
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2017-04-07 in Waterlooville with a heavy tutu.

Waterlooville Whirl: A Tutu-tastic Trip! (Post #7583)

Hello darlings! Emma here, your resident pink tutu enthusiast, and Iā€™m practically pirouetting with excitement because guess what?! Iā€™m in the lovely, slightly unexpected, but totally charming town of Waterlooville, Hampshire! And wouldn't you know it, this pink-loving ballet bunny hopped right onto a train ā€“ always the romantic, eh? - to get here.

The journey was absolutely delightful, a tapestry of sunshine and sprawling countryside whizzing by the window. I do love a good train trip, you know? It's so wonderfully old-fashioned and a little bit glamorous, donā€™t you think? Like stepping out of a Jane Austen novel ā€“ with the addition of a sparkly pink tutu, of course!

So, why Waterlooville, you ask? Well, let me spill the pink teaā€¦

The glorious "Hampshire Ballet Company" is holding their annual summer production, a stunning adaptation of "Swan Lake." I canā€™t wait to be swept away by the magic of the classic story! Itā€™s been a while since I've truly immersed myself in the elegance and grace of ballet, and Waterlooville seems like the perfect setting for it. Imagine the beautiful, classical dance, the plush red velvet seats, andā€¦ the tutus! You canā€™t possibly imagine how excited I am to witness the breathtaking beauty of the Swan Lake choreography. Oh, and of course, I'll be decked out in my very best pink tutu - just imagine the photos!

But, hold on! This trip is about more than just swan-themed elegance and theatrical brilliance.

First things first, I am utterly obsessed with exploring hidden gems of the British Isles. And Waterlooville, with its quirky charm, fits that bill perfectly. Just look at those quaint shops, those lovely parks with their manicured greenery, the beautiful, traditional brick housesā€¦ Honestly, it's a picture straight out of my dreams! And I bet thereā€™s a lovely little bakery somewhere tucked away, waiting to offer up some tempting pastries - perhaps even pink ones! fingers crossed

And while the town is lovely, you can bet your ballet shoes that Emma is also embracing the beauty of the wider area. Hampshire is known for its gorgeous natural scenery ā€“ rolling green hills, sparkling rivers, and acres of forest. Itā€™s simply begging for a bit of twirling! Imagine, twirling under the boughs of an ancient oak tree, feeling the fresh air against my cheek, the wind catching my tutu and twirling it like a bright pink butterfly. I just know I'm going to have a fabulous photoshoot, you know?! It'll be my prettiest "Pink Tutu & Nature" spread yet!

And speaking of nature, Hampshire boasts an abundance of wildlife ā€“ think deer grazing in sunny meadows, owls hooting from the trees, and foxes slyly slipping between the shadows. How lucky we are to have these creatures sharing our beautiful countryside! Maybe I'll catch a glimpse of a little grey squirrel on my adventure! It's always a delight to spot them darting amongst the trees. You can see their tiny faces, the fluffy tails twitching and their big eyes glancing around inquisitively. Just picture itā€¦ pink tutu in the sunshine, and a tiny grey squirrel scampering nearby. Now wouldn't that be a totally unexpected, but wonderful photo to capture?

Before we delve into my adventure though, I simply must mention that my goal in life, beyond living my best life in a pink tutu, is to inspire everyone to discover the joys of ballet! Because everyone, literally EVERYONE, has a ballerina inside of them just waiting to leap out. This amazing form of art has brought me joy and grace, confidence and strength. Itā€™s a world of elegant moves, enchanting storytelling, and powerful expression ā€“ not to mention gorgeous costumes! Honestly, whatā€™s not to love?

Okay, now letā€™s get down to business ā€“ a breakdown of my fabulous, tutu-filled trip, just for you, my dear readers!

Day One:

Arriving at Waterlooville station, I practically jumped off the train, I was so excited! This town was charming ā€“ imagine the cobblestones, the pretty little shops with their hanging flower baskets, and that old, slightly creaky swing bridge Iā€™m hoping to findā€¦ And there were little cafes and bakeries all around! I immediately spotted the one I was destined for ā€“ with the prettiest pastel pink sign! A must-visit, I reckon.

Right away, I had to do my usual Emma thing ā€“ capture the mood, you know? So, with my pink tutu swirling around me, I started with a few Instagram-worthy shots. The old-fashioned streetlamps, the brick-built houses, the bustling cafesā€¦ oh, and let's not forget the vibrant flowers adorning everything! Itā€™s so beautiful, honestly!

In the afternoon, I popped into the town's museum - such an old Victorian building! I adore a good dose of history ā€“ gives me so much inspiration for writing about the era of my pink tutu ancestors, haha! It was filled with treasures from the local area - all these intriguing pieces that spoke to stories from the past. And the most exciting part? An exhibit on ballet! They have an old costume on display, oh, and a poster of the original ā€œSwan Lake,ā€ just as enchanting as it ever was.

And of course, I spent some time indulging in delicious delights at the bakery! My heart sang with each fluffy bun and delightful pastry ā€“ they were truly scrumptious!

And after an evening spent watching the sun set over the Hampshire hills, I finished the day by enjoying a ballet class at the "Hampshire Dance Studio." A gorgeous little space with mirrors galore, a stunning dance floor, and a wonderfully friendly bunch of dancers. Itā€™s clear to see they share my love for the art, so I quickly bonded with them over tutustories (believe me, you havenā€™t lived until youā€™ve heard a ballet dancer gossip over a tutu). I canā€™t wait to catch up with them again tomorrow, especially after I watch ā€œSwan Lakeā€!

Day Two:

So this is the day ā€“ ā€œSwan Lakeā€ performance at Waterloovilleā€™s theatre!

It was truly a magnificent show - the costumes were dazzling, the choreography elegant and fluid, and the performers were captivating. Honestly, it's something you must see!

After the performance, I spent an afternoon meandering through the local wildlife park. So lovely - it was so quiet and peaceful, with animals going about their daily business. From deer to swans to majestic owls, it was such a perfect day of beauty and serenity! And of course, my camera was at the ready. I have the best pictures, believe me!

In the evening, it was back to the dance studio to relax and swap stories with the other ballet dancers. A delicious dinner of fish and chips (classic British food!), and we all shared our experiences and dreams. Itā€™s moments like this, full of joy and connection, that remind me why I love my journey! Itā€™s about more than pink tutus - itā€™s about spreading the joy and wonder of ballet, connecting with others, and embracing life's adventures with a light heart and a twirling spirit.

Iā€™ll leave you with this ā€“ thereā€™s something for everyone in Waterlooville! A taste of history, breathtaking scenery, captivating theatre performances, and a lively ballet community!

So, my dearest readers, do follow my lead ā€“ go and explore somewhere new, embrace the magic of ballet, and let your spirit soar, in a pink tutu if you like!

Catch you on my next adventure, my little ballerina butterflies!

*Love and pink tutus, *



#TutuBlog 2017-04-07 in Waterlooville with a heavy tutu.