blog, "Pink Tutu Picks: The Ealing Edit", detailing all my favourite places and outfits.

Now, dear readers, I wouldn't be true to myself if I didn't mention my other passion - wildlife! During my stroll around Ealing Common, I spotted a family of squirrels frolicking among the trees. Such cheeky little creatures! It reminded me of the joy I find in observing nature's beauty - it truly is a magnificent ballet.

But wait, there's more! After a long day of exploration and twirling, I indulged in the ultimate comfort - a delicious roast dinner at a charming pub called The George Inn. The atmosphere was warm, inviting, and it was just the perfect place to end the day, reflecting on the joys of Ealing and its infectious energy.

The evening culminated in an unexpected treat. As I walked through Ealing Common, the sweet notes of a violin playing reached my ears. I followed the music and found a little band playing beautiful tunes - a gentle reminder that beauty and joy can be found even in the most unexpected places.

As I write this, the sun is starting to set over Ealing. I'm gazing at the pink sky, reminding me of the vibrancy of this little corner of London. Ealing has truly won a special place in my heart.

My darling readers, let this be your call to adventure! Get out there, embrace the unknown, discover the magic of your city, and dare to twirl! Maybe you'll find your own version of Ealing magic โ€“ perhaps a secret shop, a hidden garden, or maybe even a tutu youโ€™ve always dreamed of. The world is full of possibilities waiting to be discovered!

Until next time, darling! Stay pink, stay curious, and stay twirling!

Emma xx

P.S. Don't forget to check out my Instagram page for more pictures from my Ealing adventure! Just search for "pinktutuemma" โ€“ it's a tutu-filled haven of pink, ballet, and wanderlust!

#TutuBlog 2017-03-06 in Ealing with a american style tutu.