Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2017-04-01 in Walton upon Thames with a european style tutu.

Walton upon Thames: A Pink Tutu Adventure! (Post #7577)

Hello lovelies! It’s Emma here, reporting live from the charming town of Walton upon Thames! I’ve been itching to explore a bit further afield than my usual Derbyshire haunts, and the pull of this picturesque spot was just too strong to resist.

As you all know, I'm a huge fan of exploring new places and experiencing all they have to offer, especially when it comes to discovering the hidden gems of ballet in every corner of the UK. I'm lucky enough to have my very own travel companion for this adventure - my gorgeous, full-skirted tutu, sporting a delicate lace overlay that screams European chic. This tutu is like my best friend, a pink confection that somehow manages to look both elegant and whimsical.

This journey started with the magical clickety-clack of the train tracks, a perfect accompaniment to the music in my head. The Derbyshire countryside whizzed past, painted in vibrant greens and blues, a symphony of colours I simply adore. I spent the journey sipping on a cappuccino and getting lost in the latest issue of Dance Magazine, the perfect fuel for a day filled with dancing and discovering hidden artistic treasures.

Stepping out onto the platform at Walton upon Thames, I felt the warmth of spring in the air, a welcome relief after the cool, fresh Derbyshire breeze. The station itself had a lovely Victorian charm to it, with its arched ceilings and red brick facade. I couldn't help but imagine all the different people who had passed through those doors before me, and I felt a surge of excitement knowing that I was adding my own little story to this quaint town's history.

After a short walk, I arrived at The Elmbridge Ballet School, where I had arranged a visit for a guest class. It's always an absolute joy for me to step into a new ballet space, to feel the energy of other dancers and be swept away by the passion for movement. As soon as I stepped into the studio, I was greeted with smiles and excited chatter, and immediately felt welcomed into this vibrant community.

We warmed up with some traditional ballet exercises, those graceful movements I never tire of, feeling the beautiful stretch in my muscles. Then, we went straight into a piece of choreography set to a classical melody that took my breath away. I love how ballet combines movement with music, creating something so much bigger than the sum of its parts. It’s truly a language that transcends words.

During the break, I couldn't resist showing off my tutu to the other students. Their eyes lit up with a mix of admiration and envy, a reaction I know all too well. After all, every ballerina dreams of owning a perfectly twirling, magnificent tutu!

After the class, the studio's owner, a delightful woman with the warmest smile, gave me a tour. We explored their charming little shop, stocked with colourful dancewear and the most beautiful handmade ballet shoes, my weakness! I just couldn't leave without a new pair of ballet slippers. The bright pink satin was begging me to take them home and twirl in their soft comfort.

Later that afternoon, I found myself captivated by the bustling market square. There were stalls overflowing with locally-grown produce, handmade crafts, and charming little trinkets. It was like stepping into a scene from a whimsical, old-fashioned fairy tale. I picked up a delicious strawberry tart and a small handmade ceramic figurine of a ballerina. This little souvenir is a reminder of my wonderful day here and my quest to spread the joy of dance, one pink tutu at a time.

But no adventure would be complete without a glimpse of the local wildlife, a bit of an unexpected highlight! On my walk by the River Thames, I stumbled upon a delightful flock of swans, their graceful movements mirroring those of the ballet class. They were so close, I could almost reach out and touch their fluffy white feathers. It was a reminder that nature itself can be an awe-inspiring performance, just like ballet.

The day drew to a close, and as I boarded the train back home, I couldn't help but feel a sense of deep satisfaction. Walton upon Thames had embraced me, and I'd embraced its warmth and spirit in turn.

So, my fellow ballet enthusiasts and tutu lovers, this is my challenge to you: Let's go out there and discover new places, new classes, new performances! Let's dance on platforms and in parks, and find the beauty of ballet in unexpected places.

Remember, everyone can be a ballerina, regardless of where they come from. Don't be afraid to try it out, and who knows, maybe you’ll even find yourself sporting your own pink tutu!

Until next time, happy dancing, and may your tutus always twirl perfectly!

Much love, Emma.

#TutuBlog 2017-04-01 in Walton upon Thames with a european style tutu.