Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2017-04-03 in Finchley with a italian tutu.

Finchley Fandango: A Tutu Tale (#7579)

Hello darlings! It's Emma here, your resident pink-tutu-clad ballet enthusiast, and I'm bursting with excitement to tell you all about my latest adventure! Today, I swapped the Derbyshire hills for the bustling streets of Finchley, and let me tell you, this little London trip was bursting with a touch of magic.

This week, I was in town to catch a fabulous ballet performance at the gorgeous Alexandra Palace. Oh my, I just can't resist a good old-fashioned theatre outing. It's something special, watching these incredible dancers bring a story to life right in front of you. It's like a beautiful, swirling dream!

My tutu choice for this event? Why, it was an absolute stunner! A luscious pink number with delicate frills, inspired by the Italian ballerinas of old. It’s like stepping straight out of a storybook, or a vintage film with a little dash of Audrey Hepburn. There’s something utterly magical about twirling in a tutu. It makes you feel invincible. Like you can achieve anything, like you're flying!

Now, before the show, I indulged in a spot of afternoon tea, which was every bit as charming as it sounds. It wasn’t just the delicate cakes and piping hot tea that I adored, but the ambience. I sat surrounded by bookshelves overflowing with stories of the Victorian era and even caught a glimpse of a friendly grey squirrel scampering up the old brickwork. This place had a certain vintage magic.

I even managed to squeeze in a little visit to the lovely Finchley Central. A trip to London always feels a little bit more special if you can arrive on a train! It’s a lovely little station with its arched entrance, high ceilings, and the smell of that freshly-baked sourdough. They should offer a ticket package with a baguette and a cup of strong black coffee – just my kind of station lunch.

Anyway, as we all know, London’s filled with incredible green spaces and luckily, Finchley Central has a truly beautiful one – Finchley Memorial Park! I couldn’t resist taking a wander in search of a bit of peace. You wouldn’t think you’d find it in such a bustling corner of London, but there it was: a serene lake filled with swans and a perfect little wooden gazebo bathed in sunlight.

My stroll around the park sparked a thought about how much joy can be found in simple moments. The sunshine filtering through the trees, the sounds of birdsong, even a mischievous squirrel or two dashing up and down the paths… they all contribute to making every moment a bit more special.

You know, it reminded me of a piece of advice my ballet teacher used to tell me: “Pay attention to the details, my dear. The subtle movements, the precise lines, the fleeting expression in a dancer's eye… It’s the details that make the whole thing come to life.” It's the same in everyday life too. Embrace the details. Take the time to appreciate them, however small.

And speaking of ballet, it’s amazing how it seeps into every part of my life. My love for tutus is only matched by my love of all things pink. My favourite spot in Finchley Memorial Park was nestled amongst a glorious bed of cherry blossom. The light was just divine and I simply had to capture it all in a photo – twirling in my pink tutu, the beautiful, soft pink blossom showering down around me, creating a perfect tableau. A ballerina in her element.

Honestly, it’s an absolute dream to combine my passion for ballet, my love for London, and a touch of whimsical pink in the mix. It’s a delightful way to get my heart beating, my imagination swirling and my smile glowing!

So, as my Finchley Fandango draws to a close, I just wanted to leave you with this: embrace the pink, embrace the twirling, and above all, embrace your passion!

Remember darlings, the world needs more tutus! And if you can find your own way to express your inner ballerina, well, that's pure magic.

See you tomorrow, on the pink side!

Emma xoxo


#TutuBlog 2017-04-03 in Finchley with a italian tutu.