Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2017-03-27 in Rugby with a green tutu.

TutuBlog #7572: Rugby – Where the Scrum's Got Rhythm!

Hello, darlings! Emma here, back from a whirlwind trip to Rugby, a place not usually associated with the pirouette or the arabesque, but believe me, my tutu got its fair share of twirls in this charming town!

Now, I know what you're thinking: Rugby?! That's the home of…well, rugby, right? Absolutely, darling! And for a ballet aficionado like myself, that fact held a special kind of allure. It’s about finding the beauty in the unexpected, wouldn’t you say? A touch of ballerina in a rugby town? Now, that’s a challenge I was thrilled to take on!

After a perfectly delightful train journey (horseback was tempting, but alas, the luggage!), I landed in Rugby with the sun shining and my pink tutu practically screaming for a good dance. The place itself felt vibrant, bustling, and full of an undeniable energy. Imagine a perfect blend of countryside charm and the grit of a bustling town – it was captivating!

Naturally, I started with a proper visit to the Rugby World Museum – the perfect place to get into the spirit of the town, don't you think? The sheer power and history of rugby played out before my eyes – the grandeur, the athleticism, the teamwork… and you know, the parallels with ballet were astounding! We both require dedication, finesse, and an incredible amount of strength and grace. Maybe that's why I felt so at home there, amongst the towering scrummages and tackles.

Speaking of tackles, I was lucky enough to stumble upon the Rugby Town Hall, a building straight out of a Jane Austen novel, all imposing and charming. Its grandeur almost had me wanting to whip out a pirouette and greet the day!

Of course, I couldn't be in a place called Rugby and not experience the sport itself, right? So, I popped down to the Rugby Football Union, where they have some beautiful old grounds and even an opportunity to try your hand at kicking the ball. You should have seen me, darling – I wasn't bad at all, even with a pink tutu on! I surprised even myself – I'd clearly underestimated my own inner athleticism!

After all that action, a spot of tea was well-deserved. A delightful little tea room by the canal offered up the most delectable scones with clotted cream, a perfect accompaniment to my afternoon of exploration. As I sipped my tea and observed the quaint canal scenes, a sense of calmness settled over me, the serenity of nature contrasting with the energy I'd experienced earlier. It was pure bliss!

As the sun began to dip towards the horizon, I felt a little wistful. This lovely town had given me a taste of its vibrant heart, and it left me with a real desire to share its beauty with all of you. I was sure you would all love Rugby, just as much as I do.

Before departing for my journey back, I couldn't resist grabbing a local souvenir, something that would remind me of my day, and also serve as an incentive to get my tutu into gear for the next grand adventure! So, I went for something unusual, something truly 'Rugby,' yet perfectly suited for a ballerina: A rugby ball shaped tea cosy! Imagine the look on my friends' faces back home, darling, as I bring my hot water jug to the table, draped in this perfect emblem of Rugby's sportsmanship.

Rugby, with its charm and unyielding spirit, was a truly delightful escape for me, reminding me that even in places less traditionally “pink-tutu” territory, beauty and grace abound. Now, my darlings, you wouldn’t want me to go into this next journey alone, would you? So, go grab a pink tutu and join me! Where should we venture to next?

Keep twirling!

Love, Emma www.pink-tutu.com

#TutuBlog 2017-03-27 in Rugby with a green tutu.