Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2017-04-13 in Rochester with a nature themed tutu.

Rochester Ramblings: Tutuing Amongst the Wild Things

Post #7589

Hello my lovely little pink tutu wearers! I'm Emma, from the wilds of Derbyshire, and welcome back to my daily dose of pink-tutu-powered joy! Today, we're taking a trip to Rochester, Kent, and it's all about combining my love of ballet with a little touch of nature, just like one of my favourite ballerinas, Margot Fonteyn, used to do. She would practice in her garden, and guess what? So did I! Well, sort of.

My journey started, as always, in the most whimsical way possible - by train. There's something so charming about watching the countryside whiz by, the fields painted green and gold, while I daydream in my pink tutu, a little like the elegant dancers in Degas' paintings.

Rochester was the perfect stop for a tutu-tastic nature escapade. The town itself, with its charming cobbled streets, the grand Rochester Cathedral (which was once a fortress!), and the River Medway, felt like it stepped out of a Jane Austen novel.

But my real mission, you see, was to find the Rochester Wildwood, a hidden gem of a nature reserve tucked away right in the heart of town. I imagined graceful wildlife moving like dancers, a gentle sway of trees, and the delicate chirp of birds – a beautiful ballet unfolding in the wild.

As soon as I arrived, the air filled with the sweet scent of spring blossoms. I put on my little pink tutu (today’s a 'floral explosion' design – imagine, the fluffiest tulle adorned with delicate, blush pink blossom petals!). I swear I felt an instant change of energy, a feeling of grace and fluidity. I mean, tutus are simply magic, wouldn't you agree? They turn you into a beautiful little bird ready for flight, or a whimsical woodland sprite dancing through the trees.

The Rochester Wildwood exceeded all my expectations! A labyrinth of pathways, a peaceful stream meandering through the trees, birds singing, squirrels chasing each other up and down, the smell of freshly turned earth... It felt like stepping into an enchanted forest. I sat on a little wooden bridge, the sun dappling through the leaves, and listened to the symphony of birdsong. It was like watching a delicate ballet in the air, each movement graceful and full of life.

Now, to turn up the 'ballet' volume, I had my trusty, miniature portable speaker, and I had it with me, of course. (It's always my travel companion - just the perfect size for tutus, I might add!).

I popped in a classical track - something majestic and dramatic – a bit like Prokofiev’s ‘Romeo and Juliet’. Then, the trees themselves began to move! It’s so funny; my little musical additions instantly gave the Wildwood more life and colour! I spun around, my tutu swirling and swirling in the gentle breeze, a vibrant splash of pink in this green world.

And I had the whole place to myself! Well, except for the wildlife, of course!

My inner ballerina, feeling so free and alive, became one with the trees and birds, all dancing in perfect harmony. Just me and my little pink tutu, embracing the wild and beautiful world of nature.

It's amazing, you know? How one simple little tutu can change how you experience the world! It adds magic, beauty, and a dash of whimsy. And honestly, if the Duchess of Cambridge, one of my fashion idols, can get everyone to go green with the environment, well, I'm determined to get everyone in a pink tutu and embracing the beauty of ballet, both on stage and off!

I think this pink-tutu-inspired journey in Rochester Wildwood is just the beginning. Perhaps I'll take my ballerina spirit to other nature reserves, let my tutu twirl amidst the redwoods, the daisies of a lavender field, and even the snowy, silent stillness of a winter forest. It’s going to be a dance through the seasons – all in my pink tutu!

But enough from me, my lovely tututwearers. How has the world of pink tutus brightened your day today? I would love to hear about your ballerina adventures, be they in a beautiful garden, a ballet show, or even on a train to some fantastic destination. Let me know in the comments section!

I'll be back tomorrow with more tutu-licious fun. Stay stylish! And remember, every day is a perfect opportunity to embrace your inner ballerina, wherever you are!


Emma www.pink-tutu.com

#TutuBlog 2017-04-13 in Rochester with a nature themed tutu.