Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2017-04-19 in Bangor with a german tutu.

Bangor Bound, Tutu in Tow! 💅🩰

Hey, my darling lovelies! It's Emma, your friendly neighbourhood pink-tutu-wearing ballerina, back with another exciting blog post! 💃💖

This one's special, darlings! It's post number 7595 - can you believe it? I'm positively bursting with joy to share my recent adventure with you all. It all started in my beloved Derbyshire, with a hankering for a grand, good old-fashioned train journey. The lure of a performance at the majestic theatre in Bangor, Wales was just too strong to resist! I just knew a theatre trip had to be accompanied by a splendid new tutu – I couldn’t leave it in my London flat, darling! So I went on a treasure hunt to the quaintest vintage shop, right by my ballet class (yes, I always pop into class on my travels!). The lady running it had the most wonderful smile and knew exactly what I meant when I mentioned "something grand for the stage"! The one I picked had just the right touch of elegance and had a dash of sparkle that shimmered as beautifully as my dreams!

After a cheeky visit to the tea shop opposite for some of their divine lavender scones, it was time to catch the train! Ah, the magic of rail travel! Watching the countryside speed by through the windows always calms me, I can't deny it! My favourite part is always gazing out at the wildlife; we passed a majestic herd of horses just as I started my train journey. Talk about beautiful! You’ve all heard about horse ballets, right? whispers conspiratorially There’s a rumour that I’ll be taking ballet classes with them at some point... Stay tuned for an update on that, lovelies!

I spent the train ride catching up on some important research, darling – researching new tutu designers! I've always adored fashion, and there are just SO many amazing designs in the world. I'm positively inspired! Imagine… a tutu made from the petals of roses... or one shimmering like a rainbow? Oh the possibilities, my darlings! But for now, it's back to the world of pink, as it always will be, of course. 💖

A Night at the Theatre in Bangor! 🎭 ✨

Bangor itself is positively charming! Cobblestone streets, friendly faces, and even a rather splendid pink-painted bakery, perfect for indulging my love of all things pink, naturally! Now, you all know how much I adore going to ballet performances, but this one was extra special. It felt almost as if they were just putting on a performance just for me. 🩰 I must confess, it was one of the most exciting shows I've seen this year! The stage was set with a magnificent, gothic-inspired set and the choreography was pure magic! They even managed to weave in some traditional Welsh folk dance steps – pure artistry at its finest! I know, you must be dying to hear more about this divine show, right? Well, you’ll just have to trust me for now, darlings.

One thing I found incredibly enchanting was how enthusiastic everyone in the theatre was about ballet. It was truly heartwarming to see, everyone dressed in their best (I of course made sure I looked spectacular – did I tell you about the fabulous pink dress and matching handbag? – Oh my, they really complimented my tutu!) The energy of the theatre made the whole experience absolutely electric, it’s not often I feel such a profound connection with a theatre audience! It just felt… oh so glamorous! I could have danced with joy the whole evening, really. 💖

The Magic of Ballet! 🩰

It was that wonderful buzz I get after a good show that inspired my little challenge for you, darling! You all know I'm obsessed with spreading the joy of ballet – it’s the purest form of self-expression, you know, just letting your emotions loose!

So here it is: My challenge to you lovely readers: *for the next week, every day, when you’re on the go, for even just 3 minutes, give it your all! It could be anything - a little arabesque by your favourite window or a sequence of bourrées while waiting at the bus stop, darling! It’s all about having fun and letting your spirit take flight! And of course, I wouldn't be doing this if I didn’t make it super fabulous! Why not whip up your most dazzling pink ensemble – it could be a simple pink scarf, some pink glitter on your lips – anything that adds a dash of pink to your day, my dear! ✨ And while you’re at it, why not capture your little ballet moves for a chance to be featured on my blog! *

Remember, lovelies, life is an enchanting ballet in itself. You are all my dear dance partners, and it’s with every step we take together that the true magic unfolds.💖

So get twirling, my loves! I'll be catching up with you all tomorrow with even more exciting updates! Until then, keep the pink flowing, and never forget to live your life as beautifully as a ballet! ✨

Love, Emma xoxo


#TutuBlog 2017-04-19 in Bangor with a german tutu.