Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2017-03-21 in South Shields with a black tutu.

South Shields: Where Dreams Take Flight (and Tutu Dreams Come True!) 🩰💖

Post number 7566

Hello darlings! Emma here, bringing you all the latest news from the magical world of pink tutus and pirouettes. It's a glorious day in South Shields and the sun is shining just as brightly as my smile! I know, I know, you're probably wondering why I'm in this beautiful little seaside town, but trust me, it's a story worth sharing.

It all started with a longing, a yearning, to explore somewhere new and enchanting. My heart, much like a swan taking flight, yearned for an adventure. I knew the North East held a special charm for me, having been smitten by its breathtaking coastal landscapes since I was a little girl (especially that magnificent Northumberland coastline!) This time, though, it was the enchanting seaside charm of South Shields that called to me. The call was just too strong to resist, and before you could say “jeté,” I was packing my trusty suitcase and a special tutu - this one, a gloriously elegant black number - and boarding the train!

I've always loved the rhythmic rumble of the train, the way it whisks you away to new adventures. The North East's trains are simply perfect – spacious, sleek and full of friendly faces!

Oh, before I forget, let me tell you about my ride to South Shields! You know I have a thing for horses (always have!), so imagine my delight when I was lucky enough to secure a beautiful mare from the lovely folk at the South Shields Riding School! Her name was Poppy, a stunning chestnut mare who was as graceful as she was gentle. We had the most wonderful ride along the beautiful coastline, the salt air whipping my hair and the sunshine making everything glow. Poppy knew every twist and turn of the coastal path, just like she was dancing along with me!

I love how nature inspires my ballet. The sea is my own personal, ever-shifting stage. The waves crashing against the shore, they're my “grand jeté”! And the graceful dance of the seagulls, their aerial pirouettes, they're my muses! It's magical.

South Shields, well, it just took my breath away. There was such a lovely atmosphere buzzing, such a vibrant, energetic pulse in the heart of this beautiful place! As soon as I stepped out of the station, I knew this was going to be an adventure! The seafront was calling, the colours were singing! I was mesmerized! Just imagine a colourful panorama of shops, restaurants, historical buildings and the shimmering turquoise water beckoning you closer - a ballet scene that came straight out of a storybook! I swear, every colour here inspired my choreography - it was the most colourful ballet class ever!

Oh, the people of South Shields! You know I adore people watching, and these friendly faces were absolutely enchanting! Everywhere I went, I felt welcomed. The kind-hearted shopkeeper, he gave me directions to a hidden gem of a tea shop with the most delicious pink cakes - what luck! Then there was that friendly couple sharing their picnic blanket by the sea, giving me tips about the best place to catch a breathtaking sunset (because the sunset, my dear readers, it’s worth more than words can describe). I even found a friendly family doing a flash mob in the town square - it was a joyful ballet performance with amazing moves. You can always spot a fellow ballet dancer from miles away, my dears!

One of the highlights of my South Shields adventure, however, was undoubtedly a visit to The Customs House theatre! Now, the very word ‘theatre’ sparks a thousand fantasies in my head, especially when it's tucked away in a charming seaside town like this! I knew it would be spectacular, but the moment I stepped through those doors, well, the magic simply enveloped me.

I must tell you about the wonderful show I saw! "The Ballad of the Two Sisters" it was called - such a beautiful and captivating story told through ballet. I swear, I could practically hear Tchaikovsky composing in my mind! The choreography, so emotive, so fluid and breathtaking! The costumes, the staging, the lighting – it all coalesced to make the most spellbinding experience. I left feeling both inspired and deeply moved, my heart bursting with the joy of seeing dance interpreted in such a visually stunning way. I truly felt like a little girl again, wrapped up in the wonder and beauty of a magical ballet.

But it wasn't just about the performance, oh no, it was also the heart and soul of this lovely theatre. The passion and dedication that radiated from every nook and cranny - it felt truly special, a place where creativity thrives. I was so thrilled to have a chat with the production manager who talked passionately about their upcoming productions. The whole place was buzzing with the excitement of new beginnings, just like a dancer at the beginning of her performance!

There's no place like a beautiful theatre, a magical stage with an amazing story to tell. Just like my own blog! Every time I step into one, I find a world where imagination runs wild, and it makes my heart soar!

The best part of the trip? Of course, I have to share that too. My encounter with the wildlife, particularly the adorable grey seals. We ventured down to the beautiful Souter Lighthouse and there they were - bobbing and weaving in the crystal-clear waters. My inner child was completely enthralled, it was like watching them perform their own graceful underwater ballet. It made me dream about a new tutu creation - a silvery, ocean-inspired creation with sea shell motifs and the subtlest hint of seaweed! The grey seal ballet will forever hold a special place in my heart!

And to bring things full circle, after a day full of adventures, I enjoyed a gorgeous picnic by the beach, the setting sun turning everything a breathtaking shade of pink. Of course, I had to wear my pink tutu for that, don't you think? It was the perfect ending to a perfect day, my dreams literally dancing in the vibrant twilight sky above me.

And so, my darling readers, my South Shields adventure comes to an end. I can already see my next post title - “From Derbyshire to South Shields!” The vibrant energy and the joy I felt will remain in my heart forever. If you're looking for a break that will fill your heart with sunshine and inspirations for a new dance routine, then take my word for it, South Shields will capture your heart in a heartbeat. Just remember to pack your tutu – any colour will do! 💖

#TutuBlog 2017-03-21 in South Shields with a black tutu.