Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2017-04-27 in Royal Tunbridge Wells with a classic tutu.

Royal Tunbridge Wells: Tutu Time! 🌸🩰 #7603

Hello my lovelies! 💖 It’s Emma here, your resident pink tutu enthusiast, and today, I’m bringing you sunshine from the beautiful spa town of Royal Tunbridge Wells! It's been a whirlwind few days, and trust me, there's plenty of pink tutu-worthy action to share with you all!

Before I get into all the glitzy details, let's get a quick dose of nature. My journey down from Derbyshire started in a most delightful way – aboard a steam train! The smell of coal smoke, the rhythmic chugging, and the verdant countryside whizzing past... it was magical! Plus, I got to do something that I always wanted – wear a tutu on the train! (Of course, I chose a beautiful baby pink one with layers and layers of tulle, and the other passengers definitely gave me some admiring glances - haha!)

Now, for the main event! My arrival in Royal Tunbridge Wells coincided with a very special event - the Tunbridge Wells Festival! Imagine, live music, street performers, a buzzing market filled with artisan treats, and of course, the iconic Pantiles!

I did some window shopping, indulging in a delightful afternoon tea with scones, jam, and cream, and of course, I found the cutest little pink cardigan to add to my ever-growing collection.

Later that evening, it was time to indulge my true passion – ballet! The Tunbridge Wells Ballet School was holding a special gala performance, featuring both a classical ballet and a contemporary piece. The energy in the theater was electric. You could almost feel the magic swirling around the auditorium! The ballerinas were simply divine; their grace and fluidity took my breath away. I felt my inner ballerina swelling with excitement and joy!

Here’s a confession… when the contemporary piece finished, I was so moved that I almost rushed onto the stage! I've always loved the power of contemporary dance. It allows the dancers to tell stories through their movements and emotions, and it was just… well, it was magical! I can't describe it without sounding like a fangirl, but I loved every second of it.

But you know me, right? My life isn't just about watching ballet; it's about living it! I always have my dance shoes tucked into my suitcase. I found a quaint ballet studio just a stone’s throw from my hotel and joined a beginners' class. Let's just say it's a good thing I love pink because I had my moment of utter "newbie" shame! Trying to balance on one leg with the other straight out behind me? My coordination was abysmal! But I pushed through the giggles and, believe me, that sense of accomplishment afterwards was incredible.

You know, after years of seeing the professional ballet world, I had completely forgotten how much fun the simple joy of movement is. That's why I truly believe everyone should experience the magic of ballet – be it attending a show, taking a class, or just putting on a tutu in the privacy of your own home. (I promise, the twirling alone is enough to brighten any day!)

Before I bid farewell to Royal Tunbridge Wells, we had one last stop – a beautiful nature reserve just a short walk from the town center. There, I spotted the cutest little squirrel, a family of swans gliding serenely on the lake, and even a pair of shy deer peeking out from the bushes. The gentle breeze, the bird songs, the green meadows... it was the perfect end to a whirlwind day.

My trip to Royal Tunbridge Wells was packed with excitement, grace, and a touch of pink tutu magic! And the best part? I’m heading to Edinburgh next! So stay tuned for more travel tales, ballet adventures, and of course, plenty of pink!

Don’t forget to leave me a comment and tell me about your favourite tutu adventures! Until next time, twirl with joy and always remember - it’s a tutu-full world out there! 💕🩰

#TutuBlog 2017-04-27 in Royal Tunbridge Wells with a classic tutu.